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Street Fighter: discussion, feats, and analysis


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
bison def has amnesia, mean, not only he cosplays as raoh, he also got a new face and new hair too, and tries to look like arthas from wcraft, lmao


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
anyway, thats the most unique design for bison in a way, not bad at all, literally his willpower is something else, his obsession with psycho power, drove him to next level of craziness and powers, and still cant fully control it, cuz his purple and blue powers clash with each other, he either gets a redemption arc at some point, or all of this is staged, and bison has another new goal, we dont know

sf6 really wants to rival t8, akuma and bison back to back, they want to step up the game, this time

capcom, bring back also yun, alex, yang, sean, fei long and dudley, and we game, again

TrueG 37

Take off your hat In respects for Nash guys. Capcom happily pissed in this man's grave again. I'd say hes doing barrel rolls in his grave but the poor bastard doesn't even have a body anymore :skully .


I don't know what's so surprising about Bison's return when we got this little thing right after his "demise:"
He's basically the new "Sigma"

He probably took over another of his spare bodies and something went wrong in the process

EDIT: It's not a spare body

It seems that, according to the lore, it could be the body of a Mexican POI who was "observed reviving a dying horse" using the residuals of Bison's psycho power

So, Mexican Dictator may be a thing now
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Limit Breakdancer

Fresh out the box Bison with no memories and limited powers is too much for Juri. Gonna have to knock her down a tier. Prolly would have lost to Seth Prime in SF4 without Bison smacking him/her up first.

And she choose to runaway rather than deal with the "broken toy" that she woke up in SFV. Initially, I took it as "well I really don't give a shit about this and can't care to fix it". Could have been more of "i wont be able to put this thing down, gotta go." However, she might still be able to beat Seth in a close fight. Just gonna put her just below Seth to be safe.
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Limit Breakdancer

Well add another bs power for Prime Bison. He can exist as data. His Psycho Power enables him to possess the Psycho Drive/supercomputer and remain there.

This "Bison" overcomes the Prime Bison and absorbs his essence. Who knows wtf is going to happen next.
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Limit Breakdancer

This version of Bison is still imperfect. A clone body that lacks the ability to teleport. Says that if a perfect body shows up, then he will have to defeat it.

Wants to take over the world still. Says his power is unlimited and gains more memories everytime he uses Psycho Power.
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Limit Breakdancer
New Stuff:

Vega appearance

Balrog Appearance

Both imply that they probably will rejoin with Shadoloo if Bison recreates it for their own reasons (Vega is the beauty of World Domination, Balrog's is money lol).

Lords of Shadoloo stuff:

Confirmed by Bison that some form of mind control/mental manipulation was used to influence Balrog, Vega, Sagat, JP, and FANG to become more than mere tools. Most likely this was Psycho Power drawing in their darker desires to keep them following Bison's orders. Sagat obviously broke free first. Then Balrog and Vega to a lesser extent. JP next. FANG is just fucking nuts and obsessed with Bison still.

More stuff:

FANG outright says that this appearance of Bison is "too soon" and that this must be a backup body that got reactivated early. Either there is a time requirement for Prime Bison to reconstitute himself or they were just waiting for another "perfect" body.

Very similar to the Satsui no Hadou, Psycho Power gets stronger the more violence/conflict/strife/negative emotions are in the the vicinity. They actively use the PC's techniques to trigger the Psycho Drive.

PC's placement on the tier list will hold for now. Bison implied that could have killed him/her and only spared them because his interest was piqued by his new pet's behavior.

"A crass vagabond (Ryu), a blonde idiot (Ken), a kung-fu wench (Chun-Li), a renegade doll in a leotard (Cammy,), and a soldier with an absurd haircut (Guile). The Psycho Power within me boils whenever their images flash across my mind." - Bison being bitter about losing to that crew.

However, Bison does not remember the encounter that led to his demise. Gonna be super mad when he remembers that Ryu one-shot his ass.

Everyone believes Bison to be dead for good. Violent Ken confirmed canon.


Limit Breakdancer
My theory is that they are setting up an eventual "Final" showdown that is between Bison and Gill.

Both want to take over the world in similar ways. Both have organizations that are actively opposing one another.