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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
No. She doesn't play in good faith and negatively impacts every game she plays. I've zero time for juice and won't be nice to her.
THIS is the reaction I was expecting this game from the majority of players

I do think the crude insults weaken your argument, otherwise you're completely on point

At the risk of annoying you-

Actually you're on point in general, if you carved the demeaning remarks out of your points you'd be able and more likely to lead to a town victory - I think players like Orca or Flower would be more willing to follow you if you captured the essence like you normally do (this player did X, don't want to entertain Y and it's obstructive to the game) rather than going for the jugular which takes some people out of the game

It's your choice, of course

You're a smart fella, but I'd say for some (not all) vitriol diminishes the weight of your arguments against players and discredits you as an unintended consequence

Kind of want to see how you as a town leader would carry in a game where you bit your tongue, there may even be more town wins if you appealed to player pathos instead of denigration and ethos.

/thought experiment


Deflection. The point isn't that you shouldn't be town reading him, it's that you know how to read him and that read is produced by how much of an aggressive cock he's being and has nothing to do with the quality of his takes, ergo it doesn't make sense to follow him.

Also given that your read on Polar was very much fence sitting you hitching your wagon here feels even more insincere.

Finally you're insinuating a scum read on me but haven't actually said anything about it either way, what gives?

So what we've learned today is "i trust him (town read) more than you" means i have scum read on you. Idk what to make of you yet. But yeah, this "chuck doesn't know what's going on so he's scum" bs doesn't make me any feel better abount you especially after how i played in your own game here.

Have i hammered Polar? No. Am i going to stop lynch on ??? unless i have Polar lynch? No. This is best thing i have rn so i put my vote there, as if it wasn't obvious


THIS is the reaction I was expecting this game from the majority of players

I do think the crude insults weaken your argument, otherwise you're completely on point

At the risk of annoying you-

Actually you're on point in general, if you carved the demeaning remarks out of your points you'd be able and more likely to lead to a town victory - I think players like Orca or Flower would be more willing to follow you if you captured the essence like you normally do (this player did X, don't want to entertain Y and it's obstructive to the game) rather than going for the jugular which takes some people out of the game

It's your choice, of course

You're a smart fella, but I'd say for some (not all) vitriol diminishes the weight of your arguments against players and discredits you as an unintended consequence

Kind of want to see how you as a town leader would carry in a game where you bit your tongue, there may even be more town wins if you appealed to player pathos instead of denigration and ethos.

/thought experiment

Just gonna put them on ignore and get on with it.

I'm happy to get a claim from Hime, evaluate and then move on to Chuck. I'll let you lot deal with Juice when needed


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
I forgot Watson is Retro for a second.

I also find it mildly annoying that no one is addressing my Polar/Orca point. Like the fact that their posts feel too out of pocket and directionless, almost troll like but alright. I'll stop talking about them for now ig.


The Best Dog
the fact they still insist on calling me Juice, should speak volumes in just general respect for other players.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I forgot Watson is Retro for a second.

I also find it mildly annoying that no one is addressing my Polar/Orca point. Like the fact that their posts feel too out of pocket and directionless, almost troll like but alright. I'll stop talking about them for now ig.
Never stop talking, always move forward.

I think we should all make a list of people we don‘t want lynched today btw.

Mine is Gad, Fang, Watson.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
God damn I love Retro. I think the nukes could be falling and they'd be giving out funny t-shirts and hi-fiving everyone.
Most people are very lucky and underestimate if they draw my ire bad things will happen

I think I've established this in the past

As long as it's contained in a page or two and doesn't go past the 3 page mark, it's whatever - shit gets heated, people pop off
It's continuing this that hurts the game and disrupts from actually solving

And also not something OLF is going for

Respect that and Ral and I let you live, simple

Regardless any pressing concerns and issues with specific players will need to be addressed with the hostess herself so please do so

My weakness is understanding player's priorities for ethos based arguments and handwaving pathos (which I understand if their nice side has been abused hence why people bite)
I find the good with the bad, the logic with the emotional - a lot of lads here do have fair points and criticisms, it just gets muddied by ad hominems



I forgot Watson is Retro for a second.

I also find it mildly annoying that no one is addressing my Polar/Orca point. Like the fact that their posts feel too out of pocket and directionless, almost troll like but alright. I'll stop talking about them for now ig.
They are twins. Thus they have similarities in approach and thought. I don't think they're trolling but I also don't agree with a no lynch


I forgot Watson is Retro for a second.

I also find it mildly annoying that no one is addressing my Polar/Orca point. Like the fact that their posts feel too out of pocket and directionless, almost troll like but alright. I'll stop talking about them for now ig.
I'm not ignoring it (though I was ignoring the whale)

Just wanted to see if all the creatures of the arctic would flip to me at EoD given the pressure on penguini, the random Polar Bear flip to me (and then off lmao) and ofcourse the whale tunnel that never made sense.
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