One Piece Tier/Feat/Canon/Toei Discussion thread: Toon Level feats only please.

Who is the strongest person in OP now?

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V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
oda ain't know the meaning of those big words, you give too much credit to a typical mangaka from the east

The whole story's theme goes with "Peoples dreams never end" BB's famous quote. So at the least there is some connection towards it even if Oda doesn't go this route and tells us they were created by the Ancient civilization's science because they wanted to be more.

Hopefully we get more info on DFs in the next few chapters, this isn't enough. I want more.


Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
So luffy pulls out goggles from thin air.
Well to be more precise. Rather than thin air It looks to me like he took part of his hair and turned it into goggles. It starts with that fluffy cloud-like shape that his hair as, and the motion he's making looks like he's grabbing it out of his hair.
Well yea but it doesn't make it any less impressive. It's essentially the same thing at the end, he manipulated his "flame/hair" into an actual thing.
Molecular manip? Inb4 he manipulates air molecules too


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
i will never forget the names who said g5 luffy is eastern popeye levels in this thread, when g5 luffy first appeared

me, syla, legosgalaxy, el hermano and b law, its over ohara library, we have the higher ground in this fight

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
- The battle of Luffy Vs. Lucci continues. Lucci can't land a single hit on Luffy.
- Sentomaru is not dead but has been defeated and is taken away for treatment. Lucci takes control of the Seraphim.
- Vegapunk explains the difficulty in replicating the Akuma no Mi.
- Zoan are the easiest to replicate as they are based on animals. Mythological models are very difficult to replicate because of their special conditions.
- To replicate Paramecia you only need the "lineage factor" of the user.
- Logias are practically impossible to replicate, Vegapunk doesn't want to talk too much about it