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Game Ranked OLF Members Mafia

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Polar Bear

Hello Polar Bear

Are you planning to solve this game early but be undermined by bad townies like the last game we played together?
If FSU gets left out of the playoff ill be coming at scum hard

If FSU makes it (as they should) ill be coming at scum hard

Either way scum best be shaking right now lol


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Also Melkor, you liked quite a lot of my posts yet no reads on me yet?

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Okay Putin


So unreliable.
Maybe a good look, not entirely irreconcilable. She has to point her finger somewhere, and she hasn't done much of that so far.
??? I've been open to a bunch of directions. Maybe not to the intensity you prefer, but I've been open

Lord Melkor

Why is flower duping poysers pic?

But surely flower would be used to any of said weirdness, so why does she get a pass?

Than what exactly? Usually PRs are obvious if someone has theme knowledge?

I don’t think this is a good way of reading her tbh, her method as scum is to over engage you, not the opposite

@Grammaton I just did not have a good impression of posts like this. A lot of meta references and asking questions like why is Flower wearing a different pic. Or discussing how PRs work.


I mean I'm trying to find your logical process here @Lord Melkor, you align mostly the same town reads as Gramm. And the issue is specifically around Gramm questioning Ultra on him suspecting Sky but you vote the guy defending a mutual town read over the player pushing her instead?

It doesn't make sense.

Lord Melkor


Maybe I misread.

But @Sky was kind of sussing Ultra here?
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