The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Info on Mirkmire.

A voriplasm digests someone in seconds.
They also cause weapons to corrode and break apart.
Jaxsik-Orrn defeats the voriplasms and their skeleton puppets, even as they smash grave-stakes at her (an image of a grave-stake for scale below).
Part of the main quest involves you entering a dream-wallow, where you enter the dreams and memories of someone else, and experience them too (which is in line with traversing dreams and memories in the Vaermina quest Skyrim, although in this case your body remains behind).
2:24, Hist trees reach deep into Nirn and to lands beyond Argonia, and thanks to the Hist, Argonians realise that some things are certain.
6:25, you enter the dream-wallow and examine the mural. You then enter a vision of the past. This is because you have entered someone elses memories (Famia is also partially experiencing them, and even comments on smelling smoke and tasting blood and such) (7:19).
Murkmire said:
Famina Mercius: I heard a name - Mateem. I...I think our friend is reliving an ancient Argonain's memories!
Online:Death and Dreaming - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Journal Entry (Online) said:
Xukas and Jaxsik-Orrn used the reagents they found to create a potent mind-altering smoke. I must breathe it in to begin the dream-wallow.
Journal Entry (Online) said:
My mind is reeling! A tangle of roots parted to reveal an ancient mural. I should see what I can learn from it.
Journal Entry (Online) said:
In touching the mural, my consciousness was transported to a distant, dreamy marsh. And my body has taken on the aspect of an unfamiliar Argonian. I should explore the marsh. Perhaps I'll find some sign of the Remnant here.
8:43, Myndhal (an Aylied) stops an Argonian and sucks his soul out (at first I thought he got sucked in entirely, but a below gif clears this up).
Murkmire said:
Myndhal: Ah, another soul for our harvest? Delightful.
13:55, the Aylieds have hundreds of soldiers attacking (and the Argonian tribe slaughtered the first wave), and Myndhal rips out the scouts soul (this gif is much clearer on what happens).
19:11, Sap-Speaker Kuzei sees that you are not Mateem (the ancient Argonian who's memories you're visiting), but sees you for who you really are. She also refers to events in your present and future (such as the location of the Remnant and the betrayal, by Kassandra, the sacrifice, by Jaxsik-Orrn).
Sure enough, Kassandra betrays you and steals the staff right afterwards (which means one can interact with the dream-wallow and bring things back with them).
1:49, Kassandra goes through an Aylied gate powered by vakka stones rather than Aylied stones, and you have to find another vakka stone, which absorb energy from the Sun.
Murkmire said:
Famia Mercius: An Aylied gate? How long did those invaders stay in Murkmire? Never mind. It must need a welkynd stone to function. Let's have a look around.
Like an Oblivion Gate needs a sigil stone, an Aylied gate needs a welkynd stone.
3:35, the gate activates (it's called a Nexus gate).
5:31, you enter another Aylied gate, and end up in an...interesting landscape.
Blue light and floating pillars. Along the way, you see the visions (memories) of two people (Myndhal and Hautern), who speak.
Murkmire said:
Myndhal: After all this time, this is all we could manage...a lifeless vault of qateways, availing us nothing!
The journal of an explorer who got lost here for a week and died.
Online:Doomed Explorer's Journal - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Right after that, you end up in another place and fight some Aylieds, including this nameless, totally peak human at best mofo (at 5:54).
Murkmire said:
Myndhal: Souls do not just vanish, Hautern! Find them, or I will find someone else who can.
The conversation is cut off by the player going through the door, but a new line of dialogue begins right after.
7:23, there's some interesting dialogue, but unforunately the player leaves before you can hear it all again.
Murkmire said:
Hautern: My lord? You wished to show me something?

Myndhal: Cast your eyes across this vast expanse. Tell me, what do you see?
7:39, on the bizzare biology of argonians and their endurance.
Also of note, Hourtern caused the temperature here to decrease to the point that it snowed in this chamber.
8:10, the magic of the stone (likely the Remnant of Argon) is compared to the "Light of Magnis given form."
Murkmire said:
Hourtern: We found a suitable stone, my lord. The arcane properties are unlike any I've ever seen before.

Myndhal: Yes. We should have been researching them from the beginning. The Light of Magnus given form. Remarkable.

Right after that you enter another gate, fight Myndhal and kill him, then go on to battle Kassandra and kill her too.

