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Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia


I may be misremembering tho
Yeah that's true, I also rolecrushed him because I believed he was scum. My read progressed on Tweet to thinking he might be a non-SK indie. Then again what would you say if Flower was still alive when she was the hardest defending him and still voted him too?


Gram led the lynch on rugrat and its clear as hell that he did and you keep trying to say it was me. Again, even in this post, you literally can't explain why you don't consider gram's involvement in anything. You just try glossing over it and going back to me

@yohoho1996 @The Orca they are teammates.
Gram lead Gad's lynch in day 1 but that entire fiasco was him refusing to explain his fluff and getting emotional so the onus was never on anyone but Gad foe that happening. You on other hand spent the whole game even more than Gram or me with shading and sussing Tweet.


Who are the people you think are certain Town at this point?

Same for you @Magic .

Yoho and you.

Why would you be certain yoho is town?

I appreciate that would undermine you too but they already knew yohos claim?






They didn't know tpeins role.

Also vote hans

This is going nowhere. I'm going with fake vig theory. If gram is scum and went all in on this overt shit then at least he did something resembling playing mafia.

You’re arguing in my favour there m8

Why WOULD they rolecop yoho?

No mate. I'm asking why they would do that to their own teammate who likely isn't drawing any attention ever. Clearly it isn't a teammate on teammate move.

Why him specifically tho?

That argument doesn’t really appeal to me tbh

Like why not target another plausible target whose claim they didn’t have?

There’s no evidence of an Indy n1 / n2

And they’ve so far used it to try and make plausible usage claims

They lied about their n3 usage to try ‘frame’ orca for nibels death

On n3 there’s still a cop/bg out there as far as they are concerned - I refuse to accept they were checking an already claimed player to see if he was Indy

should have brought it up last day phase. im not really going to roll with the theory it's yoho now especially as youre suggesting scum used 2 out of their 3 rolecops on themselves.

I don’t think it’s yoho mate

But even if I did, why would it now be too late mr consider everything and not do anything?

@yohoho1996 the exchange.

He's even lying about thus.


If its you two then it's luls isn't the same as what i just quoted where you were shading yoho and saying it didn't make sense to rolecop him and I was saying he was confirmed town.
Is it because....

ITS mech KoNferMED for you?


Gram lead Gad's lynch in day 1 but that entire fiasco was him refusing to explain his fluff and getting emotional so the onus was never on anyone but Gad foe that happening. You on other hand spent the whole game even more than Gram or me with shading and sussing Tweet.
He also town read lethal multiple times despite saying he's good at reading him.

Also scum read tweet.

Led the mislynch on rugrat.

Let the Luka lynch happen without even questioning if it was lethal and unlike me he was around all phase.

Tweet also called him out for being idle and taking a backseat during thst phase instead of acting more strongly.


A Simple Man
This is a decision that can make or break the game

🤔🤔🤔 Magic says Gram
🤔🤔🤔 Aurelian says Magic

It would seem that Magic and I came to the same conclusion that Gram and Aurelian could be working together


I think I'll go Gram

Vote Lynch: Gram


Yoho: Magic > Orca
Chairman Nibel: Luka-Aurelian-Rugrat-Luka
Flower: Fang > Orca > Fang >.Orca>Unvote-Aurelian-Rugrat-Aurelian-Rugrat-Watson-Luka-Unvote-Luka
Tpein: Flower > Magic-Luka-Orca
Aurelian: Magic-Rugrat-Orca
Orca: Rugrat-Luka
Grammaton: Orca-Rugrat-Orca-Luka
Hans Tweetenberg: Watson > Orca-Aurelian-Rugrat-Watson
Magic: Orca-Watson-Luka
Polar Bear: Lethal > Rugrat-Tweet-Rugrat-Luka
Luka: Lethal-Luka
Lethal: Luka


Luka: 8
Orca: 3
Watson: 1

Let me know if there are any mistakes
Where is your vote at here, Magic?


This is a decision that can make or break the game

🤔🤔🤔 Magic says Gram
🤔🤔🤔 Aurelian says Magic

It would seem that Magic and I came to the same conclusion that Gram and Aurelian could be working together


I think I'll go Gram

Vote Lynch: Gram

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Strong town vibes:

  • Magic
  • Tempest/Craig
  • leaning more positively on Gramm
  • Great Potato
  • T-Pein

Weaker town vibes:

- Fujishiro

- Luka
- Rugrat
- Nibel

Null vibes:

- Flower (think she's indie potentially)

- The Orca

  • Polar Bear
  • Dr.Watson/Retro

Null/leaning scummy:

- Gad

Fee; stronger scum vibes:

  • Tweet
  • Yoho
  • Xadlin

Don't really like this observation since I was already on Tweet early on before he omgus'd me back when I was talking about his behavior seeming fake.

Scum reading Tweet since the start of day 1/the game kick off. On top of that I haven't really liked or vibe positive on anything Tweet has said or done. He hasn't much committed on anything substantial as far as solving or pushing. So no reason for me to trust his vote on Craig.

Think my preference with all the shit since day 1 is still mainly lynching:

  • Tweet
  • Xadlin

As for these players not too sure yet:

  • Watson
  • Lethal
  • Rugrat
  • Luka

Just wanted to see if your staying consistent on what you said from day 1. Ngl you being active and involved in most of day 1 isn't what I'm used to seeing from you.

Also how do you read Luka, Gramm, Tweet, Craig, and Flower?

