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The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Telvanni are among the most powerful mages in all of Tamriel (and that Morrowind fits with the cosmic horror vibe, which makes sense given everything from it's whacky eco system to the Dread Sharmut sleeping in the depths of Red Mountain).
“We landed on the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora, this Lovecraftian creature focused on knowledge and secrets, and when looking for a place in the world that would mesh with them, we landed on the Telvanni Peninsula because it’s the home to the most powerful mages in all of Tamriel. We thought those fit really well together, and the aesthetic of Morrowind also fit with this cosmic horror vibe.”
On if we'll meet Miraak again, Rich Lambert says "we'll just let you figure that out."
“We’ll just let you figure that out as you go and explore the world.”

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Apocrypha includes familiar areas, such as seen in Dragonborn; writhing ichor seas and otherworldy emerald skies.
"When it came to defining what Apocrypha would be like in ESO, the team really outdid themselves," Murphy says. "We sat down and analyzed the brief glimpses of Hermaeus Mora's realm as shown in Skyrim, and identified the visual themes we knew we had to include – the writhing ichor seas, the otherworldly emerald skies – but we also we were going to go beyond these touchstones."
Apocrypha's landmass and ecosystem implied to be "what passes for one in Oblivion."
"We created a landmass, an ecosystem – or what passes for one in Oblivion – that took all the themes of Skyrim’s depiction and amplified them. We then went beyond what we saw in Skyrim and created an entirely new environment –which we call Chroma Incognito – it maintains the themes of Apocrypha while giving players an entirely new biome to explore."
Hushed are the results of mortals who've lingered too long in Apocrypha outside of Moras protection, and both their mind and flesh are warped beyond recognition.
"Hushed, which are the result of mortals who have lingered too long in Apocrypha outside of Hermaeus Mora's protection," Murphy says. "Their minds and flesh have become warped by strange magic to the point where they are unrecognizable and seem to wish death on all they come across. They may look humble, but don’t be fooled by appearances!"
Mind Terrors are servants of Vaermina, and are nightmares made flesh.
And then there's the nightmare-inducing Mind Terror. Murphy adds: "These scuttling monstrosities wander both Apocrypha and the Telvanni Peninsula with the goal of inflicting torment, suffering and mental anguish on their foes. They are nightmares made flesh. As to their purpose – all I’ll say here is that their masters have arrayed themselves against Hermaeus Mora. You’ll fight many of these horrors while on Necrom’s main quest!"

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Mora is neither good nor evil, and instead focuses on hoarding all knowledge and secrets.
"Mora especially was one that has been on our list for a very long time. I think Mora is one of the coolest Daedric Princes. They're not really inherently good or inherently evil, which is kind of a nice change of pace," Lambert said. "They are just really concerned about knowledge, hoarding knowledge, and documenting as many things as they can. So being able to explore that and show that in their realm was a lot of fun for us."
Zenimax wanted how information is stored in Apocrypha to feel different to how information is stored in Clockwork City (a computerized steampunk feel), hence the inspiration from fossils for the infinite libraries of Herma-Mora.
"We have Clockwork City, and there is a very unique way in which a lot of data is stored there. It has a lot more kind of steampunky, almost computerized, like things, and we didn't want to do that here," Lambert explained. "So we started digging into fossils and how fossils could be used in this regard, and that really started informing some of the biome choices and some of the landmarks that we created in the zone as a result — it was just a lot of fun digging into that side of things because we knew we wanted to tell our own stories, but still make sure that people felt like this felt like the Apocrypha they knew."

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
On how if the Creation Club is canon; although the Creation Club are official releases, it's understandable why archives on TES lore like the UESP and the Imperial Library take them with a grain of salt, and they do consider lore implications when reviewing CC proposals (as they want things to fit into the world of the game), but they aren't seeking to greatly expand the lore of the game. He goes on to say that even with legendary and mythical artifacts, they have a habit of appearing and disappearing and rematerializing in different places (which was noted even back in Daggerfall).

Is the Creation Club canon? (2017-10-03)​

I am not an official arbiter of Bethesda lore, but I hope you don't mind if I chime in. Creations are official releases, but it's also understandable that a site like UESP or the Imperial Library would take CC with a grain of salt. We do consider lore implications when reviewing proposals, particularly something trying to heavily enmesh itself into the world. Connections to the world are great, but we also want to avoid anything being too impactful. That is, we want things to fit into the game world, but we're also not looking to greatly expand the lore of the game. With historic items, like artifacts, simply existing can have implications for the lore. Although artifacts in Tamriel do have a habit of disappearing and re-materializing in other places. I believe this was even noted in the description of Chrysamere in Daggerfall.
Crossover items and mods (such as with Portal, Zelda and Doom) are "in a category of their own" in regards to being canon.

What about items from other games? Are those canon, too? (2017-10-26)​

Promotional items are sort of a category of their own.

Previously was I wan analyst, and one of my ancillary duties was actually Customer Support's go-to-guy for lore questions. I also had the opportunity to assemble and run their introductory sessions for TES lore, which was a blast. Although this does not make me an arbitrator for TES lore, so please don't weigh anything I say will too much authority, because I'm not in a position to even make those proclamations I said I wouldn't.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
With the above in mind about how this is very dubiously canon, the official Space Core mod was made as a collaboration between Bethesda and Valve. It features the Space Core from Portal 2.
To celebrate the opening of the Steam Workshop for Skyrim, Valve and Bethesda have teamed up to bring you the Portal 2 Space Core mod, which will let the aggressively space-centric little robot tag along on your adventures in Tamriel.

