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OBD Convo #15: Gather, Ye War Pigs

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Now now come on I know Rwby be ass but surely they ain't that weak

Spoken like someone who hasn't watched any of the series past Volume 3.
We've had characters suddenly explode in power and then become completely worthless another volume later.
Characters like Adam who basically styled on Blake and Yang suddenly gets easily intercepted by Blake 2 volumes later... and is suddenly a major threat to her... and then gets wrecked by Yang, neither of who actually trained at all since Volume 3 or the Timeskip.

We have Maiden Cinder putting a decent fight against Maiden Raven and only losing due to inexperience... only to later lose to Newly crowned Maidens Penny and Winter despite there barely being any real time they have become Maidens and their power isn't even close to what the former 2 did Volumes ago.
Ruby was effortlessly taken down by The Hound(fine) but then was knocked unconscious(and Aura gone) for minutes from a basic bitch fall she can easily take because she fell back first.
Blake is easily then nearly killed by a basic Grimm that same barely conscious Ruby took out in ONE SWING.
And Yang was instantly taken out, Semblance and Aura all in ONE HIT from Neo, despite her no selling Adam and no, Neo didn't get better, she lost to a fucking GRANNY earlier that Season.

RWBY is deserving of it.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Mook91: Oh but you see Weiss was capable of seeing a bullet in V4! That definitely means that they're the same as they were in V1-3!
After all the shit Mooks done over Tes (including not only stonewalling, hypocrisy and anal retentive nitpicks, but also wilful lying, flaming and poisoning the well), this is the fate he deserves.

Now even Belethor clears team RWBY 10/10 times.
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