What are your thoughts about Tweet claiming to be rolecrushed btw

I don't think there's a SK unless Tweet was the SK and got RC'd.

My PoE right now in no particular order:


It's AI for Tweet to me and by AI I mean not town indicative.

I keep forgetting you would be the type to buy into that kind of nutty reasoning. No, I don't town read Tweet and still on the fence about the RC claim he made. Why wouldn't he claim what his role is if he's town and reduced to a Vanilla?

Nothing clears Tweet unless he really was RC'd and his claim implying he's the vig.

I scum read someone, I target them. I don't really need you of all people playing hindsight hero here when I was consistent on my scum read on Tweet and operated from that.

So again, screw off.

Oh shut the hell up.

You legitimately have approached my slot in multiple games now in bad faith and trying to insult me or discredit me in each of them for a couple months now. If your gonna pull a Flower and try and seriously argue a joke post claiming with T-Pein that I'm VT was meant to be taken seriously, you are fucking high on vegemite.

Your analysis of my play also runs opposite over most other people with the general consensus of my activity and involvement. On the other hand you've said nothing of value about my tunneling Tweet and Xadlin and focus on Magic being based around his weak play of not getting his feet wet to go after Xadlin in day 1.

On top of that you screwed the pooch with your bungled night 2 action results and it raises concerns about you being a potential scared wolf. You also wouldn't know if I'm being performative or not to call my anger with Flower and Tweet fake.

Weak stuff.

Magic flipping a traitor/detached mafia [GP] mate doesn't remotely hard clear him. The only players also I've seen who have Gram as shady or null are you and Tweet mainly. Secondly what exactly makes Magic seem townie to you?

The town tracker Craig aka Tempest was cautious of Magic's flipping GP and oddly as a COINCIDENCE dies night 2. Same with Gram but he didn't bite the dust. I think this on top of your wacky argument trying to rewrite what happened with Xadlin is pretty weak.

And I rethink you have Nibel and T-Pein as town and both of scum read you.


I honestly don't even know who you have as your town reads besides Yoho and Polar, Magic;

You said yourself Flower might be indie
And Tweet could be scum
You payed with the idea Gram, Watson, and Lethal could be aligned
You haven't given much information on Rugrat and you believe T-Pein should be in PoE because of Flower's reasoning

I don't know what to expect from you at this point

No logic here at all.

So nothing to follow. You helped divert the lynch from Orca who I'm pretty certain is scum to mislynch Luka when Orca was basically dead to rights. Also you haven't even remotely explained me and Tweet going at each other from day 1 to keep each other in general PoE, so again;.your just making things up here.

Awful. You said I had no conviction or solve but was correct about Xadlin, questioned GP, went along with the mislynch on Gad when I wanted and said it should be Xadlin day 1, vouched for Nibel, and blocked the stupid shit Flower was saying trying to get T-Pein lynched and pressed for Orca's lynch just to see it move onto Luka. And yes I had Luka as potential scum too but the flip pretty much crucified Lethal now.

So what are you arguing? If I'm scum I'm bussing my entire team?

Get smarter.

Actually come to think of it if Flower flips indie I'd be also fine with offing Tweet, I still think she could be one.

He even brought up why I didn't originally have Tweet in my PoE

Magic's main suspects: Gram & Tweet
Magic's main town reads: Flower & Yoho
Unknown: Watson and Orca

Magic can you explain why you believe Tweet is deep wolving; isn't just off the back of Fuji being janitor killed? You think he would safely fake claim vig?

That would be Magic's claim, not mine about the whole faking the RC angle theory. Don't put words in my mouth, Flower l.

Why those posts, Fang?

@Magic walk me through this here. You think Gram kills Pein and draws suspicion towards him that way, when he knows you‘re confirmed and are going to bury him instead of somebody like me which could draw sus towards Watson and set her up? Does that look like a game winning move?

Pein also sussed him and I had been town reading gram for most of the game so no this doesn't check out.

I never said he faked being rolecrushed. I said he could fake being the vig if it's fuji's claim.

What do you make of Fang just parroting Pein all game and now wanting to go for you who is confirmed?
More incoming


If its you two then it's luls isn't the same as what i just quoted where you were shading yoho and saying it didn't make sense to rolecop him and I was saying he was confirmed town.

He also town read lethal multiple times despite saying he's good at reading him.

Also scum read tweet.

Led the mislynch on rugrat.

Let the Luka lynch happen without even questioning if it was lethal and unlike me he was around all phase.

Tweet also called him out for being idle and taking a backseat during thst phase instead of acting more strongly.

Loooool this gimp blaming me for tweet


@Dr. Watson @The Orca @yohoho1996 just vote gram and let's win this.

Please see how they are working together as a team. They are voting together and despite neither being clear in any way they won't sus each other.

To Repeat, flower had mech on Watson that helps clear her. She also reacted in a town fashion when flower was faking info on her cause she was what her role was.

Yoho had mech from both flower and then pein(due to lethal Watching him).

Orca has no teammate equity with anyone as literally most have tried lynching him or he everyone else.

It's gram and aurelian. 100%. Please just vote with me here. It is easy and straight forward.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
There is really no point in Tweet not claiming if everything he's saying about the rolecrush is true. I don't legit believe you would have me jump through the mental loops to believe him NOT revealing will frighten the scum team when they know whatever he is he's now harmless action wise.

I was only a 1-shot rolecrusher. Also Rugrat is irrelevant here with this particular discussion: you continually sussed Tweet all game and so did Gram, but you were the one who pushed the wagon the last day ultimately.