12:43, the Remnant contains the souls of an ancient tribe of Argonians called the Root-Whisper tribe, encased in amber by the Hist to protect them from the Aylieds. However, it was only meant to be temporary, and this drained the tribes Hist tree to a death-like state for sustaining the Remnant for so long.
You, Xukas and Jaxsik-Orrn then enter the Remnant, and Jaxisk-Orrn sacrifices herself to lead the Root-Whisper tribe back to the cycle. Within, Sap-Speaker Kuzei recognises you from the past, and says that had Kassandra succeeded to gain the Remnant of Argon, many would have suffered.

The loading screen for this place (a quote from Morian Zenas) says that this is not a physical place, and the mind interprets this location the best it can.
Online:The Remnant of Argon - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Loading Screen (Murkmire) said:
"What can the mortal mind do when transported to a place that is not a place? It has no choice but to interpret its surroundings as best it can."—Morian Zenas
Onto other notes, the ancient Argonians used sun-magic to seal one of their structures.
According to legends, Murkmire once extended much further South before it sank into the sea.
Sithis is Change, and so thus all temples and alters to him are different, though the Teeth of Sithis are the biggest (at least in Murkmire).
Online:Teeth of Sithis - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Loading Screen (Murkmire) said:
As Sithis is Change, there are naturally no standards for Sithis altars or chapels—but in Murkmire, there is certainly no larger temple to the Dread Father than the Teeth of Sithis.
Online:Xul-Thuxis (place) - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Loading Screen (Murkmire) said:
The name of this place translates from Jel as "Snake-Means-Death City," and it's known to be an ancient center of reverence for Sithis, the Dread Father whose other names are Chaos and Change.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Information on the Augur Of The Obscure and the Summerset Online Psiic's questline.

The Vestige is acompanied by a being called the Augur Of The Obscure (we've already met one Augur, the Augur of Dunlain in Skyrim below the Mages College). It has many lines of interesting dialogue, such as follows...

