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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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But a wagon on me already has zero pull and no one was really deadset on me being scum so this is kind of coming out of left field for me

Why are you announcing I'm town in the way Flower usually does in order to protect from future lynches?

What's the point of this, exactly?

Or are you not paying attention
You're anxious enough to panick as cop and think you'll get lynched. It has nothing to do with the present. You don't die early as town and get late into games. Hence why it's optimal to make it clear if I feel your slot is obvious town.


Come on, seriously. You need to let that shit go. This is just bad
No. She doesn't play in good faith and negatively impacts every game she plays. I've zero time for juice and won't be nice to her.

That being said I want to see if Hime is ducking so let's get her in claim territory and see what happens

vote: hime

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
You're anxious enough to panick as cop and think you'll get lynched. It has nothing to do with the present. You don't die early as town and get late into games. Hence why it's optimal to make it clear if I feel your slot is obvious town.


Charles knows Fang isn't the resident scholar of obtaining scum lynches even if he's reading him town. Charles doesn't ignore me/Magic's read on Polar with such brazen confidence in the power of Aurelian. Fake.

i mean, if you're confident about me being scum, vote me already instead of throwing shade comments one after another

i trust him more than you atm


Also I got MVP on a recent game on FV - and was the farthest from throwing in the last W/G game.
Also RDK - I wasn't the first person you voted for. So your vote actually feels sort of performative. I wasn't your first vote today. If you cared so much about me "being in this game" i think you would have just voted me first.
Fuck off you lunatic


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Frinck gets a harder town lean

Unless he's playing the long game

Now I find it far more realistic that most would solve his slot through other means and adjust how they deal with him compared to the stark contract with Penguin where the majority can't be assed

Lack of people wanting a Penguin lynch I don't buy, given the constant fatigue and rough housing

It's interesting, is all

I presume scum doesn't want to get their hands on the wagon for whatever reason, but it's stuck out to me the most
So, I'll apologize first cause I'm mentally exhausted and my brain checked out on your previous post the moment you referenced other games but... Is the bolded a read? Like is it concerning because you feel like there should be a push?
wouldn't say it's nothing, disagree all you want but nothing? nah
He's trolling
I possess the rare gift of being able to change my mind
Tis a rare gift indeed. I meant what happened to make it change tho
I think, if she‘s scum and her mates aren‘t exactly Polar or Orca they‘re more willing to push for the wagon than not
Polar and Orca have not exactly done anything tho. Am I mistaken here? They feel more like batshit anarchists than someone doing anything meaningful. I'll say it again, they're throwing shit everywhere and fucking about. None of Orca's "It's serious and I want this" posts make sense.
He doesn't try to shade any of them, he's just trying to press for more posts from each of these posters
Same as above, have they actually done something to merit this observation?
Idk Magic just seems weird this game. Usually I would have a read on him by now at that point, but I don‘t yet.
I agree tbh. I'm gonna just say it's genuinely what he said was the reason and we might just have to come back to this D2


Leprous Monarch
Charles knows Fang isn't the resident scholar of obtaining scum lynches even if he's reading him town. Charles doesn't ignore me/Magic's read on Polar with such brazen confidence in the power of Aurelian. Fake.
Yeet chuckie? I'm down


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
I'm also down with Penguin more than ever now if we can't get Polar or nipples rn. I feel like she's done enough saying she'll finally be active and ended up not doing that, that I feel something's up besides out of game reasons. She's given us next to nothing here.


The Best Dog
what is more funny. Is RDK is someone I forgave for being a group of people who screenshot a picture of me, and started it sharing it around the internet without my consent. But you know - losing my mind in a few mafia games makes me the worst person in the world. LOL


i mean, if you're confident about me being scum, vote me already instead of throwing shade comments one after another

i trust him more than you atm

Deflection. The point isn't that you shouldn't be town reading him, it's that you know how to read him and that read is produced by how much of an aggressive cock he's being and has nothing to do with the quality of his takes, ergo it doesn't make sense to follow him.

Also given that your read on Polar was very much fence sitting you hitching your wagon here feels even more insincere.

Finally you're insinuating a scum read on me but haven't actually said anything about it either way, what gives?


what is more funny. Is RDK is someone I forgave for being a group of people who screenshot a picture of me, and started it sharing it around the internet without my consent. But you know - losing my mind in a few mafia games makes me the worst person in the world. LOL
You stole a picture of some chick on the internet and pretended it was you, you're a complete psychopath
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