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Game Ranked OLF Members Mafia

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You claimed Fang's name. You've babbled on about reading back and excuses for inactivity. You state Gad is joking and not serious to bluff around with a vote on him. Just all screams FAKE.


Day 1 Vote Count

Dr Watson (2) - Tweet, Psychic
Nibel (2) - CP, Rej
Ultra (1) - Gad
Lord Melkor (1) - Ekko
CraigPelton (2) - Magic, Luka
Sky (3) - The Orca, Polar Bear
Gadministrator (12) - Ratchet, Flower, Evans, hime, Sky, RDK, Gram, Xadlin, Aurelian, Tpein, Lord Melkor, Nibel

With 25 alive, it's 13 to lynch. You have a little over 3 hours remaining.

Lord Melkor

Haven't been limp at all. Wanna elaborate on me being limp?

Retro wagon was trash and I crushed it. She will be town. Anyone that just played with her should be able to see that, let alone her teammates.

Ratchet, similarly is town. You agree with that tweet?

Also do you agree with hime being the best.

Ok, you get townie points for this read on Retro. I am not sure why majority of players put her as scum read this phase.

Lord Melkor

I'm not about to lynch someone based on flavor

Can someone give me something tangible on why Watson is supposedly town now? Like I said, this looks like a carbon copy of last game. She makes no sense, people call it out, she finds her way back into character, she backs off. Can somebody actually describe to me what town Watson vs scum Watson looks like and where this supposed change has taken place during this game?

So how do you judge Gad based on his play and irrespective on his claim?

Regarding Watson i do not fully remember as i subbed out day 1 last game.

But as i said, each time she was making deep posts i felt i need a dictionary of Watsonian language to comprehend i remember her being town.



Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
You claimed Fang's name. You've babbled on about reading back and excuses for inactivity. You state Gad is joking and not serious to bluff around with a vote on him. Just all screams FAKE.
Can you remind me how many posts do you have so far?
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