Chapter 1:
Okay, I already see where the Manga already fucked up and where people tapped out. The first parts of Chapter 1 is honestly okay at first, simple exposition into the World and it's workings(though it gets far worse than this and it already goes a bit too far) and she sends off Daruma into looking for Pandora's Box and the 7 Keys.
And then we get to Hachimaru and it starts falling to shit. I can see what Kishimoto is going for(A more realistic look at how a sickly kid would see the world and their parents) but dear god is Hachimaru such a shit. It does not help Kishimoto again goes absurd with the exposition because we have to know everything about how bad Hachimaru has when he could pin it down in a few points. Hachimaru's dad is literally building shit to keep him alive and yet Hachimaru constantly bad mouths him, shits on him or makes him feels like shit with every goddamned sentence.
Then... then, we get the enemy Samurai... and the Exposition and Info Dumping goes into absolute overdrive. I swear to God, every scene he's in will have him info dumping every. Single. TIME. We see the Locker Ball? He exposits on how to become a Samurai doing it. Hachimaru's dad states he hates dealing with Haughty Warriors? Dude goes on huge info dump on how he's a Samurai and what Samurai can do(To the point Hachimaru's dad makes a crack about the exposition dump which just makes the scene worse) and even when he finds the key to the Katana he's looking for, he STILL exposits about it for no goddamned reason at all. He even exposits when he gets the fucking Katana! My man, shut the fuck up!
Then we get to the "Hachimaru actually cares for his dad" scene and it genuinely feels unearned. When this happened for Naruto, it was because he believed Iruka never gave a shit about him and couldn't relate to him in any way and Iruka took an attack for Naruto that nearly killed him. Hachimaru literally commits seppuku because he values his dad that much... but we have to get FLASHBACKS to establish this because Hachimaru was just that much of a shit(Again, we see Naruto and Iruka actually have a genuine scene showing while Iruka tends to scold him for acting a fool, he DOES care). It doesn't help his father, meanwhile, saved up 200 million for the final part needed and was at it for years to create something that allowed Hachimaru the ability to LEAVE HIS FUCKING HOUSE! WHICH HE ALSO CREATED SO HE COULD LIVE!
I can't even talk about this shit anymore without fuming, dude beats the Samurai using shit from a video game, fuck it next chapter:
Chapter 2:
Oh thank god, it's not the exposition nightmare the first chapter was, instead, it's replaced with some of the most awkward shit imaginable...
Hachimaru basically is happy with the basic shit in life because of how he lived and couldn't even chew simple food properly due to his condition(Again, this would be more effective if we saw it for longer than the intro chapter) and makes a big show about him simply walking his dog outside(I forgot to mention Samurai powers allowed him to turn his machine dog into basically an all purpose mega cyborg dog).
We get an okay shot of the locals, people and the planet while it's flying Hachimaru all over but he gets blasted out of the sky by random ass villains and gets launched into a neet's house and goddamn, we get more terrible ass exposition. So apparently, there is ANOTHER character similar to Hachimaru who was just abandoned for their entire life to the point they don't even know what GENDER they are and their hands talk(It's funny I've seen another major character whose hands have different personalities and talk) and we get the typical Naruto bullshit where "He's just like me FR!"(Because Kishimoto cannot have characters simply become friends/like each other any other fucking way) and suddenly "Nameless"(atm, I know they get a name later but I'm going with Nameless for now) is now Hachimaru's friend. No, I don't see this as a win for the LGBTQ+ community and TvTropes should be ashamed:
Going by Kishimoto's ridiculous ass words, the dude was basically somehow abandoned for so long, never been out the sun and never even looked at their own equipment(It may be Samurai Training but nothing ever showed they lost their equipment) and they are suddenly non-binary? Yeah sorry guys, don't buy it.
Chapter 3:
Hachimaru christens "Nameless" as Nanashi and Nanashi already feels self-doubt because some trainer Samurai is all over him because he's a legit Samurai. And we get to the typical self-doubt phase which while realistic, just gets ridiculous as the self-doubt continues for a good chunk of the chapter until Nanashi is forced to act because Hachimaru has his Katana(Katana have authenticators so you can't draw one if you aren't it's owner... that raises SO MANY QUESTIONS) meanwhile the villains of the past chapter is in a "Cake Tank" that the trainee Samura can't cut because it's made of "Super Dense Materials" that Hachimaru and Nanashi have to work together to cut(Seriously, how stupid is the Katana Authenticator shit if Nanashi needs to still be holding it for it to work?!). Nanashi then goes into the typical spiel of becoming a real Samurai on his own and the chapter ends with Daruma questioning how did Hachimaru's dad have the Samurai Soul "Vampire" in his possession(Forgot to mention it was in Hachimaru's body keeping him alive... don't ask me how the fuck that works considering it should be stealing energy from Hachimaru, not keeping him alive) and Hachimaru has "insane affinity" for someone like himself.
Again a really boring and shitty chapter with only one real exposition dump about the Samurai Soul and it being the expression of the Samurai and what specialized Katana are.
Chapter 4:
And this was an absolute waste of a chapter...
So Hachimaru's Dad knows alot more of the life of a Samurai, who Daruma is once he sees the Crest Seal of his Clan and that Hachimaru being on the planet is extremely important(Even thinking who is most likely Ata saying he will find Hachimaru)... but it goes fucking nowhere and neither does the conversation with Hachimaru, Daruma and Dad have about Hachimaru leaving the Planet and becoming a true Samurai. Dude just leaves and goes to his room, Daruma does an 8 second delay slash(which is pretty cool) and tells Hachimaru he has two paths to take and Hachimaru takes the obvious path.
Like this is genuinely boring after the first chapter basically made me really, really tired of the insane exposition dumps.
Chapter 5(Oh thank god):
Okay, this chapter is... meh? I can get what they are going for but it does not work. Daruma gets a really stupid quirk that's fully established in this chapter where he randomly sleeps at any given time which is supposed to be "funny" but it just comes off lazy. Before we get to the real meat and potatoes, Daruma finally states what a Key Holder is and what took every fucking fiber of Kishimoto's being, he summarized it in a way that makes sense:
A Key Holder is basically a combo of your Mount, Weapon, Shield, Sword and the Mark of a Samurai all in one... we do see it work like this in Chapter One but it was somehow not explained at all properly.
So we get to the actual point of the chapter in that Hachimaru is now just training to be a Samurai(fuck his Dad, I guess) and him and Daruma go to the Training Grounds and they get beset by the Guardians of it and Hachimaru takes it as a test because Daruma suddenly went to sleep. He struggles before Daruma wakes up and displays the power of a Key Holder and the "True Sword" of the Samurai using a Bone Hilt and his "Samurai Soul" and cut apart the Guardians Hachimaru couldn't deal with.
We see him using his Key Holder in various ways using Floating Armor, creating Guns(...) and creating armor for himself. Apparently the entire time, Hachimaru never used his genuine "Samurai Soul" nor was his Mount a real Key Holder as he didn't get the Bone Hilt from it.
But apparently, you can also still have a Key Holder be any Mount at random as long as you have a Bone Hilt from them?(Pretty sure Hachi's Dad is a Samurai at this point as it was extremely obvious and Daruma just jacked his ride).