Everything is animistic and has a soul. Coral has a soul, snowmen can have souls, rocks are alive, and even dreams may be alive (though that last ones said as a joke, so I'm not sure how true it is). Spirits reside in water and in lava. I'm reminded of the Skaals beliefs a bit, and everything having a soul makes me think of how Daedra don't have souls. The contrast between Mundus and Oblivion can be seen even more.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: You know coral's just weird sac-animal bones, right? So this is a bit like a cemetery, I guess. Ugh ... you do not want to know what their ghosts look like! Old cheese—I'll leave it at that.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: More ruins. Hmm. You know, every stone tells a story. I mean that literally, by the way. That wall over there won't shut up about how much it hates rain. Let's find this breach and get out of here, eh?
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Snow! Can we make a snow-thing? Snow-person? Whatever? you know, if you make it right, it develops a sad little soul! 'Course it melts later. Bit of a shame, that. But we can name it and everything!
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Breach ho, mate! While you look, I will regale you with a hilarious joke! What do you call a lygosmotic dream-wave on its birthday? A ventswattle! Get it? A ventswattle? Oh, never mind.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: What's this? The Red Tower fragment? Careful with that one, mate. It's tempermental ... and full of spirit-lava. That's the most dangerous kind of lava.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Breach ahead. Say, what is it with you bipeds and waterfalls? A deluge of happy water-spirits cast to their doom, smashed to bits on the sullen rocks below. Hardly a recipe for romance, mate!
The Augur Of The Obscure can smell colours.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: What a view! Aside from the coral over there. Be glad your silly face-holes can't smell colors. Ugh! That orange! It smells like ... old figs fell out of an ogre's bottom. Let's find this breach, eh?
It's immortal and doesn't need to eat, sleep or waste.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: The ruins of Leki's Blade. Really gets you thinking, eh? About mortality. The long, slow march of time ... the grim inevitability of death, decay, and obscurity. Phew! Glad I don't have to worry about that!
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure:Ah, there's a breach here. City's a bit gaudy, eh? At least by mortal standards. Where I come from, this would be little more than a privy. I'm kidding, of course. No one pees where I come from.
It's composed of pure math, and finds beings of flesh disgusting and strange. Also, there are creatures that eat maths are a thing (called Antipodal math-grabbers; think about that name, grabbers).
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure:Yech. Vampires. Pays to not have a neck sometimes, eh? Blood too, I guess. 'Course if you see any antipodal math-grabbers you'll let me know, right? They'd just love to get a bite of me!
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: There's definitely a breach around here somewhere, meat-brain. You don't mind me calling you meat-brain, do you? I mean, as mundane physical brains go, you're really top of the class!
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Definitely a breach here, mate. Say, I was thinking—maybe we should get something for Josajeh to cheer her up! I'm thinking meat of some variety. You meat-brains like meat, right?
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: You're doing that thing where water squirts out of your skin, aren't you? Sweating, eh? Ugh. And you people think I'm weird! Let's find this breach and cool off.
It can sense what happened somewhere in the past, including what emotions were felt in the past, as well as dreams (also fish have 37 varieties of fear).
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure:Ooh, a spooky clifftop estate. What a fine place for a breach. All sorts of ghastly things happened here, I can tell you that. I'd shudder if I had shoulders. I'm kidding of course—mortal fear is hilarious.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Deshaan, eh? A lot of transliminal dread residue here. Must be the fish. Did you know fish experience thirty-seven different varieties of fear? That's why they always look surprised!
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Hmm. These ruins are dripping with old intention, mate. Forgotten dreamforms, frothing hour-bests .... Great place for a blood-ritual. Or a very unsettling birthday party.
It regards the Hist as insufferable.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Shadowfen? Ugh. The Hist are insufferable. Honestly, if they're so smart, why can't they stop leaking their sap all over the place? Don't drop me in there, by the way. Stuff's impossible to wash off
Being in the Spellscar and at the Throat of the World hurts it.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Agh! This place is awful! Feels like something's feeding my head through a lumber mill! And that noise! Can you hear that? Let's find this fragment and get out of here!
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: The Snow Throat Fragment! Congratulations--good for you. Now let's get out of here, eh? My teeth feel like they're going to fall out of my face! Ow. Ow. Ow!
It is a traveller from another universe/dimension/plane, and exists in more than 3 dimensions (the oceans exist in more than 3 dimensions, and seeing its true form would cause a mortals brain to explode).
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Watch your step around here, mate. This arena is what we in the dimension-hopping community call a "really bad idea door". Daedric mischief for sure. Let's find this breach and go, all right?
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: There's a breach here, mate. I'm seeing a bridge ... or maybe a flat sideways tower people can walk on? I guess they're kind of the same thing. Only having three dimesions does make things simpler.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: A breach near the sea! I do love the ocean. It's a shame you can only see in three dimensions. All the quasi-tones and inverse number-forms .... Actually, I take it back—your meat-brain would explode if you saw this.
In the Augur's home world, they don't build statues, as they come to life and sneeze death-algorithms everywhere.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Well, that's a prodigous statue. We don't build statues anymore where I come from. They always ended up coming to life, sneezing death-algorithms all over the place .... Trust me, it was a mess.
It can detect breeches in time by hearing them.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: I hear a breach nearby. You can't, can you? Count yourself lucky. Sounds like ... a swarm of bees bouncing around in a tin bucket full of sleigh bells. Sort of like that racket bards make.
It knows how many grains of sand there are in the Alik'r desert.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Hmm .... Yeah, there's a breach nearby. Say, did you know there are six and a half quadrillion grains of sand in the Alik'r? Oh, come on. Don't act like you're not impressed!
It's implied to be able to control gravity.
Anumaril foresaw the creation of the Numidum.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Walk-Brass? Oh this one's a puzzler, mate! If Anumaril created the Staff of Towers in the First Era, how'd he know about a tower the Dwarves hadn't made yet? Pow! Brain explosion!
The Staff of the Towers can cause Dragon Breaks.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Breach around here somewhere. Oh, and by the way, Celarus has no idea what he's doing with that staff. Ah well. Dragon Breaks aren't so bad. Ha! I'm joking. They're horrific, mate.
The Staff can make time turn inside out.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: So, Staff of Towers, eh? Lots of peril there, mate. I've got to admit, though, I'm very exited to see how it turns out! I'd say, what? Sixty-percent chance time folds inside-out? We'll see!
Needless to say, leaving time breaches open is bad, and lead to the end of linear time.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Hmm. Breach nearby. I don't know why you're so intent on sealing them. Linear time is so overrated. Just imagine, you could die before you were even born! Wait ... that's horrifying isn't it? I'm sorry. Never mind.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Another breach out there. Maybe we should leave this one be, you know? Honestly, what's the worst that could happen? Wait--I'm not encouraging you to ask me that question. The answer is very graphic.
The Crystal Tower Fragment occupies multiple places at the same time.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: The Crystal Fragment? This is an odd one, mate. It's here, but also somewhere else. Several other somewheres in fact. Don't think about it too hard. It's bad for your meat-brain.
The Orichalc Tower is ugly, sunken and long forgotten.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: The Orichalc fragment! Don't hear much about the Orichalc Tower anymore, but it was always my favorite. I love ugly, sunken, long-forgotten things.
Something's eating the Shadowfen breach.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Yeah, there's a breach here somewhere. And something's eating it? I certainly wouldn't recommend that. Unless you're really anxious to get sucked through your own belly-button.
Some other misc notes. The waters in Rivenspire (or water in general) are filled with brain-billies, spirit jellyfish that sting memories.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Best find this breach before the tide comes in. Water's full of brain-billies: little spirit-jellies that sting people's memories. Don't believe me? Think of that time you wet your pants. Ha! Hurts, right?
Watery locations are filled with etherial behemoth mind-snails, which only beings like the Augur can see.
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Hmm. Rocks. Water. More rocks ... wait! That's it. Breach nearby, mate. Sorry, I got distracted by all the behemoth mind-snails. It's too bad you can't see them, They're really cure. Sort of.
The dreugh weren't always the way they are (possibly a reference to Lyg).
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Dreugh? Ugh. I'm telling you, mate, they used to be a lot more pleasant. Now these land dreugh are all crab-faced and stabby. Shame. Let's find this breach and move on, eh?
Deciduous trees love accordion music
Summerset Online said:
Augur Of The Obscure: Another breach near that tree, I think. Fun fact—all deciduous trees love accordion music. Just more proof that all trees are idiots.
Sources for the above.
Online:The Psijics' Calling - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Online:Breaches of Frost and Fire - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Online:The Shattered Staff - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Online:The Towers' Remains - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Online:A Breach Amid the Trees - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Online:The Towers' Remains - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Online:Time in Doomcrag's Shadow - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Online:A Breach Beyond the Crags - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Online:A Time for Mud and Mushrooms - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Online:Breaches on the Bay - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
The ones responsible for the breeches have access to alternate universes, and said breeches lead to other universes.
Online:The Towers' Fall - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Quest Maker (Summerset Online) said:
  1. Defeat Josajeh's alternate timeline selves, and close the time breaches
Mannimarco magically chokes Vanus Galerion.
As viewed through a seeing stone called the Eye of Remembrance.
Summerset Online said:
Ulliceta, an apprentice studying under the Psijics, took a powerful seeing stone called the Eye of Remembrance to the forbidden Traitor's Vault. It may reveal the secrets hidden there.
The Psijics can see into the Spirit World.
Online:Psijic Order - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Ability description said:
See the Unseen: The insight you have gained from the Psijic Order grants you vision of the spiritual world. You can now interact with rifts all throughout Tamriel.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Miraak is the Last Dragonborns deadliest adversary (this includes Alduin, Ancano with the Eye of Magnus, Harkon with Auri-El's Bow, Mercer Frey, the Ebony Warrior and many more).

