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Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member
Storm basically has full control of her powers though, Rogue and some other mutants straight up don't

One mutant straight up cooks herself with radiation powers and Beast told a kid his mutant power was to explode with no refomation aka literally suicide bomb himself

Storm telling those kinds of people nothing's wrong is crazy


V.I.P. Member
Got at least one card shop where I live that has people play that One Piece card game more than they do Yugioh


Man of Atom
If Rogue loses control she could kill somebody, if Storm loses control, she's probably gonna kill a lot more.
Rogue has a point, but this fanmade rebuttal isn't as strong as some people might think.

Especially when Rogue is capable of controlling her absorption powers, but she doesn't due to some mental block (or whatever the current author wants the new excuse to be).
And then you remember the kid who yeeted an entire town with a kill Aura that only wolverine could withstand and they had to kill him

Storms talking out her ass


King of Games
V.I.P. Member
Really like how dark the Dark Urge storyline is. You absolutely have to pass skill checks. Otherwise your Bhaal essence will make you kill. Whether you like it or not. And sometimes there are not even any skill checks. In order to make it clear that you're just barely holding it back.

When you kill you know who when she tries to join the party it's a great surprise. It makes you feel like a serial killer trying to not be a serial killer if you're playing a righteous Paladin like I am.

Darth Nihilus

V.I.P. Member


King of Games
V.I.P. Member
And Jesus Christ. The La'zael romance is way too good. Especially as you do her storyline. Character wise she is a based warlord ready to crush everyone beneath her heel. Then her storyline takes apart her worldview, she becomes vulnerable as a result, and ends up having to betray everyone she once knew for her own sake and yours. All that bravado is there to hide an indoctrinated child soldier who has only known battle all her life. Only to learn that she is expendable. Which is revealed to be her true fear as well. Being nothing. Worthless. A nobody. She is more afraid of that than freaking ceremorphosis. Literally turning into a mind flayer doesn't scare her as much.

Then her desperately attaching herself to you. After dismissing you as a one night stand or fuck buddy. When it becomes clear that you're the singular anomaly in her life that actually cares about her, and more importantly someone who shapes the world around them. Instead of being shaped by it. This to the point that she wants to belong to you. Less like a lover and more like property. Girl is a freak.


King of Games
V.I.P. Member
I fucking knew something was up with Withers.

He is the God of the Dead. Jergal. Well, formerly before he was replaced by Bhaal, Myrkul, and Bane. He still retains some of his godly power, and he helps free you from Bhaal's influence. When you reject Bhaal, you die, and he is there to make you into his champion. Which resurrects you as a free man.
Storm basically has full control of her powers though, Rogue and some other mutants straight up don't

One mutant straight up cooks herself with radiation powers and Beast told a kid his mutant power was to explode with no refomation aka literally suicide bomb himself

Storm telling those kinds of people nothing's wrong is crazy
Should’ve been Cyclops to say it, since he can’t look at people without killing them so he has to cover his eyes, basically the same as Rogue not being able to touch people without covering herself.

Granted Cyclops would’ve understood and given her the choice.


V.I.P. Member
Storm is just being entitled since she can control her powers and trying to show off as someone that cares


King of Games
V.I.P. Member
Also, for post credits, gonna spoiler it.

Don't read unless you are close to end game or don't care about spoilers.

Bhaal, Myrkul, and Bane were behind the invasion of Mind Flayers. All because they wanted more souls to empower themselves. Jergal relinquished his power eons ago to set them up for a massive trap, and Withers (read: Jergal) correctly assumed they would do this. The problem is that Mind Flayers don't have souls, and Withers knew they would be too retarded to realize this. All three of them go down in one fell swoop because Jergal giga maxed them with his big brain power. "Read a book you fucking monkeys. Mind Flayers don't have souls."

Withers basically had you set up as his ace in the hole, and all his vague talk fate and this being predestinted, was because he was one of the gods who orchestrated it.
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