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To Aru vs Kamen Rider

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Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
No it ain’t lol. And again. He’s destroying 5 worlds at once at most.
Tangram and Othinus can only govern infinite worlds, the saver system already does that too, said system is below Kouta's true Golden Fruit, who is weaker than Decade. So no.
Fuck sake, Magic Gods just by existing expand their influence to affect the destiny of all other Phases from within their own infinite one and need to divide their power infinitely to not obliterate the rest of the cosmology from simply moving a limb if you want to try that route too.
Which is still only comparable to one infinity since what they destroy is only a single iteration of infinite worlds, the only reason I'm saying their infinitely above that is because of the tangram argument, and even then, Decade would be similarly infinitely above the saver system since he can also destroy the infinitely recursive Mirror World, and the infinite timelines within the normal multiverse.

And again, Decade is not the top dog of the verse, he gets oneshot by Ohma Zi-O who got defeated by Asmodeus who could not only control and erase the entire rider cosmology, but the super sentai cosmology which also includes infinite parallel worlds and then got defeated by Senki Saber.

Like I said, even if you go infinity v infinity, KR's infinity is literally bigger than toaru's.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
last thing the true magic gods see



Man of Atom
This ain't the firsttime either. I let it go the first time cause I wanted to believe "nah there's no way he just ignored me, he must have gotten context from something" but nah.


V.I.P. Member
I was gonna like respond to stuff and shit and actually like really dive into a debate for once but a certain someone thinks I'm some kinda fucking Clown and won't back up what I say

Do you think I'm stupid? Am I just a court jester to you?
Xhom’s quoted my posts just this week and there was no fuss made.

Tangram and Othinus can only govern infinite worlds, the saver system already does that too, said system is below Kouta's true Golden Fruit, who is weaker than Decade. So no.
Then show me him doing more than popping a handful of worlds as a hype statement
Which is still only comparable to one infinity since what they destroy is only a single iteration of infinite worlds, the only reason I'm saying their infinitely above that is because of the tangram argument, and even then, Decade would be similarly infinitely above the saver system since he can also destroy the infinitely recursive Mirror World, and the infinite timelines within the normal multiverse.
So far haven’t seen any of this. Destroying / messing with two multiverses (main and Mirror World) is still Tangram level stuff.

And again, Decade is not the top dog of the verse, he gets oneshot by Ohma Zi-O who got defeated by Asmodeus who could not only control and erase the entire rider cosmology, but the super sentai cosmology which also includes infinite parallel worlds and then got defeated by Senki Saber.

Like I said, even if you go infinity v infinity, KR's infinity is literally bigger than toaru's.
Because you keep stacking them nonsensically with shit for actual feats? I’m good


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
The mirror world has infinite recursion too, ands that's disconnected from the rest of the verse which still has the Saver System which also governs infinite worlds and then infinite parallel timelines. And again Decade above all that.
It does?


Man of Atom
Xhom’s quoted my posts just this week and there was no fuss made.

I noticed, I gave him the same benefit of the doubt that I gave you. However you now brought to my attention that you broke the rules even earlier than I thought cause you shouldn't even be seeing them posts fam.

So while I understand what you tried to do here, throwing him under the bus did you no favours. Hes going and your going.



Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Then show me him doing more than popping a handful of worlds as a hype statement
@Eztephan already showed you

Kamen Rider Saver's Saver System governs infinite worlds, Gaim > Saver

Decade was not only not effected by the saver System but Gaim is also much weaker than Decade, and Decade literally has Gaim's powers.
So far haven’t seen any of this. Destroying / messing with two multiverses (main and Mirror World) is still Tangram level stuff.
Again. @Eztephan already posted the infinite timeline and mirror world stuff, why are you suddenly pretending you haven't read his post?

Because you keep stacking them nonsensically with shit for actual feats? I’m good

Again me, and eztephan already posted all the feats in the thread, Decade's very nature means he scales above most riders except for a very few. And as for stacking infinities, I'm only doing what your doing, you yourself are stacking TMG's because there "infinitely above Othinus" both of whom apparently govern infinite worlds.

