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Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia


I'm telling you to trust mech and follow mech and look at what's obvious. Please don't big brain it. Aurelian isn't a good scum player. He is not at all considering gram for any good reason. He's just removing him from his poe. That is scummy.

@yohoho1996 @The Orca

The two of them are evidently working together. Voting together. Not considering one another. Please vote gram.

You mean like you removed orca for no reason at all, having claimed yesterday you thought he was scum since day 1 :heston


Because it's easier to get people to sus me over paranoia than flower who is evidently town.

Watson, yoho, myself have mech in our favour. Orca has no teammate equity.

It is straight forward.

How is it

You have MeCh loooooool

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Then why aren’t you dead bro?

You gonna try and argue me and partner couldn’t handle an endgame of whoever is left?
Why aren't you dead?

It goes both ways, that's precisely why this is a major problem when it comes to strong players like you two.

It's tug o war. You're both wishy-washy to an extent.


Why aren't you dead?

It goes both ways, that's precisely why this is a major problem when it comes to strong players like you two.

It's tug o war. You're both wishy-washy to an extent.

Cause as magic helpfully pointed out, I’ve been wrong about quite a few players this game, and I have very little in my favour


Yes I see equity there.

Basically with T you were twice confirmed, right?
Yes. He said it, I quoted.

I'm genuinely serious where aurelian not being able to properly explain why gram isn't his poe stands out. Gram can explain it as a better scum player but aurelian is just excusing gram because ???. He just is cause he is. Repeatedly saying I lynched tweet while ignoring gram's involvement. Doesn't care gram led other mislynches. Aurelian didn't bother to explain any of this, just redirected back to me.

They voted together then gram said one of the remaining people have to be scum with me cause I wasn't hammered. Or, and this is clear, it's just two.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
+ Important indsight observation from Tweet

He isn't confirmed by mech.

I am Invest JOAT
I am Motion Detector (checks if they performed actions)
I am archeologist. (checks who a dead player visited all game)
I am Voyeur. (checks if any action was performed on a player) Useless.

Michael Jordan Shrug GIF by NBA

I knew lethal was scum and was watching him.
I just wanted to get my archeology shot in b4 I died/claimed.
Was waiting for someone to claim some sort of cop too.

Two nights ago I had checked magic to see if he was vanilla and he was.
This is why I entered last day phase not pushing Magic at all even tho he was posting hella dross.
I did assume towards the end he probably used his shots tho.
It was too terribad.
Literally just tunneled me.
Flower ain't no vanilla cop.
I know I had a legit vanilla check.
This is why I have been tunneling Flower all game and this is why I started sussing lethal right after he claimed.

Magic is twice confirmed.
If he used all his shots when I checked him
And if he was visited by the scum cop for w/e reason.
Then he is lucky AF.
Simple as.


How is it

You have MeCh loooooool
The rolecop isn't watching their teammate on n2. It makes no sense.

Lethal also was sussing me in the game. Lethal never sussed you. You town read Lethal repeatedly despite your great ability to read him as you always state.


Yes. He said it, I quoted.

I'm genuinely serious where aurelian not being able to properly explain why gram isn't his poe stands out. Gram can explain it as a better scum player but aurelian is just excusing gram because ???. He just is cause he is. Repeatedly saying I lynched tweet while ignoring gram's involvement. Doesn't care gram led other mislynches. Aurelian didn't bother to explain any of this, just redirected back to me.

They voted together then gram said one of the remaining people have to be scum with me cause I wasn't hammered. Or, and this is clear, it's just two.
Yeah uh but obviously you lynching the vig while discrediting him all game and Rugrat too isn't on you? You keep widening then closing the net while holding zero risk of being mislynched and happily offing players who would defend those your suspecting; except you go back and forth with reversing your reads your basically just OMGUSing now.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Yes. He said it, I quoted.

I'm genuinely serious where aurelian not being able to properly explain why gram isn't his poe stands out. Gram can explain it as a better scum player but aurelian is just excusing gram because ???. He just is cause he is. Repeatedly saying I lynched tweet while ignoring gram's involvement. Doesn't care gram led other mislynches. Aurelian didn't bother to explain any of this, just redirected back to me.

They voted together then gram said one of the remaining people have to be scum with me cause I wasn't hammered. Or, and this is clear, it's just two.
Did you notice at the very beginning of the game Aurelian went from scum reading Tweet then later on toying with the idea he was town before Tweet was hammered?

Wait let me pull up the quotes


The rolecop isn't watching their teammate on n2. It makes no sense.

Lethal also was sussing me in the game. Lethal never sussed you. You town read Lethal repeatedly despite your great ability to read him as you always state.

Why isn’t he?

How’s he going to sell any usage other than you, given what happened day 2?


Yeah uh but obviously you lynching the vig while discrediting him all game and Rugrat too isn't on you? You keep widening then closing the net while holding zero risk of being mislynched and happily offing players who would defend those your suspecting; except you go back and forth with reversing your reads your basically just OMGUSing now.
Gram led the lynch on rugrat and its clear as hell that he did and you keep trying to say it was me. Again, even in this post, you literally can't explain why you don't consider gram's involvement in anything. You just try glossing over it and going back to me

@yohoho1996 @The Orca they are teammates.


Did you notice at the very beginning of the game Aurelian went from scum reading Tweet then later on toying with the idea he was town before Tweet was hammered?

Wait let me pull up the quotes
Mam yes. He just dropped his sus of tweet without ever elaborating why. Something aurelian never really does as town.

You do not need to convince me, just yourself. They are clearly paired.