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V.I.P. Member

TrueG 37

@Xhominid The Apex will be happy to know that Bleach canonically exists in the Mha verse. Cause Bleach references are what we need in a final arc :skully .

The iron man suit that All Might put on is absolute bullshit and that basically sums up the leaks. It puts a definitive end on quirkless heroes being impossible, which has been braindead for years now. All Might is able to do damage to a stronger than his prime Afo and block his attacks with a barrier:mjlol. They try to excuse this bullshit by claiming that Afo's fighting style is only efficient fighting people with quirks than quirkless but hopefully I don't have to explain how retarded that is.

Why didn't All Might use this shit before all the other heroes got one shot or to help Endeavor and Hawks? Who knows.

Why does Hawks get stuck with his nerfed feathers and wing katana thing from his quirk when a suit like this can help? Who knows.

Why are they letting a crippled as shit All Might use this thing instead of literally anyone else? Who knows:mjlol.

Why is Momo creating plates when she should have been given the blueprints of this suit and start creating shitloads of them with her quirk? Who the hell knows :bookerpls.

What I do know is that its funny that with all of this series bullshit about how All Might needed to do different, leave it to other heroes and the next generation of heroes like Izuku will do etc. Dude still has to be there even as a quirkless crippled retired nigga to save everyone, so much for all of that:mjlol.

Oh and I almost forgot the suit can use others quirks somehow too. It allows All Might to shoot out Class A's quirks. And I'm not even lying here, the dude shines more and uses there quirks better in one chapter than those losers had in hundreds of chapters :heston.

Sad part is that this is one of the only decent parts of this arc. Betagou's constant zenkai boosts, Midzuku and TogaxUraraka yuri fanfiction have already lowered the bar. The Todoroki's and All Might once again have to carry this series:mjlol.
@Xhominid The Apex will be happy to know that Bleach canonically exists in the Mha verse. Cause Bleach references are what we need in a final arc :skully .

The iron man suit that All Might put on is absolute bullshit and that basically sums up the leaks. It puts a definitive end on quirkless heroes being impossible, which has been braindead for years now. All Might is able to do damage to a stronger than his prime Afo and block his attacks with a barrier:mjlol. They try to excuse this bullshit by claiming that Afo's fighting style is only efficient fighting people with quirks than quirkless but hopefully I don't have to explain how retarded that is.

Why didn't All Might use this shit before all the other heroes got one shot or to help Endeavor and Hawks? Who knows.

Why does Hawks get stuck with his nerfed feathers and wing katana thing from his quirk when a suit like this can help? Who knows.

Why are they letting a crippled as shit All Might use this thing instead of literally anyone else? Who knows:mjlol.

Why is Momo creating plates when she should have been given the blueprints of this suit and start creating shitloads of them with her quirk? Who the hell knows :bookerpls.

What I do know is that its funny that with all of this series bullshit about how All Might needed to do different, leave it to other heroes and the next generation of heroes like Izuku will do etc. Dude still has to be there even as a quirkless crippled retired nigga to save everyone, so much for all of that:mjlol.

Oh and I almost forgot the suit can use others quirks somehow too. It allows All Might to shoot out Class A's quirks. And I'm not even lying here, the dude shines more and uses there quirks better in one chapter than those losers had in hundreds of chapters :heston.

Sad part is that this is one of the only decent parts of this arc. Betagou's constant zenkai boosts, Midzuku and TogaxUraraka yuri fanfiction have already lowered the bar. The Todoroki's and All Might once again have to carry this series:mjlol.

I only got one thing to say about this:

Jesus H. Christ, how do you have potential Gold and squander it so badly you aren't even in the running anymore?
Real talk, this was something even American Comics had to consistently address with not just the Iron Man Armor, but other gadgets and otherwise that could easily be attainable by everyone and thus make it dumb that it isn't.
"We literally have access to an Iron Man Suit that literally has Quirks installed into it" THEN WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF THE EXISTENCE OF THE QUIRKLESS THEN? WHAT IS REALLY THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THOSE THAT HAVE QUIRKS AND THOSE THAT DON'T? It was already retarded as hell when there's no explanation of how Quirk Heroes can be super strong and super fast when their Quirks have nothing to do with it(Like the absolutely stupid Stain and Endeavor among many others) and then, you had Heroes still be strong even without Quirks like Mirio when he lost his shit against Overhaul.

Like goddamn, Horikoshi is giving Marvel and DC a run for it's money on fucking shit up. :garrett


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
I only got one thing to say about this:

Jesus H. Christ, how do you have potential Gold and squander it so badly you aren't even in the running anymore?
Real talk, this was something even American Comics had to consistently address with not just the Iron Man Armor, but other gadgets and otherwise that could easily be attainable by everyone and thus make it dumb that it isn't.
"We literally have access to an Iron Man Suit that literally has Quirks installed into it" THEN WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF THE EXISTENCE OF THE QUIRKLESS THEN? WHAT IS REALLY THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THOSE THAT HAVE QUIRKS AND THOSE THAT DON'T? It was already retarded as hell when there's no explanation of how Quirk Heroes can be super strong and super fast when their Quirks have nothing to do with it(Like the absolutely stupid Stain and Endeavor among many others) and then, you had Heroes still be strong even without Quirks like Mirio when he lost his shit against Overhaul.

