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Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia


Should I just hammer it then? I read some of the stuff I missed while away but I'm still hesitant here about the guy, he honestly feels genuine towny, more so then Watson or Flower imo

I don't think Watson is gonna flip scum and sure
Whatever, I guess I'll trust you not to lead us astray here

[Vote Lynch Rugrat]




Should I just hammer it then? I read some of the stuff I missed while away but I'm still hesitant here about the guy, he honestly feels genuine towny, more so then Watson or Flower imo

Whatever, I guess I'll trust you not to lead us astray here

[Vote Lynch Rugrat]
I'm largely trusting gram here


Should I just hammer it then? I read some of the stuff I missed while away but I'm still hesitant here about the guy, he honestly feels genuine towny, more so then Watson or Flower imo

Whatever, I guess I'll trust you not to lead us astray here

[Vote Lynch Rugrat]
Probably wasn’t the best idea hammering when you had hesitancy then :francis


To clarify:

Magic’s case on me - Nothing (following Odo who he said had been wrong multiple times)

Fang’s case on me - Nothing (thought I was town)

Flower’s case on me - I’m scum with Luka (Luka indeed flipped town)

TPein’s case on me - I didn’t read Magic and Bohoho as town (I had them as town in the read list that he demanded)

Great work lads.


So you think Tweet fake claimed being rolecrushed with his team, after Fuji got janitored? That way scum got lucky and Tweet has no one to counter his claim?
Yes. I’ve done the same kinda thing before. Got an MVP and won best team performance of 2018 (soon to repeat in 2023)
Uh I don't really get that impression despite following his vote from you at all
Magic just played like a coward if he’s town. Didn’t have the balls to step up and make the hard read.


Dr. Watson

‣ ↻


1. T-Pein™
5. Flower
9. The Orca
11. Aurelian

13. Grammaton
14. yohoho1996
16. Rugrat
17. Magic

18. Hans Tweetenberg
20. Dr. Watson

This is my five town core.


Town in my view. There seems to be little self awareness and high activity which is a town tell. I’ve not personally liked how she has gone around saying players are definitely scum, e.g. GAD and Luka - way too bullish. But scum are not usually bullish. I think that wanting a player lynched half way through day in myself is fairly questionable ironically considering what happened with Luka, but realism/pragmatism etc is something I’d associate chiefly with scum.

I think her expectation that people would just accept that her claim of main character was town seemed town. It’s usually town that have the “why are you not seeing what I’m seeing?” blinkers on for obvious reasons - scum generally would be more cautious about this type of thing.


Slightly controversial one, but I think he is town. His play around the L-1 of Xadlin is what gives me pause. Very very few scum players would hesitate on a wagon like that and draw attention to themselves. In the mind of a scum player, that’s the time when it’s “let’s just quietly leave a vote” - there’s ostensibly the risk of being tied to the player at L-1 and Xadlin was fairly inactive so I’d not see much reason in scum going for the throat there.


I reviewed Lethal’s posts and noticed a lot of hostilities here between Lethal and Aurelian. It didn’t read like distancing or bussing, and Lethal’s issues stemmed around Fang’s posts on Xad regarding his entrance to the thread. Reconciling a hypothetical Lethal/Fang/Xad axis - I don’t think a scum Lethal is going to play the 4D chess of bussing a teammate who is bussing another player. It would be incredibly counter productive as it puts the obligation on Lethal to push a teammate - a teammate who only pushed their comrade for thread control/equity. In my view, it’s a write off.


My belief is that Magic is town, his thoughts seem to be aligning with mine on some of the players in the thread. I also think a scum Magic is more keen to push me.

Considering the only reason he had NOT to push me if he was scum, would be to get me on his side - I don’t view this juice as worth the squeeze, as it’s resulted in scepticism from others with more thread control. In addition, I shat on his case from last game excessively where he was town and pushing me. For a scum magic, he’d probably work out from this that him pushing a case of any degree of quality may not lead me to suspect him directly. I think managing my slot without regard to his standing in the thread points to him being town, as he’d a be a little more neurotic in terms of his thread perception as scum.
Thank you for this