The Elder Scrolls Official Site | Skyrim Special Edition


Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Mankar Camorans Paradise is big enough to contain a sun.
This realm is a part of Mankar Camoran, which he's sustaining. Kill him and you destroy Paradise.
Oblivion:Brother Martin - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Martin Septim said:
I believe that Mankar Camoran acts as the "anchor" for Paradise, just as a sigil stone anchors an Oblivion Gate in place. Kill Mankar Camoran, and you will unmake his Paradise.
When you arrive in Gaiar Alata and travel through it, the disembodied voice of Mankar Cameron speaks to you, backing this up.

Elder Scrolls Online
Loremasters Archive: The Maelstrom Arena said:
Fa-Nuit-Hen: Indeed, reality as personal manifestation is the norm in all the highly-organized realms I have visited.

Not only is he one with and sustaining a solar system sized dimension (at minimum), but he states that the Champion of Cyrodiil is similar in power to him.
Oblivion:Mankar Camoran - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
After you defeat him, his realm of Gaiar Aletia dissolves back into Oblivion.
Oblivion said:
I killed Mankar Camoran. Upon his death, the Paradise he had created dissolved around me, and I found myself back in Cloud Ruler Temple with the Amulet of Kings in my hand. I must give the Amulet to Martin.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Among the many hierarchies of daedra, Daedra Lords are immensely powerful Daedra who while far above lesser daedra and are near the top, are still weaker than the Princes. Some of these Daedra Lords have their own spheres and their own realms, whether they're independent or subservient to one of the Princes. Hircine for example, has Daedra Lords who rule over sub-spheres of his greater spheres, and one of these is the Lord of Fishing.