Decade just stacks to higher infinities than toaru when you actually count how many things are infinite in KR (again, timelines, mirror world, saver system)
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Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member

The mirror world can also be used to access endless worlds.

Ryuki and Knight found themselves stuck in a wave of monsters.They were unable to cross the wave, and yet, they could still hear Yui and her brother...as if by telepathy. “Yui, don’t cause trouble. This is the only way you can be happy. I’m doing this for your sake and my own. If you die now, there’s no way for you to come back. Weren’t you searching for a new life?” “Of course I want to be happy! But I don’t want to snatch another persons away in order to do that!” “You’re not snatching away anything. You’re merely borrowing a life. The winner’s life will be projected through you. What are you so worried about? The person who wins will get their wish. I think that’s enough compensation.” What did that mean, Shinji wondered to himself as he fought off the monsters. the winner’s life would be projected through her? “I told you before, didn’t I Yui? Endless worlds are accessible through mirrors. Each one of them is just a little bit different. I’ll send the winner to the world of their choice. That will become their reality.” “It’ll be a world of lies! Why don’t you understand that? All you’re doing is a big lie!” “You’re wrong, Yui. This is all reality. All except for you, of course. That’s why you need a new life.your fate has already been decided. I decided it for you.” “You’re wrong, big brother!” Her voice began to fade. “My fate is for me to decide!”


Man of Atom
I and others will understand if you dont wanna debate without Astaro here since there isnt that many To Aru debaters on the forum anyway.

We can all continue this shindig tomorrow


so the scaling would be Saver < Gaim < Decade < Zi-O < Senki Saber?

Also Saver is not the only villain with Multiversal stuffs. There is Robo Rider from Kamen Rider GP having the power of change the whole Kamen Rider Time-Line and erase the time itself of anything shooted by his Alteration Time Beam or just it core can cause an eternal time loop during the Kamen Rider 4 special.

And there is also other separetes realities, like Game Worlds that are showed during Cho Super Hero Taisen or the dream worlds(this is also explained in Gaim series and summer soccer movie).

Actually if it doesn’t include the Mirror World, then it’s below Tangram
Yes, it is. He become one with every story, every world and every time and space. And even the mirror monsters are mentioned and they are from the Mirror World.
Btw Super Sentai itself is also an infinite multiverse. From the official super sentai acc
Not only there, in Go Onger even had the concept of Brane Worlds.


Alright I think we need a real expert in here


Okay, okay, I'll be a degenerate, I mean, I'll use everything I have.

Tangram can create an infinite number of timelines, and each timeline is an infinite multiverse with all possible worlds.
時空因果律制御機構タングラム、かあらゆる並行世界、 if の可能性を自在に操る力があれば、確かに一見あらゆる願いを叶えられるように見える
無限に連なる並行世界にストックしてあるのは、所詮i fの可能性『だけ』だ. つまり、元から存在しない可能性は引っ張り出せん. タングラムを使って金持ちになりたいなら、 下排えとし て全く同額分だけ自力で稼ぐ努力をしなくてはならないその場で叶う、叶わないはさておいて、全力を注がねば 金持ち ifは分岐しないからな……だとすれば、なんて無駄なシステムなんだ。 とっとと自分の力で金持ちになれば良いではないか.
Othinus (basically all ToAru characters) despite their range (limited to a single timeline) control more than just the physical world with all its theoretical extensions (Tangram worlds). Therefore, Otinus is qualitatively equal to Tangram(are in the same power level), and Accelerator can find a Tangram world.

And now let's talk about the Tree of Sephiroth. The Sephiroth tree is a hierarchical structure which divides the realm of people, angels and gods into 10 conditional levels. Here the problem begins, though we know about infinite recursion of the Sephiroth Tree (all this stuff with infinite reflections of the Four Worlds), but we do not know its exact nature.
“The separate image of the Four Worlds from which power is drawn becomes a different Four Worlds like the moon’s reflection in a lake.”

