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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition


Hmm...this seems extremely familiar , almost bordering on copy /pasting.

Definitely comes off like it came from the Type-Moon Wiki to me.


That's not what i'm trying to imply.

It's more like this exact structure is used in FGO as well and i don't know if it's intentional or not. Probably is, but it's too one to one.

Anyway, considering where this is going, let's just say that the fact that the Planet can't be taken down by a NP or Conceptual weapon due to its.. special circumstances is about to be reinforced.
That's not what i'm trying to imply.

It's more like this exact structure is used in FGO as well and i don't know if it's intentional or not. Probably is, but it's too one to one.

Oh. I thought someone was plagiarizing from the wiki for that scene... my bad.

Anyway, considering where this is going, let's just say that the fact that the Planet can't be taken down by a NP or Conceptual weapon due to its.. special circumstances is about to be reinforced.

Yeah, it comes off that way to be certain. Still nice to see that True Ancestors get an omega buff like that though.


It's definitely funny to think about since Arc had to off a bunch of them when they "fell" .

I mean, we know she's above other TAs but strictly in terms of mechanics ?

Like, what did she do ? Did the Planet give Her 1++ compared to the 1+ of the others considering the planet should give them all that ability ?
Did the planet just said fuck off them to the ones that fell ?

Maybe we'll find out.
Yeah, that's a hell of a good point there...
Arcueid killed virtually all of the TA outside of a few of them but if they are all on the same scale as Nasuverse Earth and have the same restrictions, how did she overcome them to do so?
The easy answer is that she just overcame the restrictions but they should have similar levels to the Planet due to what Ciel stated... so did the Planet itself help out Arcueid there for that purpose?


Mats say they became a threat to the humans and to the normal TAs which means they became a threat to the Planet itself so it's possible that the Planet just said enough .

Or Arc hit them with whatever equivalent energy needed to end the Planet as well .

Or.. don't think too much about it.

It's obvious that the Planet had something to do with it cuz that's why Arc was created in the first place, to kill all the fallen TAs but it's not exactly spelt out. At least not yet.


Anyway, RE makes such a great job depicting how monstrous Arc is and how absolutely fucked you are if she has it in for you.

I love it.
Yeah, I don't plan on going overboard here. All I do know is that I find it something that they confirmed True Ancestors are basically one in the same with the Planet as long as they don't piss it off.
That's a hell of a push compared to Divine Spirits and the typical Elementals who are in their own brand of heavyweights.

Anyway, RE makes such a great job depicting how monstrous Arc is and how absolutely fucked you are if she has it in for you.

I love it.

I honestly liked that too, it's why I want the Remake to come over here but yeah, it's a pipedream at this point.



Finally got to this part. I was very skeptical when presented with this and kept thinking that there was more context to it but nope...

So Rank IX > TAs excluding Royalty i guess and with the reinforcement of TAs standing in mind... i guess BL's take on DAAs being on par with Divine Spirits or whatever they said is not so far fetched.

Of course, there's Vlov who doesn't quite match up in terms of feats but he was originally Rank Vi and the other DAAs don't even consider him to be one, only the church does (tho going by how he performed against Ciel who has killed bonafied DAAs in the past he kinda sorta does ? ). Neither does Roa but he's not an official DAA and he's notable for being on the weaker side.

The mats also confirm that their Lifescales are different so.. there might be some actual differences in abilities and level but yeah.

So , it's pretty cut and dry. We just have to wait for the feats to confirm this and that should be that.
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Finally got to this part. I was very skeptical when presented with this and kept thinking that there was more context to it but nope...

So Rank IX > TAs excluding Royalty i guess and with the reinforcement of TAs standing in mind... i guess BL's take on DAAs being on par with Divine Spirits or whatever they said is not so far fetched.

Of course, there's Vlov who doesn't quite match up in terms of feats but he was originally Rank Vi and the other DAAs don't even consider him to be one, only the church does (tho going by how he performed against Ciel who has killed bonafied DAAs in the past he kinda sorta does ? ). Neither does Roa but he's not an official DAA and he's notable for being on the weaker side.

The mats also confirm that their Lifescales are different so.. there might be some actual differences in abilities and level but yeah.

So , it's pretty cut and dry. We just have to wait for the feats to confirm this and that should be that.

Huh... I guess that yeah, it is very much stated so I guess Nasu really, really wanted DAA's to get that glowup then and most likely shifted it around to just being primarily Average Servants = High end Dead Apostles and have DAA's at the top of the pile.

Either way, until we get something, all we have is just words but that's still fine regardless.
Going back to the above, thinking on it, it actually makes alot of sense and doesn't really contradict Kinoko Nasu's words but allows him to keep up with what he said before @Type-Rey
Servants have general levels but in Interviews, Nasu has all but consistently stated that while he primarily goes by averages, there tends to be those above those averages(obviously) meanwhile BL tended to state that the DAA was above ALL Servants and they should be placed with the Divine Spirits even though again, there are levels to Divine Spirits.

Going back to FGO and how even earlier series went about it, we already have Servants that can fight Divine Spirits straight up and even overpower them to a decent degree(Like Brynhildr is consistently called a Goddess despite being a Servant in LB2 and Sigurd kicked her ass at not even full throttle and Skadi was afraid of Gram and so was Odin). The only ones who tend to do the opposite are the Chief Deities. You can say as well it doesn't change anything about Arcueid because Nasu tends to pussyfoot around with his answers and tend to be a little "vague" when the situation calls for it.

Even the Ishtar deal in Strange Fake does work but that was still not the True Ishtar but just her grudge against Enkidu and Gilgamesh made manifest(Then there's still Enkidu fighting against Theia well too despite being designed as a future Prime One). So yeah, BL is correct with their buff... but they tend to go overboard with it as ultimately, the scale didn't change much at all.


Finally finished with Tsuki re.

Going back to FGO after this is gonna be like switching from French wine to american boxed wine but whatever.

Guess i'll cover some Arc stuff and be done with it

So, some MP/ES stuff :











Two things to note here :
1. The process isn't instantaneous . She needs to fully materialize the Castle .
2. Apparently beings similar to Arc , that come from the Inner Sea aren't affected as Seven wasn't dragged down.


V.I.P. Member
Tsukihime Re is fully translated? Cool, now I gotta find time for that too

Maybe part 2 will have gotten partially written by the time that occurs

Nah, who am I kidding, I’ll be 1 foot in the grave before that happens :maybe