V.I.P. Member
@Stocking Anarchy Do you follow Fudgemuppet on YouTube? They post tons of Elder Scrolls Lore videos.

I primarily follow them for their Skyrim roleplaying builds. Right now, I’m taking a break with my High Elf for a build based on this one: The Avenger

Character goes perfectly with my usual roleplaying of a Thalmor hating rebel. Awesome backstory and playstyle and Krosis + Glass Armor just looks badass.

Going to follow the above but probably mix in some One-Handed too. Just doesn’t feel like a proper Warrior without some kind of melee skill.
Last edited:

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
I don't really follow that many TES Youtubers sorry.


V.I.P. Member
The Skaal are such a fascinating take on the usual Nords between their monotheistic belief and pacifism as opposed to the usual Nord lifestyle of battle and glory-seeking.

Wish Dragonborn featured more focus on them with perhaps a few more missions or even letting you join them officially

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
strongest other races fans vs weakest breton enjoyer

Also posting as a reminder that any one of these characters could solo all of MHA and RWBY.
Ironic that SB would use these cinematics to downplay TES when these same cinematics had Abnur Tharn stop an island destroying explosion without prep and react to the explosion.

They also tried to say the cinematics were more canon than ESO was.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Also the implications that Thaeddeus Cosma and Abnur Tharn are the same person, and said explosion fucked with space and time. Kaalgrontiid was also fucking with the moons to achive godhood after all so island/continent level is a literal low end bit feat version of the feat.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Looking back over some interviews to try and find a certain line again. I couldn't find it*, but here are some other interview notes of note.

A dragonborn is someone who has been anointed by the gods with a soul of a dragon.
Todd Howard: And what it really comes down to mean is anointed by the gods with the soul of a dragon.
Fus Ro Dah is a blast of energy (further yet backing up that thu'um is done by energy).
Dragons clawed the ancient Nord writings on the Word Walls with their claws.
A part of the story of the characters is the environment they live in and the items you find around them.
Matthew Carofano: It makes a sense of believablility to the world. So you really see how people live in it and what they're doing, and a lot of the story is just told by the clutter or the environment which is just built around that character.
*Todd Howard I believe it was says that Dovahkiin starts out weaker but then becomes immensly powerful or something along those lines.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
A big post on cosmology size. To start, Clockwork City has many layers and "kind of" goes on endlessly, which represents wheels within wheels and worlds within worlds.

There are infinite wheels, each going out infinitely to the Eye of Auri-El.
In the Mundus, each of the major plane(t)s (save Nirn) are an entire plane of existence of infinite size and mass, and are perceived as spherical because the mortal mind cannot perceive the infinite.
Space acts like a planet in that it's infinite but surrounded by Aetherius.
This is important to the Mages Guild questline in Oblivion, the main story of Elswyer Online as well as other quests in ESO.

One infinity surrounded by a bigger infinity is perceived as a sphere or bubble.
Apocrypha is infinite, with different laws to Mundus (as per the omniscient narrator).

Sithis is formless and as infinite as the Void.

Oblivion has infinite worlds and infinite variation.
All possibilities are manifested in the planes of Oblivion.
There are countless planes of Oblivion.

The Aurbis has been refered to as the Multiverse, including by the omniscient narrator.
Nirn has alternate versions as well, as seen in the multiplayer for Shadowkey.
Your death in the shadow realm severs your bond with the magic that allows you to share worlds. You are back on your own."
Realms & planes are referred to as universes and self-contained realities.
?????? others believe that ????? ??????? ??? rune is itself a worm hole which regarded obliquely presents a doorway to a parallel universe.
If a hermaphroditic, bug-armored, bipolar god-king existing in multiple universes who has his very own bible with *actual* magic strewn throughout it is your idea of a cliche, then I really would like to live in your world. It sounds fun and new.
A mysterious stone literally from another universe - the plane of Oblivion - Atronite is often left behind when an Atronach is defeated or dispelled. It is used in the tempering of high-end weapons and armor.
There are different kinds of realms, which include major planes, sub-realms and pocket realms.
Even different planes of Oblivion consist of different worlds, such as the Deadlands and Apocyrpha.

Aetherius is also composed of many different realms.
The vastness of the Mundus.


Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Skyrim The Adventure Boardgame is finally here! I hope to compile a masterpost in the future, but in the meantime I'll post all of interest I find.

