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Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia


You dont town read Hime and Whicker?
Not especially. Whicker’s play is nonsensical regardless of the messenger and Hime’s had a cast iron certainty on far too much which is very uncanny of her.

More importantly, Poyser was a very willing busser last game. His role allows him to communicate with his team after death. He isn’t exactly someone I’d expect to lone wolf, I don’t really take that many clears based on yesterday’s lynch on him that seriously.

You’ve also got to bear in mind that Odo was whacked. Considering that the scum team feared Odo and Odo was pushing Poyser, I find it very feasible that there was bussing.
Vote Count 2 Day 3 New


change vote lynch rugrat

Vote Lynch: Rugrat

Vote lynch Rugrat

Vote Lynch Rugrat

Vote Count 2 Day 3

Nibel: Yoho > Psychic
Fuji: Yoho > Rugrat > Unvote > Rugrat
Hime: Rugrat > Unvote > Gad > Rugrat
Orca: Rugrat
Yoho: Rugrat > Unvote > Psychic
RDK: Psychic > Unvote > Rugrat
Gad: Psychic
Psychic: Yoho > Rugrat
Whicker: Rugrat
Rugrat: Psychic

Rugrat: 6
Psychic: 4

Majority has been reached here. Prepare to stop posting​


Lonely at the top
Also Poyser flamed Hime very aggresively. I don’t really see him being that aggro if they’re not teamed.
RDK told me hes not the type to bus, and it seems like you disagree with his statement. Also Hime was like the third voter on Poyser do you think shes the type to bus her own mate?
Day 3 ends, Rugrat was lynched New



"Chomp chomp chomp... How about some Magic Beans? They aren't selling very well... How about... 10 Rupees for one piece?"

Rugrat was lynched:

Bean Seller (Ocarina of Time)

You are Vanilla Town

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Kingdom of Hyrule

Day 3 has ended, you have 23 hours to submit actions. Can end night a tad sooner if I get all submissions