“Just like the endless reflection of opposing mirrors, they overlap like the rings of a powerful tree and provide the power to gaze into the abyss. As the identical symbols approach, have them resonate, just as the slightest breeze can occasionally break a stone bridge and send it plunging into the sea.”
The Sephiroth Tree describes only the world of human, and is not able to describe the world of angels and gods. It has been said that grammar and math are incapable of describing the realms beyond the human world, so their descriptions are deliberately ignored.
It was a phenomenon that destroyed the basic concept of counting, but that was just what the domain at the top was like. The Sephirot used various words and numbers to create an explanation of the spiritual world, but organizations above a certain level could not be explained using words, so they were intentionally omitted.

Did someone who entered that domain reach one of those upper organizations or did reaching one of those upper organizations cause one's domain to transform into that domain?

At any rate, Crowley was in a different dimension.

He was in a higher place than Fiamma who had declared he held the power needed to save all of humanity while he was still an existence that could be counted with that world's numbers.
But we have the concept of Microcosmos and Macrocosmos which states that the structure of the world is recursive and the same in all worlds, even the human body is structurally similar to the universe. Therefore, higher level worlds most likely have their own Sephiroth Trees. That is the infinite recursion of the Sephiroth Tree within the infinite recursion of the Four Worlds, because each World has its own Sephiroth Tree. Of course I'm can use concepts from the IRL Kaballah, which has such a thing as the Sephirah of Infinity, where within one Sephirah there is an infinite hierarchy of recursion of recursions of the Sephiroth Tree, but Kamachi didn't mean that, or I misunderstood something.

It was also said that beings who are a level higher in the hierarchy see the lower worlds as a toy box that they can do whatever they want with. But the higher beings are too powerful, so the most they can do is put their hand inside the box, but even then the human world can be destroyed or all its laws turned inside out.
Wasn't that what it meant?

Coronzon could take everything in this world and set up a cross-counter of their weak points to ensure mutual destruction. But what about Coronzon herself as she peered into the toy box of the world and stuck her hands inside to set things up as she liked? Even if they overturned the toy box, could they really find something with equal power to her that would form a pair with her?


Kamijou Touma looked down at his right arm.

That arm was now incomplete and it lacked the hand that symbolized Imagine Breaker.

"No." Index shook her head. "That isn't what I mean, Touma. Even if you still had your right hand's power, that is still something inside the toy box of the world. That does not match Coronzon who is viewing it all from a step removed."

"This is sounding rather grim." First Princess Riméa sighed. "Then what about that insolent word that we keep hearing lately: god? There were the Divine Mixtures, two Magic Gods have been frequently spotted in Scotland, and I believe that one on the boy's shoulder counts as well."
Currently the strongest being is Ein Sof Aur 000(or similar beings), which is the concept of an omnipotent god. A nonexistent God whose nonexistence is so deep that the word nothing can describe it. No existing concept regardless of its level and any hierarchical concepts are unable to describe this God, which is why the position of God itself is not present in the Tree of Sefirot, and even Keter was described as a territory of zeros.
アイン【0】 [その他]セフイロトの樹 に描かれていない「神の領域」の事。
I forgot something of course, but I'm too lazy to remember.

God, please forgive my sin.
I led a good life, I did not harm or wish evil on anyone.
I closed my eyes so that I would not see evil, closed my mouth so that I would not spread pain, closed my ears so that I would not hear lies.
I even denied my hands so I wouldn't hurt those around me.
My feet sought the path of kindness and unselfishness.
Please, God, hear the prayer of your son who, because of his foolishness, committed the greatest sin, staining the rivers and lakes bloody scarlet.


proud schizo brethren posted again

people never answer me how they equalize trees of life.
does destroying one tree of life in one series = destroying it in another series

How does this site treat negative theology in regards to Ain Soph?
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