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Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

1) The game doesn't really justify why the Bearers are treated so excessively poorly. Surely there must be more to it than just them being slaves, though maybe history will prove us wrong.

Yeah you kind of hit the nail on the head with history proving you wrong. Humans don't really need a specific reason to treat other humans horribly. We need look no farther than how slaves were treated in real world history, which the Bearer's plight is meant to simulate and it does so very well.

If the Bearers were responsible for the Blight in some way, they wouldn't be enslaved or treated like they are in-game, they would be hunted down and slaughtered en masse. So that "fix" not only doesn't address the non-issue but would actually make their treatment make less sense if you kept everything else the same.

2) If the Blight is such a threat, why don't townspeople talk about it more and why are Clive and the Bearers able to live within it so easily?

In fairness we do constantly have the royals and the people who make it their business to know what's going on in the world, discussing the Blight and how fucked the world is. The Townspeople wouldn't really know much as their only exposure to the Blight would be the refugees who flee to their towns and they would be more focused on that aspect.

A bit disingenuously he tries to use FFX and Sin as an example. Saying that there are points where people don't seem concerned about Sin (while showing clips of Luca scenes). The problem there is that the game makes it explicit that Spirans use Blitzball as an escape, a chance to forget the pain Sin brings and just cheer on their favourite team. Wakka explains this pretty well in Kilika and Yuna clarifies it's the reason the Crusaders (usually) defend Luca with everything they've got..

If you go back to Luca after the tournament is over, pretty much all NPCs mention Sin in some way. He's never not at the forefront of everyone's mind and he's a lot harder for anyone, high ranking officials and ordinary citizens alike to ignore than something like the Blight which while spreading quickly, hasn't yet reached those places.

5) The Alderan problem (ie places get destroyed but we didn't get a chance to know them before-hand)

The Crystal Dominion is the specific example he uses and frankly this problem's fair enough as it's a matter of personal preference. However the success of the Souls games from a story stand point is probably the clearest showing of this not really being an objective problem.

I think it's enough if the game gives you at least an idea of what the places was like in it's prime which the in-game lore does give you. Sure it can be disappointing to not get to see that, but I think that's kind of the point, that's exactly the tragedy of it that the game is trying to get across.

The Map thing and wanting to be able to access all the lore from the menu are fair enough but I don't really view the above three as being issues (major or otherwise).


Man of Atom

1) The game doesn't really justify why the Bearers are treated so excessively poorly. Surely there must be more to it than just them being slaves, though maybe history will prove us wrong.

Yeah you kind of hit the nail on the head with history proving you wrong. Humans don't really need a specific reason to treat other humans horribly. We need look no farther than how slaves were treated in real world history, which the Bearer's plight is meant to simulate and it does so very well.

If the Bearers were responsible for the Blight in some way, they wouldn't be enslaved or treated like they are in-game, they would be hunted down and slaughtered en masse. So that "fix" not only doesn't address the non-issue but would actually make their treatment make less sense if you kept everything else the same.

2) If the Blight is such a threat, why don't townspeople talk about it more and why are Clive and the Bearers able to live within it so easily?

In fairness we do constantly have the royals and the people who make it their business to know what's going on in the world, discussing the Blight and how fucked the world is. The Townspeople wouldn't really know much as their only exposure to the Blight would be the refugees who flee to their towns and they would be more focused on that aspect.

A bit disingenuously he tries to use FFX and Sin as an example. Saying that there are points where people don't seem concerned about Sin (while showing clips of Luca scenes). The problem there is that the game makes it explicit that Spirans use Blitzball as an escape, a chance to forget the pain Sin brings and just cheer on their favourite team. Wakka explains this pretty well in Kilika and Yuna clarifies it's the reason the Crusaders (usually) defend Luca with everything they've got..

If you go back to Luca after the tournament is over, pretty much all NPCs mention Sin in some way. He's never not at the forefront of everyone's mind and he's a lot harder for anyone, high ranking officials and ordinary citizens alike to ignore than something like the Blight which while spreading quickly, hasn't yet reached those places.

5) The Alderan problem (ie places get destroyed but we didn't get a chance to know them before-hand)

The Crystal Dominion is the specific example he uses and frankly this problem's fair enough as it's a matter of personal preference. However the success of the Souls games from a story stand point is probably the clearest showing of this not really being an objective problem.

I think it's enough if the game gives you at least an idea of what the places was like in it's prime which the in-game lore does give you. Sure it can be disappointing to not get to see that, but I think that's kind of the point, that's exactly the tragedy of it that the game is trying to get across.

The Map thing and wanting to be able to access all the lore from the menu are fair enough but I don't really view the above three as being issues (major or otherwise).

Bearers? as in Crystal Bearers?

We had a whole game talking about how much people dont like them niggas

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

CBR back at it again with THE shittiest takes possible
Most of these don't even have a lot of episodes in the first place, ignoring the ones that also aren't disapponting.
>Sonic X

Go fuck yourself on god.
What the fuck do you even mean
Yeah I'm not even a Sonic fan, never have been, but I remember enjoying that show quite a lot when I did see it.

It has no business on a list like this.
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