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OBD Convo #19: Everything is Energy

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>AEW does a retarded twist on the CM Punk vs. Jon Moxley Feud by having CM Mid lose to Moxley because "Broken Foot" acting up again
>Randomly goes into some retarded spiel that he can't do it again and some random fuck told him to quit being a bitch and get the title back, everyone basically groans that the match was worthless.
>CM Punk gets the title back again now
>MJF doesn't even cash his "Chip" on CM Punk and win the Title off of CM Punk while he's weak, not like it matters as he finally returns after being benched and off of T.V. for 3 months

For fuck's sake, this proves Tony is basically a massive fucking hack and the people slurping this up need to get off of themselves. That PPV was a disgrace and I didn't even touch on the most retarded parts of it.

I have never felt this let down even compared to the worst of the WWE or even WCW or even fucking TNA.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
I'm assuming I'm correct in my assumption of it spitting on Tolkien's legacy essentially?
It's spitting on the legacy while also desperately grasping for member berries, yes.

There's a scene which directly tries to riff on the scene with Sam and Frodo where Sam's all like "of course you're going alone...AND I'M COMING WITH YOU!" except Gadalriel* ties herself to a weighted pole on a broken piece of ship in the middle of a storm and almost gets dragged to the bottom of the ocean and some human she only just met dives down to save her.

This is after Galadriel jumped off the elven ship right before it entered Valinor and decided to swim back to Middle Earth and almost falls victim to dehydration/exhaustion as a result.

*This character is just as much Galadriel as Luke in TLJ is Luke Skywalker

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member


@Nevermind @Darth Nihilus
Your AEW Champion everybody. Literally gets a live mic, basically buries The Elite, Hangman Page, Colt Cobana and even MJF, the person whose supposed to be the next feud with him all in this Media press outlet...

...Why did you let this narcissistic asshole get the Championship again Tony? Or are you still not done sucking the man's dick yet?

...Tony... I'm honest to god so done with AEW and taking it seriously, you have no fucking idea.
So Tony, you feel intimidated by how badly Triple H and Steph smoked you at Clash At The Castle and their programming of WWE?
So instead of actually fixing the issues of AEW, you are just going to toss around more money instead?
This is why people call you a Money Mark because all you are doing is PROVING THEM RIGHT, you fucking dork!

Darth Nihilus

V.I.P. Member

@Nevermind @Darth Nihilus
Your AEW Champion everybody. Literally gets a live mic, basically buries The Elite, Hangman Page, Colt Cobana and even MJF, the person whose supposed to be the next feud with him all in this Media press outlet...

...Why did you let this narcissistic asshole get the Championship again Tony? Or are you still not done sucking the man's dick yet?

And this is why the only brand I care about right now is the OBD brand

Everything else has turned to a shitshow


V.I.P. Member

@Nevermind @Darth Nihilus
Your AEW Champion everybody. Literally gets a live mic, basically buries The Elite, Hangman Page, Colt Cobana and even MJF, the person whose supposed to be the next feud with him all in this Media press outlet...

...Why did you let this narcissistic asshole get the Championship again Tony? Or are you still not done sucking the man's dick yet?

...Tony... I'm honest to god so done with AEW and taking it seriously, you have no fucking idea.
So Tony, you feel intimidated by how badly Triple H and Steph smoked you at Clash At The Castle and their programming of WWE?
So instead of actually fixing the issues of AEW, you are just going to toss around more money instead?
This is why people call you a Money Mark because all you are doing is PROVING THEM RIGHT, you fucking dork!

So no MJF interference in the match? Punk just straight up defeats the big bad Mox less than two weeks after getting squashed like a bug. Fortunately I do think MJF will end Punk's reign soon-ish but this was a shit show. Maybe I'll try watching again when MJF is champion but I'm done until then.
And this is why the only brand I care about right now is the OBD brand

Everything else has turned to a shitshow

I honestly can't even blame people who are done with both brands at this point anymore for various reasons.

So no MJF interference in the match? Punk just straight up defeats the big bad Mox less than two weeks after getting squashed like a bug. Fortunately I do think MJF will end Punk's reign soon-ish but this was a shit show. Maybe I'll try watching again when MJF is champion but I'm done until then.
Just saw that Danielson lost to Jericho.

Wow. Absolute dumpster fire.

I honestly gave AEW alot of chances but felt it's "Workrate over Stories" was basically stifling any real chance of people actually caring for the brand as a whole(As all Indie shows are technically just AEW-lite) with pretty much Cody and Brandi keeping up the entire brand primarily because it was their kid.
They absolutely did go way too far without a filter but I blame that at Tony Khan for not gaining a fucking spine and actually getting competent bookers or anything worth a damn...
Now though? MJF wins the MITB-Style "Chip"? Literally doesn't cash it in.
CM Mid somehow wins despite being squashed 2 weeks ago over "the complications in his foot" only to treat it like nothing happened a week later?
Luchasaurus literally re-turns on Jungle Boy and Christian squashes him flat in seconds, destroying all of that story's potential and not dragging it out?
Jericho defeats Bryan Danielson, who has still yet to get a win worth a damn?

And then you have this... absolutely horrible excuse of a display by your goddamned AEW Champion and people somehow think that shit is a "Worked Shoot" despite Colt Cobana and CM Punk have an actual real life shit happening, and The Elite and Hangman Page aren't even feuding with him. Like jesus fuck, WCW Speedrun allegations are completely true... except that's an insult to WCW as they was actually defeating WWE in the ratings and actually being something people wanted.
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