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Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

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how experienced are u at this game? how do u know what's alarming and whats not? i thought u r a new player. u dont seem to be showing much concern toward solving others or if they are tricking you
This is I believe my 4th game? So i am still learning as I play. From what I read Nothing stood out suspicious from the posts i saw.

In regards to your query about not showing concern and solving, I play but I am not too good at reading as i am still getting used to each users play styles so I tend to just sheep during the beginning rounds.


King of Conquerors
Well seeing as it looked like we’d flipped Melkor who has claimed vig (and then been apparently counterclaimed) and seeing as the wagon speed was sus as fuck, I’ll let you work it out
Why "apparently"?

At the time of that post you were well aware.

As for the speed; I agree, a lot of inactives coming out of hiding to vote - but I know at least a handful of them are newbies.

If you had to dissect that wagon under the assumption LM flips town; who looks the worst and why?



Because … don’t actually know what ratchets role is?

I suppose if you want to be super anal about my grammar then yes the fact he was cc’d isn’t in question, it’s whether it’s a legitimate cc, but if that’s the standard you want to set then I will have a field day with your posts, deal?

As for the rest, no


King of Conquerors
I would recommend trying to interact with players a little bit, it's fine to observe and try to learn - but I think you also need to try to involve yourself more. There's only so much you can do by only taking a back seat.

Just asking basic questions are fine; but don't ask questions that give you nothing like for example "are you scum?".

Would advise on asking questions like "What is your opinion on ___?"
Town's job is to philosophise, to try to make sense of the world. What are people saying and what is their goal in doing so?


Hmm OK

Looking back through Melkors posts he does seem quite calm considering all the votes, I like that he didn't just sus Ratchet as scum considering this would backfire on him etc.


King of Conquerors
This wasn't a question about grammar but rather your choice of words. If you want to attack my grammar so be it, but I don't think you care enough to do so and your words are but an empty threat. Though I'll be happy to be proven wrong.

Now I'll reach a bit and say by this post you've indirectly implied that you find LM's claim to be truthful - as by you say Melkor the claimed vig looked to be flipped - but you don't know if Ratchet's cc was real.

I find this notion to be strange, especially with the timing. Anyone can come in when you did and say "the speed of this lynch is weird", I've done this as town and been proven very wrong. Ekko of all people told me that it doesn't necessarily mean anything.
I don't think you really believe that this is a scum-fuelled wagon, and your very soft and indirect defense of LM is quite telling.


King of Conquerors
I am asleep when the day ends, if anyone want to convince me on a wagon now's the time - otherwise I'll vote LM as he's the main wagon.

You have 30 minutes



Except you acknowledged I was there for the whole thing, making the rest of your point completely irrelevant. I didn’t ’come in’, I was already in, heck I was voting him prior to the claim.

Your effective pre flipping of Melkor is also noted. If I didn’t think there was a chance melkors claim was real, he’d already be lynched wouldn’t he - brilliant gotcha, bravo.

You want to try again pal? I’m hoping not but I am condemned to useless labour it seems.


King of Conquerors
I am accusing you of pre flipping melkor, it's funny how your try to play the uno reverse card here.

Surely that wasn't too difficult to understand, was it?


I am accusing you of pre flipping melkor, it's funny how your try to play the uno reverse card here.

Surely that wasn't too difficult to understand, was it?

Too retarded to comprehend. You don’t pre flip people as town you dumb motherfucker. Go waste someone else’s time
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