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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition


V.I.P. Member
While I wouldn't put it past Nasu to have Altrouge pull some unexpected super powers out of her ass, from what's been said thus far she's explicitly weaker than Arc but balances that with having Primate Murder. So presumably that's the eventual match-up.

And of course there's always, y'know, Type-MOON himself chilling in the background. Probably to yoink one of the sisters bodies last second to hijack the plot or something.
@Type-Rey @Vespa Crabro @CrossTheHorizon @ChaosTheory123 @Qinglong
I have never done this before and I want to legit ask this question before I start on Achilles profile in earnest:

I remember talking to ChaosTheory on Discord about what Achilles did here and I want to know your opinions about this

Do you think that Achilles threw his spear ultrafast and destroyed all of Atalante's arrows or is it just energy slashes or some equivalent?
It's always bugged me since ChaosTheory brought it up since FGO never showed Achilles spear can do anything like that but at the same time, it could be sheer speed that it comes off that way.
I just want impressions and if I'm stupid about it, just tell me.


Prolly super fast slashes .

If he threw it , how did it come back into his hand ? Cause you can clearly see that it's still in his hand at like 0:24-0:25 if you go super slow .

Sure , dematerialization and re summoning it is possible but i'd go with the simplest scenario.

Alright so the Website updated with the Master/Servant pairings(though we get no names and some Servants aren't shown at all, most likely for spoilers sake).

Musashi is the Berserker which is surprising and Jeanne Alter is the Lancer. Rider definitely comes off as a Mecha similar to Tametomo so it could be him. Jalter's Master is a Japanese Christian who survived Shimabara so that definitely could explain how she got summoned.

Also, we are getting DLC packs which has promised new skills, new Servants, new stages and stuff so we are definitely getting more than just the Seven.

EDIT: I have seen some people in the Reddit gave interesting theories that Jeanne Alter isn't actually her at all or could be Jeanne affected by Grail Mud, the Rider is actually Raikou but in full armor(Which is weird because I remember it was stated that it's common knowledge Raikou was seen as a woman by everyone but acknowledged as a man due to her father, could still be the case due to the shit the Minamoto's have access to in FGO). And we are still missing Archer, Assassin and Caster who could easily be some big hitters.


V.I.P. Member
@Type-Rey @Vespa Crabro @CrossTheHorizon @ChaosTheory123 @Qinglong
I have never done this before and I want to legit ask this question before I start on Achilles profile in earnest:

I remember talking to ChaosTheory on Discord about what Achilles did here and I want to know your opinions about this

Do you think that Achilles threw his spear ultrafast and destroyed all of Atalante's arrows or is it just energy slashes or some equivalent?
It's always bugged me since ChaosTheory brought it up since FGO never showed Achilles spear can do anything like that but at the same time, it could be sheer speed that it comes off that way.
I just want impressions and if I'm stupid about it, just tell me.


When was I on Discord? :hm


I wanna hit with a brick the cunt who saw Ector's design and decided to not have him be playable in any shape or form .


While I'm not a fan of furries, I'm more surprised Woodwose isn't playable at all considering how he got fucked over by absolutely everyone and how ridiculous they pushed the Faerie.
Oh yeah, I wish the next July event will have him playable.
He, like the rest of Morgan' court deserve vacation/happiness in Chaldea

Chaldeas Breakroom which goes into Artoria Caster and Morgan.
EDIT: I find it absolutely hilarious that they admit they was gonna give Morgan even more active animations(aka most likely her going to the enemy and beating their asses) than she already has that they basically switched up not because it's out of character(They even mention that she's actually as agile as any Servant)... but because it would make her TOO youthful compared to the regal air she's supposed to exude.

I wonder if they will add that in for Summer Morgan so we can see a more "Youthful Morgan"(Even if it is just Aesc at the end of the day)
Last post of the night but yeah, Nasu really wasn't fucking around with Lostbelt 6 compared to the other Lostbelts. While we get hints that Novum Chaldea's journey could end with a bad snafu, this is the first time we genuinely get that(And thanks to Fairy Gareth's predictions) and we see it in full.
I was NOT expecting to see Woodwose viciously kill Chaldea, Lostbelt Percival and Alter Ego Muramasa like that... it absolutely sells that Morgan was truly confident Woodwose could get the job done on his own and if it wasn't for outside interference on multiple levels, we would have completely lost.

