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Lord Melkor

Can I convince you to vote for Xadlin today though

I get legacy and all that but come on now, we're arguing over which scum to lynch first. Get the dead slot out


Basically are you able to make a case why Xadlin is scum rather than inactive townie? It is far from certain to me.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
I refuse to believe you actually thought flower wasn't yanking people's chains in the hopes to finally get your alignment lmao

It was driving her insane all game, come on man

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Sky has defended the Evans slot repeatedly at crucial points, notably yesterday when the wagon was swinging from Orca to him, she insisted it was a blind shot and we should just get Orca. I questioned her on it and she just kind of walked around it without really addressing what I was saying regarding the slot. I also think there is a good chance she's separate from the scum team, it would explain the census (unless that was just a straight up fake claim) and her being protective. Like scum have a busdriver, why do they need a single slot being protected blindly too?

For Xadlin my issue there is mostly setup speculation which I'm not keen on relying upon. He's there because him being scum explains the Gram janitor (Gram had already indicated some level of results, so his role can't easily be fake claimed).


Change vote Lynch Xadlin

We can give full claim without copying from his role.
Alright I dug up one post for the xad case

That said, when did you start being less certain of your scum read on him mel?


Polarized Noob
I refuse to believe you actually thought flower wasn't yanking people's chains in the hopes to finally get your alignment lmao

It was driving her insane all game, come on man
I'm sorry I believed this. I thought it because I think that a town flower who just sheeped Ultra d1 makes perfect sense. At the very least the push on me was a bit weird. And, let's go into your reasonings for calling me evil. The first reason is inconsistency, in which https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/zones-testament-mafia-victory/6421/1403 https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/purgatory-town-win/6003/1999 I was mischopped in the first for the same thing, and in the second I was nearly mischopped. Your second accusation is me using a scum census, which for some reason is (?) why would I even use that even if I were to be scum. the logic doesn't add up unless I had forgotten. So, you're accusing me for forgetting somethinng, completely NAI. Your third accusation is the flower spectacle, which I explained earlier.


Polarized Noob
You can push me cuz im wolfie, you can push me cuz bad logic, but do not push me for being a fool. That is itself the most foolishthing that can be done. Now, why can't Melkor / Whoever be evil? Your only defense is meta from what Ive seen, which is weak. Let's present a completely tinfoil world, it does have you in it. I don't want to believe this, I'm using it for the sake of argumentation. You + Ratchet + One of the two afformentioned names.. What's preventing you two from coaching the third, which was said earlier in the thread that this can happen? Absolutely nothing. It's not as if I believed this world as mentioned, it's tnifoil; but it proves a point. In addition to that, what's preventing them from changing there meta? What's preventing this from just being a good game? Nothing.


Polarized Noob
Even if you think I'm evil, have the integrity to not conf bias me whic hI believe you are currently doing. At one point in this game you had me as a solid town for a reason, but now you're clutching onto the strings of "wolfiness" ive shown when such a thing is completely and utterly lacking. Unless you can find a good to solid case against me, stop with this paranoia and play the game; stop pushing a town. If you vote me, the loss is no longer on me. I believe I've been exceptionally townie thoughout the game, and no I can't explain why or where. That's what my guts telling me, so be it.


Polarized Noob
Now, stopping with this tinfoil let's see where it leaves us. currently, we have 7 slots alive. Ratchet, Me, Xadlin, Melkor, Tweet, Watson, and Lethal. Let's go over plausible worlds. I think you're good, I think I'm good, I think Ratchet is good. This leaves me with Xadlin, Melkor, Tweet, and Lethal. I have already explained my raesons to town and scum read all of them. Xadlin feels genuine throughout the game but they're doing nothing which is awful to analyze. Skiimming over there ISO they have alot of mech, but I think there role claim feels real(?). At the very least it's more townie than not. However, the NL vote yesterday was horrible no matter how you look at it.

Tweet also feels genuine throughout the game, simply with there apparent exasperation at the thread state. I can bring up a few posts as an example but I don't think that's really needed here. The thing I hate about the slot was the lack of due diligance given; they're not trying to play the game from my point of view, they've just. given up. I would say in this thread state scum really shouldnt be sweating simply because im such a LHF. Therefor, hans is more townie than not, begrugingly.

This leaves me with a POE of Melkor and Lethal. At the very least, even if I am evil there is always one scum in there, unless I'm teamed with exactly two of Watson / Tweet / Xadlin / Ratchet which is unlikely. I'm fine with going for anybody in there. I'll vote anybody else only to self pres, simple as that. If you still want to chop me after this, if you still want to chop a town, go ahead. I've basically given up hope at this point.


Basically are you able to make a case why Xadlin is scum rather than inactive townie? It is far from certain to me.
Watson quoted last of it, I also quoted part of it yesterday where he piled onto Flower based o reasoning that made no sense - internally he says he targeted Flower out of a sense of town reading her, when he receives his results he just happens to press Flower on them when she's otherwise under pressure from other slots. He piled on when there was no reason for him to do so, as per his own thought process he claims to have had no idea about the evidence that was against Flower at the time.

Taking the angle shooting part away too, there's also him no voting yesterday despite there being no real advantage to doing so.


Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Lu you know I want Xadlin before you and have wanted him before you right

Alas, the not remembering rugs at my heart strings as it's very relatable, so I'm bound to honor this portion of your reasoning


Polarized Noob
Lu you know I want Xadlin before you and have wanted him before you right

Alas, the not remembering rugs at my heart strings as it's very relatable, so I'm bound to honor this portion of your reasoning
I do know that yes, but the problem is I think Xadlin is the towniest of the people in POE / Scum suspects >.<

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Time for you to ISO Xad, then
There isn't a PoE without him that makes sense for me otherwise

I also implore you to take the conversations with Ratchet and I and see why this conclusion is being drawn on the slot in the first place

The LM thing is most likely a misclear but that's it - I don't find his play this game particularly scummy. He's normally used as low hanging fruit (he would probably agree) but given not many widely scum read him to begin with it's only going to add to the mystery for you I think.
That said, the Fuji game has me quite dubious of my read on him as scum given I miscleared you at the beginning when I subbed in previously and was hellbent I caught scum!Mel.
But I think the argument for him lasting this long is in the name span of why you have - to dangle him around like a carrot just in the hopes the bait will be taken *especially* if Ratchet and I fuck up with Xadlin (highly doubt this however, Ratchet is more confident on the remaining PoE.)

So what about his Fuji game is not aligning with his current play here for you?


I think I'm ready to start voting to be honest, I don't see me not lynching Xadlin today. Melkor, if you have any hard reservations say so please but I dunno, I'd like you to back me here

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