Also, since Skyrim was the only major release of 2011 without Nolan North in it, you should consider this mod a patch to fix that problem. You can now feel free to include Skyrim in the "Nolan North" section of your video game library, which is to say, your video game library.

To play this mod, all you need to do is click the green Subscribe button. The next time you launch Skyrim, it will download and install the mod. That's all there is to it! If you stay subscribed to a mod, future updates will be downloaded automatically.
You find a Space Core when one falls from space, causing a sonic boom and creating a large explosion when it crashes into a ruined house.

The Space Core can be launched back into space by a giants strike.


Infact, other powerful explosive spells can launch the Space Core back where it came from.
Constantly animated. Says a line of dialogue each time it is activated, placed in inventory, or when idle. If blasted hard enough (e.g. by AoE spells or a Giant's club), the Space Core will be launched back into space and removed from the game.
The Space Core can be used to power the Atronach Forge, allowing you to create a Dovahcore Helmet.
The Space Core makes reference to the atmosphere, blackholes, astronauts, nebulas, Jupiter and the Big Dipper.
Atmosphere. Black holes. Astronauts. Nebulas. Jupiter. The Big Dipper. The Big Dipper!
Space. I wonder what's up there. Uh, Big Dipper. Little Dipper. Atmosphere. Black holes. Dragons! Oh no, no, yeah, no dragons, just space.
In the levelling up constellation skills, you can find Wheatley floating around.

Space Sphere's (or Spheriphem) are natives of space and long to return to that comforting void.
Space is what you see when you look up.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The book Boethiah's Proving makes reference to the surface of the Sun.
Slashing a smoking tear through the Veil, She, her-very-self, appeared before them, terrible and resplendent. She came arrayed in ebony darker than a moonless night, wielding a blade burning hotter than the surface of the sun. And though she wore the guise of a Dunmer warrior-queen, she towered above them like a statue carved from the Red Mountain itself.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Some gameplay feats, which even by the absolute low end prove that Dovahkiin is superhuman. Dovahkiin is able to push around decent-sized boulders.

You can also do this with boulders bigger than a person, although if you it it in the wrong way it can hurt you.


Do it right through, and you can pull it off without taking any damage.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Just a massive tear to Aetherius that's actually an infinite distance away from Nirn, because TES doesn't care. :mjpls
Always funny how certain websites will obsess over this fact to downplay TES, without realising in context that it's far higher than any Sun in the observable universe combined by literally infinity. :Jiub:


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Always funny how certain websites will obsess over this fact to downplay TES, without realising in context that it's far higher than any Sun in the observable universe combined by literally infinity. :Jiub:
Boethiah packing a weapon that just has infinite heat, because why not? Compared to the ultimate 'NO YOU' that is the Dwemer's final creation, the Numidium, that's pretty damn tame, all things considered. :mjlol

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The introduction video of Legends features what looks like the Aurbis itself within the eye of an owl.




We also see the Imperial City under attack in the owls eye.

At the end of the main questline, the owl flies off into the stars...

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Looking into the ESO Champion Skill constellations to check something over...


Though it's not as apparent here as in Skyrim and Legends, but the stars are infact non-equidistant (note the stars in the constellation of the Mage against the stars in the background). This is easier to notice if you look at it frame-by-frame; the distance the stars seem to move is not equal.

You can even see the Mage behind the constellation of the Warrior.
As such, this is now the third seperate game in which we directly see there being non-equidistant stars in the sky. Whether they're spheres of matter or tears in the fabric of space doesn't matter, as this is all supportive evidence of the Mundus being astrologically vast, and beings like the Aedra and the Celestials scaling directly to this cosmology in size and power.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
An interview (in video form, down the page), in which Matt Firor talks some about Necrom and the upcoming 10th anniversary of ESO. At around 4:20 in, he talks about Bethesda Game Studios imput, and how they really helped to make ESO what it was (such as deciding what Era it would be in). The cliffhanger at the end of Necrom will be resolved in a future chapter, and there are lots of non verbal hints as to where the next chapter of ESO for the 10th anniversary will be set.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
A counter to "Nocturnal could become infinite" (from Summerset Online itself); Nocturnal is the dark and the dark is endless. So Nocturnal is endless, but not infinite (somehow).
Nocturnal: Nocturnal is the dark, and the dark is endless.
As I've said before, my own take away from this is that infinite in this context refers to having limits (as Sotha Sil follows up with "she could be without limits), and the Princes do have limits, even if they do have infinite power (they can't create anything truly new, impede on unprotected realities and spheres of influence, cannot act outside their own spheres and so on).

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
According to some Khajiit belief systems, Azura killed Vaermina, which is why she only haunts the Khajiit when they dream. According to this myth, she had no litter, but was born from Fadomai's (the Khajiiti version of Padomay) fear of loosing her children.
Varmiina. Queen of Nightmares. The Lost Daughter. This spirit was not of any litter, but was born from Fadomai's fear of losing her children. Azurah killed this dark spirit in the Underworld, and now Varmiina only haunts Khajiit when they dream. Know she will test you and make you want to turn from the Path in fear, but she cannot truly harm the ja-Kha'jay in dreams.