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OBD Convo Thread #1 - A New Hope -

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I would if my PS4 didn't just die on me this morning. Gonna have to wait before another episode comes out. I may just save up and get a PS5 instead of getting another hard drive.

Cause if I get another hard drive I'll likely experience the same problems I did with the one I have now.

Gonna let Nevermind know later today.
I think I'm going to get PS5 now but I've had trouble finding it but now I'm getting the emails that I can get one but Idk.
@Darth Nihilus @Vespa Crabro @Xadlin @Claudio Swiss @Masterblack06

The White Witch, as she was depicted in the Narnia books...




"I come for the traitor's blood ASLAN!!"

Speaking of Aslan

Give it up for my boy, the maker of worlds, he who roars, he who rewards faith with eternity!




That first pic looks boss.
The second pic for White Witch has some INTENSE Free candy in chalice (totally legit, not clickbait) vibes

It's fantastic

That's how she was portrayed in the novels, this 8 foot tall super model with freakishly pale skin whose extremely touchy feely and sensual with young boys.

Like Lewis was not even remotely ambiguous about her being a complete pedo.

She's also so old when she started the war that caused her to lifewipe her reality her sun was yellow but when it ended it was red.

So yeah she's this creepy half space alien..D'jin pedo witch thing that really, really wanted to have sex with a four armed vulture and a Jesus Lion

It will most certainly be the last :catgun

Did you disable our ability to upload files just curious, because it disappeared for me and I wasn't sure if that was by design or a glitch.

That first pic looks boss.

Destroyer of worlds, eater of traitors, corruptor of children.
That's how she was portrayed in the novels, this 8 foot tall super model with freakishly pale skin whose extremely touchy feely and sensual with young boys.

Like Lewis was not even remotely ambiguous about her being a complete pedo.

She's also so old when she started the war that caused her to lifewipe her reality her sun was yellow but when it ended it was red.

So yeah she's this creepy half space alien..D'jin pedo witch thing that really, really wanted to have sex with a four armed vulture and a Jesus Lion
I think the film did well with the uncomfortable tension and subtext of an older witch giving the young boy some “sweets” and such. She was definitely off…

although honestly, she would have been cooler if she were potrayed as raven haired and 8 foot tall.
I think the film did well with the uncomfortable tension and substext of an older witch givinv the young boy some “sweets” and such. She was definitely off…

although honestly, she would have been cooler if she were potrayed as raven haired and 8 foot tall.

Yeah the actress did a great job honestly, my complaints aside.

Sandra Bullock, Kate Beckinsale and Marion Raven all lobbied for the character...All got passed over because they thought Tilda being famous for her androgyny would be more offputting and creepy when the whole point of the character is that her beauty was the warning sign.

Also Beckinsale was too expensive and Raven was too young which again is an odd call because Jadis is described as so youthful yet ancient and cold looking that you couldn't tell if she was a teenaged girl pretending to be older and wiser, or a young woman pretending to be a crone or all of the above.

Been awhile since I touched the books but I think her first appearance was her seated on a throne, on a dead planet, imperiously gazing down upon a wasteland of her own making...an eerie work of art.
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Also Beckinsale was too expensive
I remember the movie was made after Underworld took off and Kate Beckinsale was the hot New thing

Been awhile since I touched the books but I think her first appearance was her seated on a throne, on a dead planet, imperiously gazing down upon a wasteland of her own making...an eerie work of art.
My only complaint with tilda is that despite the fact that Jodis is supposed to be a literal Ice Queen, she never really felt like it in the movies apart from a few scenes.
I remember the movie was made after Underworld took off and Kate Beckinsale was the hot New thing

Yep, this was after Serendipity and Underworld made her a household name.

Bullock as Jadis would have been..interesting..She's legitimately beautiful and the fact that she hasn't really aged all that much in almost four decades makes her creepy as fuck. But that would also have been a roll, waaayy outside her normal routine.

My only complaint with tilda is that despite the fact that Jodis is supposed to be a literal Ice Queen, she never really felt like it in the movies apart from a few scenes.

Yeah she focused on the character's ability to randomly turn into a Joe Pesci expy without the moments where she was intensely cold and remote.

Darth Nihilus

V.I.P. Member
Yep, this was after Serendipity and Underworld made her a household name.

Bullock as Jadis would have been..interesting..She's legitimately beautiful and the fact that she hasn't really aged all that much in almost four decades makes her creepy as fuck. But that would also have been a roll, waaayy outside her normal routine.
I feel like you honestly couldn’t have gone wrong with her casting, once you get the gist of it. The words “Ice Queen” already rule out any baby-faced girl that you could mistake for more of a “princess”. You already understand this has to be a WOMAN.

Kind of like how people generally understand that James Bond can’t be played by anyone that looks like Tom Holland or the MC from Kingsmen.
I feel like you honestly couldn’t have gone wrong with her casting, once you get the gist of it. The words “Ice Queen” already rule out any baby-faced girl that you could mistake for more of a “princess”. You already understand this has to be a WOMAN.

Kind of like how people generally understand that James Bond can’t be played by anyone that looks like Tom Holland or the MC from Kingsmen.

Who Bullock? You're right, even at her youngest she was never really "girl next door" and more all woman who might have happened to be fun or carefree but there was no mistaking her.

Shame too because she actually does have the range to pull off the kind of menace you needed for Jadis.

And yeah, Bond needs to be an older, grizzled guy.

I remember getting to hear one of their books read by one of my former teachers

I think it was the first book

The Lion, the Witch and Wardrobe was good stuff.

Too bad so many Narnia Fans turned into HPtards and later the HST loving clowns we had to deal with.
Who Bullock? You're right, even at her youngest she was never really "girl next door" and more all woman who might have happened to be fun or carefree but there was no mistaking her.

Shame too because she actually does have the range to pull off the kind of menace you needed for Jadis.

And yeah, Bond needs to be an older, grizzled guy.
I meant more in the sense of who Jadis is as a character is actually difficult to fuck up in casting.

But yeah I agree that Bullock would have been a good choice
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