The main hero of the game in the Dawnguard expansion ends up in Boethiah's plane of Attribution's Share. You die dozens of times and come back to life via the will of Boethiah. A horrific creature (possibly Boethiah herself) swallows you whole, and Boethiah speaks directly to your mind. This also shows the difference in the flows of time between Attribution's Share and Nirn, as this game takes place over a time period of around 40 years (it starts 40 years before the events of Skyrim and goes to the events of Skyrim).
A mysterious stone with magical protection falls from the sky. Within it is a scroll about the origin of the Dunmer, the Testing, the Reclaimations and Boethiah.

The Vampire Lord strengthens undead creatures across the land.
Entering the Spiral Skein (which is both oddly familiar and reassuringly distorted), and you see a copy of yourself which will take your place on Nirn. If you defeat the copy of yourself you return to Nirn, but if you fail you will be stuck in the Spiral Skein until you manage to escape (after an unknown period of time).

Death is not enough to escape Boethiah's grasp.
Daedra are creatures from another dimension.
Travelling through Oblivion will lead to some unwanted side effects on the adventurer (the effect of this card is swapping form with either another player or a random monster).
The hero has chances Oviron across different planes for centuries.
It takes weeks and months to reach Black March from Skyrim, and even as you live out your life you still sometimes hear Boethiah's voice and cross with her Chosen.
A being in the "Mitten" (this is almost certainly a typo of "the Midden", especially as it's in Winterhold) can see the future.
Mephala's presence is like a snake crawling in your soul.
Dwemer annimunculi are coming out of the ground at Nchuand-Zel.
Overin is a powerful magic user, and his presence is bound to leave a trace, which the mages in Winterhold can track.


Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
A few more cards from Skyrim The Boardgame.

Within the Spiral Skein, you see yourself as young, old, sick, strong and dead everywhere they look.
Meridia refers to Boethiah as her cousin and reads the heroes mind.

Boethiah's Chosen Ones flood the cities of Skyrim.
Even as a vampire, you can still hear Boethiah's voice and are not free of her influence.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The next ESO storyline has been unveiled, and we are returning to both Morrowind and Apocrypha! You must work for Hermaeus Mora to stop unknown forces which are threatening reality itself.
The Daedric Prince of Knowledge, Hermaeus Mora, harbors and protects many secrets best kept from mortals and Daedra alike. Now, the One Who Knows’ most closely guarded mysteries are threatened by forces unknown and reality itself is at risk!
The two intro dungeons will have you battling not only the Scribes of Mora, but also the temporal magics of Bal Sunnar.
You must help Mora stop reality itself from unravelling, but despite all this, Mora is a dark force and he may have some plans of his own.
Discover the Dark Elves of the Telvanni Peninsula and investigate a scheme that threatens to unravel reality itself—Hermaeus Mora needs mortal assistance, but can the Prince of Knowledge truly be trusted?
On the Telvanni Peninsula is the city of Necrom, which has not been seen in a TES game since Arena.
Apocrypha is described as an endless library, and contains secrets hidden from mortals and Daedra alike.
Apocrypha is again refered to as containing endless libraries (this is the second time the omniscient narrator has refered to Apocrypha as being infinite or endless, the first being in the Skyrim Prima).
Two bizarre and wonderful worlds await you in The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom. Are you excited to explore the city of the dead? Or perhaps you’re eager to lose yourself in the endless libraries of Hermaeus Mora’s realm of Oblivion?
The Arcanist class is the latest class, and allows you to draw upon abilities and powers from Apocrypha.
The Arcanist can also create portals across the battlefield (which also serves as a passage between worlds).
Something is threatening Mora's most closely guarded secret. To uncover this conspiracy you must walk between realities to stop a conspiracy powerful enough to threaten both Nirn and Oblivion.
The cinematic trailer for Shadow Over Morrowind, in which we see Mora watching over different parts of reality and Apocrypha itself. An Arcanist uses a portal to escape into Apocrypha and meets Mora.

Finally, we see the biggest manifestation of a Prince to date, with Herma-Mora taking up the entire sky. He is well behind the clouds and the mountains on the horizon, making him at absolute minimum many kilometers across. However, we can also see there's a setting Sun below Mora's eye, which given the nature of Magus the Sun, makes this way more crazy (if that is the case, Mora could outright be infinite in size here).

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The abilities of the Arcanist where partially inspired by anime.

Stephen Cerretani: When initially coming up with the Arcanist, we had a ton of ideas and inspiration coming from all sorts of places. Movies, comics, classic literature and both retro & modern games. There was even a handful of anime references.