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Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Yes and no. Gonna have to reread that as well tomorrow. I strongly have Watson as scum so I can't see Orca with her.

Hot damn, I missed that. Ok ill have to reread some things tomorrow. Still doesn't change the push by Watson to Orca. Can you reconcile that?
Help me get a claim from the guy. And claim yourself while you‘re at it. Thx.

Polar Bear

Still waiting for your claim. You have 5 minutes to do so or I‘ll have you lynched without any second thought. Fact stands you moved away from Xadlin. You are suspect No 1 rn.
1. I think that might be needed, his claim.

2. I highly doubt we get it at 5am.

3. No one lynches him until he claims or has ample time to claim tomorrow.

4. We need a Watson claim more than his claim imo so start to getting that as well. Both are needed


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I don‘t necessarily see Watson as scum as of this moment. Can get a claim from her, too, tho.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
1. I think that might be needed, his claim.

2. I highly doubt we get it at 5am.

3. No one lynches him until he claims or has ample time to claim tomorrow.

4. We need a Watson claim more than his claim imo so start to getting that as well. Both are needed
Yours is needed as well. I‘m not opposed to mass claim for the PoE slots.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
We just mustn‘t forget that it was Watson‘s questioning which got Xadlin to botch his claim. She knows he fucks up as scum, so would she do that to a team mate?


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I have my doubts that is just scum theatre, honestly…

Gram tunneled gad but I don't think it was agenda driven

Don't like people going at the obvious and oblivious low hanging fruit like Xad so early on, but do like the direction of forcing a full claim from him.

None of what he said has made sense, the lack of information from Fuji's death is not good.
Gonna break this down into parts.

1. Why Fuji? Does this mean you town read Flower?
2. Was it his claim that felt threatening to you? Why?
3. His role isn't revealed, tell me more about that

1. Well, I usually go for the bigger and active posters, jsut to check that they dont nestle in as town when they are actually scum.
and yeah i do believe flower is town
2. Which claim?
3. I dont know anything about that either. it got back as ??? as well to me.
I roleblocked him but that all i did, i did not kill him

you want my full claim! alright sure here we go:
Im Cindy! the model that doctor hogback turned into his personal assistant. im town since im part of thriller bark and i can roleblock people 2 times during the night! and i used my first roleblock so there, ya happy! @Flower

I'll blame you if i get modkilled


The Nexus
We just mustn‘t forget that it was Watson‘s questioning which got Xadlin to botch his claim. She knows he fucks up as scum, so would she do that to a team mate?
why are you trying to push Polar?
he literally faked info on Xadlin and got him to claim in the first place.
cringe and obv scum pilled.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
why are you trying to push Polar?
he literally faked info on Xadlin and got him to claim in the first place.
cringe and obv scum pilled.
Dude‘s a busser. Means nothing. Only thing I think makes him more Town than not is that he faked a visit on a guy Xad himself even visited which is sus af and can be taken as a TMI slip and Polar ain‘t stupid as scum.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Unless they have a fake Watcher claim on their side and Lethal took it when he was in danger while Polar originally wanted to. But that would tie them together which I‘m not seeing them do. None of them is stupid scum to take a team mate‘s fake.


The Nexus
Dude‘s a busser. Means nothing. Only thing I think makes him more Town than not is that he faked a visit on a guy Xad himself even visited which is sus af and can be taken as a TMI slip and Polar ain‘t stupid as scum.

That was not bussing...
That was getting him lynched.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Honestly you can claim, too. Your push on me is disgusting and cringe and you have no material. Sad!


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I‘m half joking, but somebody put the guy on a leash or something. He‘s been Anti Town all game.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Also I‘m pretty sure I can guess Tweet‘s role from his hints and we‘re never lynching that lol. So the Tweet push is just whack.

Yoho is clear by my mech.

Think Magic is Town with how he approached Potato EoD. The one usage per night thing was just such a random nail in the coffin and I don‘t see scum Magic going to such lengths, honestly. And well, he wasn‘t wrong about the guy, so shrug. I‘m salty I was wrong tho.

Gram should also be Town from the whole thing. I like how he didn’t give a legacy and just a list of people he doesn’t want lynched. It‘s a way to prevent scum from deferring to the scum reads of a strong player and picking a Townie out of them to set them up.

Pein is probably still Town, but ugh he‘s annoying to deal with.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I want the above to claim last. But I think I‘m in favour of mass claim today. Numbers aren’t bad rn, so if we can put some of the PoE people out of PoE with their claims it would help a lot.