Like goddamn, Horikoshi is giving Marvel and DC a run for it's money on fucking shit up. :garrett
>Toyotaro watching this descent right now, wondering if it'll make his critics cut him some slack for his own shitty work.
:russ :mjlol
>Toyotaro watching this descent right now, wondering if it'll make his critics cut him some slack for his own shitty work.
:russ :mjlol

What's truly ridiculous is that this whole thing could have been fixed if Horikoshi actually decided to actually have Deku try and be a Hero, actually go full Batman in terms of him scouting heroes abilities, villains' powers and everything else.
Have him find a villain who has a worthless Quirk to practice on and he constantly trained himself day and night, at school and on days off, for this chance to prove he can be a superhero.

He sees the villain performing a small crime, nothing too fancy like snatching someone's purse and the heroes are just too busy dealing with something that small, so Deku swoops in to save the day... and fails HORRIBLY.
Everything he tries just fails, he tries his version of Batarangs, it fails. He tries to trip the villain up, it fails, he tries to do martial arts, it fails and the villain starts to beat the shit out of the boy. The villain then simply wonder why he isn't using his Quirk, why he's so weak... and then he realizes Deku doesn't have one... and he just laughs and actually stops beating Deku and feels a small level of pity. He then basically exposits that the reason why there are no Quirkless Heroes or Quirkless Police is exactly the reason you see here:

Just HAVING a Quirk puts you well past the typical shit anyone can do to you. You are stronger than any normal person, faster than any normal person, more durable. You ARE a Superhuman, a literal evolution of Humanity itself. He doesn't even antagonize Deku anymore, he's barely staying conscious and the small time crook doesn't want to go to murder so he grabs the purse and simply tells Deku to hang it up or he will end up dead. Deku cries before he passes out from the pain and help arrives to save him before it's too late.

Yeah, it will be depressing but it would fix all of the stupid shit that Horikoshi wants to have about Deku but then ruins it instantly with All-Might just giving Deku a free Quirk. Let us see Deku try, fail miserably, unconsciously try again and then even when he gets the Quirk, THAT'S when he starts doubting himself because of how not only miserably he failed but that he's ultimately still a normal person wielding a Quirk way too strong for him no matter how he trains.

TrueG 37

I only got one thing to say about this:

Jesus H. Christ, how do you have potential Gold and squander it so badly you aren't even in the running anymore?
Real talk, this was something even American Comics had to consistently address with not just the Iron Man Armor, but other gadgets and otherwise that could easily be attainable by everyone and thus make it dumb that it isn't.
"We literally have access to an Iron Man Suit that literally has Quirks installed into it" THEN WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF THE EXISTENCE OF THE QUIRKLESS THEN? WHAT IS REALLY THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THOSE THAT HAVE QUIRKS AND THOSE THAT DON'T? It was already retarded as hell when there's no explanation of how Quirk Heroes can be super strong and super fast when their Quirks have nothing to do with it(Like the absolutely stupid Stain and Endeavor among many others) and then, you had Heroes still be strong even without Quirks like Mirio when he lost his shit against Overhaul.

Like goddamn, Horikoshi is giving Marvel and DC a run for it's money on fucking shit up. :garrett
People keep bringing up money for UA for this as if I'm supposed to ignore that UA has giant skyscraper sized robots sent to the scrapyard regularly and that the entire school right now is a flying fortress, doesn't seem like cash is a problem for them :mjlol .

All of that of course is ignoring the fact that if you can build something that can harm one of the strongest characters in the series then surely you can build something capable of stopping regular nigga #3 at a much cheaper cost:skully. Give these types of suits to a millitary, the hell is a guy that can extend his eyeballs going to do to compete? Its hilarious how Mha continues to screw its already terrible worldbuilding :bookerpls.

Knuckleduster is pretty much the only character that actually made sense talking about quirkless heroes and shit and his statement on the subject's from another writer :mjlol.
People keep bringing up money for UA for this as if I'm supposed to ignore that UA has giant skyscraper sized robots sent to the scrapyard regularly and that the entire school right now is a flying fortress, doesn't seem like cash is a problem for them :mjlol .

All of that of course is ignoring the fact that if you can build something that can harm one of the strongest characters in the series then surely you can build something capable of stopping regular nigga #3 at a much cheaper cost:skully. Give these types of suits to a millitary, the hell is a guy that can extend his eyeballs going to do to compete? Its hilarious how Mha continues to screw its already terrible worldbuilding :bookerpls.

Knuckleduster is pretty much the only character that actually made sense talking about quirkless heroes and shit and his statement on the subject's from another writer :mjlol.

As I stated before, it could have been fixed if you went with the idea that I went with and show that having a Quirk puts you a tier beyond Humanity.
The main reason they never made any Iron Man Suits was because it was never truly needed. They can spend as much as they want on Giant Robots because any Hero with a Quirk is basically the equivalent of Master goddamned Chief, let alone those with powerful Quirks.
Thus seeing All-Might using one despite losing his power would through AFO for a loop... temporarily till he starts regaining the advantage and tear the suit apart.
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