Not bad for the... Heat Vent of the Planet? That really could have been worded better(Fan Translations went with Breath of the Planet for the Fang Clan but more explicitly Woodwose... seems more apropos)

EDIT: Okay going through the entire thing, Chapter 15 is a real punch in the dick to basically see the man get so horribly used and basically thrown to the trash and the worst thing, just like with Morgan is that this HAD to happen or Chaldea would have lost...
And yeah, they do confirm that Nasuverse Witches can become any animal, including Faeries if they get the parts needed so it's nice to see that being stated.
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Real quick , kinda remembered that i wasn't entirely sure if vamps in Tsuki Re had the Hex of Restoration and i may even said that they don't which if i did, was a mistake cause it turns out, they do.




But then there's also this :



What the fuck ? Now their hearts are a weak point. And mind you, they harp on on the fact that if you destroy their heart while it's in their bodies, it's no problem, but if you take it out , it is ?

As in the Hex can't rewind their hearts if it's out ? What about their hands, heads ,legs then ?

Idk, it seems Nasu wanted to have his cake and eat it too whilst writing how this shit works.

It's like, we have to make the vamps regen so broken that we need conceptual weapons to deal with it but at the same time, leave some leeway and come up with some BS for their hearts.


V.I.P. Member
Real quick , kinda remembered that i wasn't entirely sure if vamps in Tsuki Re had the Hex of Restoration and i may even said that they don't which if i did, was a mistake cause it turns out, they do.




But then there's also this :



What the fuck ? Now their hearts are a weak point. And mind you, they harp on on the fact that if you destroy their heart while it's in their bodies, it's no problem, but if you take it out , it is ?

As in the Hex can't rewind their hearts if it's out ? What about their hands, heads ,legs then ?

Idk, it seems Nasu wanted to have his cake and eat it too whilst writing how this shit works.

It's like, we have to make the vamps regen so broken that we need conceptual weapons to deal with it but at the same time, leave some leeway and come up with some BS for their hearts.
He wanted to make something bullshit but have some sort of weakness and made this thing :skully
Real quick , kinda remembered that i wasn't entirely sure if vamps in Tsuki Re had the Hex of Restoration and i may even said that they don't which if i did, was a mistake cause it turns out, they do.




But then there's also this :



What the fuck ? Now their hearts are a weak point. And mind you, they harp on on the fact that if you destroy their heart while it's in their bodies, it's no problem, but if you take it out , it is ?

As in the Hex can't rewind their hearts if it's out ? What about their hands, heads ,legs then ?

Idk, it seems Nasu wanted to have his cake and eat it too whilst writing how this shit works.

It's like, we have to make the vamps regen so broken that we need conceptual weapons to deal with it but at the same time, leave some leeway and come up with some BS for their hearts.

Yeah, I remember you did say that but to be fair, I think you only got that info from the Arcueid Route and isn't the only Dead Apostle we see there is Vlov? The guy whose basically weaker than even Dead Apostles in his position due to not being ready for the Idea Blood?

Also yeah, I agree with loko in that this feels like Nasu wants his cake and eat it too and I honestly wonder:
Is that supposed to mean that you can kill a Vampire and blow him away, even his heart... as long as it isn't removed, they can still somehow regenerate even then? Feels kinda half-assed there but okay. It reminds me of him really trying to keep the Servant > DAA parallels going on with Servants can't deal with their Hearts being destroyed or their Brain being destroyed... but then you have moments that have Servants get their hearts wrecked and/or destroyed and they are still alive and in clutch.


V.I.P. Member
Maybe having the heart destroyed just makes the regen weaker? The second scan says their body will "become frail" so it's not like they instantly get ashed or anything.

Still kind of an arbitrary weakness to add though. Like isn't one of the DAA basically a giant sentient tree or something? Does he even have a heart to target?