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OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
yami marik's main weakness in duel skills are his mindset and the way he likes to duel, he is super arrogant and likes to slow torture his opponent, plus for him, all it matters is a shadow game duel, he could had ended joey way earlier in their duel, joey literally was defeated during the lava golem combo phases by yami marik, but he decided to let his torture persona/side to become ecstatic again, thats why, the duel dragged on, and was saved by the plot, cuz joey passed out in the final round, otherwise, when he fought more seriously, even atem had trouble with him, and couldnt counter him

overall, yami marik and bandit king bakura, the best og ygo villains


V.I.P. Member
overall, yami marik and bandit king bakura, the best og ygo villains


Also, the Lava Golem combo that would have been dealt with the moment Joey got any Level 5 or higher monster in hand to tribute it and did just that when he used it for Gilford the Lightning?

Joey would have beaten Marik in a fair duel and did prior
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V.I.P. Member
Marik and Bakura were cool, but Pegasus J. Crawford was an absolute show-stealer from beginning to end. Amazing actors who portrayed him for both the Japanese and English dubs too.

Was so pissed when I learned Pegasus actually died in the original manga.

Him being spared to show up later on in both DM and GX was one of the best choices Gallop made
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V.I.P. Member
Yeah I feel like Marik gets underrated a lot in the fanbase. He’s clearly still a huge threat
He was a threat, mainly because of what he had access to between the Millennium Rod, use of Shadow Games, and the most powerful Egyptian God. And is a decent enough duelist to go with those powers.

Problem is he’s also careless and over reliant on his powers and wearing down his opponent mentally to where they give up or make mistakes, which has led to the plot having to save him on numerous occasions

This. I'm not sure why people think Marik is a bad duelist when the issue is that the dude's mindset is literally "LET ME INFLICT THE MOST AGONIZING AMOUNT OF PAIN ON YOU AS MUCH AS I CAN WITHIN THE TIME THAT I CAN!" which nearly gets him to lose more often than not because he's a sadist even most sadists would tell to back off.
Otherwise, he can surprisingly lock people down for those torture sessions without any issue and it's kinda insane how people tend to ignore that.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Nobody said he was a bad duellist, the last duel against Atem is more than enough proof that that's not the case. I specifically admitted as much.

The problem is that, no matter what his reasons for dueling that way are, it consistently led to him needing the plot to bail his ass out of getting his ass beat. Never mind the amount of times his opponents keep trying to do unnecessary things like (but not limited to) summoning Ra when they don't need to because Yami Marik is fucked if they don't.

It is undeniable that it makes him look bad when it happens as often as it does (ie literally every single duel that he's in except the last one and the fatal 4 way). As Astaro said it is pretty fucking telling that the SECOND the plot doesn't need Marik to win and he still tries that shit, he loses SOUNDLY. After a certain point, he's only making himself look like an idiot by continuing to do it.

I wouldn't even have such an issue with it if other Yu-Gi-Oh villains and characters didn't do manage to do similar shit WITHOUT almost losing to people they shouldn't. Yami Marik is a good villain, but the writing for his duels is straight ass.