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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition


V.I.P. Member
Yeah, some fucker put a link on the normal wiki to take you to the "fanon" site, which they have set up to look like the normal one. Even had links to those "mats" I mentioned which on further inspection appear to just actually be wiki articles on the fanon site

Actually looking at the story of the fanfic is kind of a riot though. Apparently Ayaka gets turned into a Dead Apostle while also being a Magician, but everyone just lets this go because they need her to be in the Grail War. :skully


Man, Aoko vs Star is really fucking interesting but the flashbacks will probably last for the whole event... but so far..

It seems that literally everything Aoko throws at it doesn't work and the only reason she managed to not be instantly killed is because she spammed time warps. It seems the damn thing doesn't work by any universe rules so..

Also , interestingly , one of Alice's skills is Yumina.

Shizuki doesn't have a working basal nuclei so everything that we do automatically, he has to do manually

And there's more crazy shit.

God damn, so far, this shit is good. Damn good . Can't believe i'm saying this.
Man, Aoko vs Star is really fucking interesting but the flashbacks will probably last for the whole event... but so far..

It seems that literally everything Aoko throws at it doesn't work and the only reason she managed to not be instantly killed is because she spammed time warps. It seems the damn thing doesn't work by any universe rules so..

Yeah that "fight" is absolutely weird by FGO standards and it's kinda unbelievable to say that outright...
Some real "WTF" imagery happening there.


We also have a new definition of the Fifth , by Alice which goes :

"Aoko's magic is not resurrection, it's time fraud. She's essentially running a scam, so that doesn't count" :hestonpls
Surprisingly, going awhile back, I found this while going through Beast Lair's Fate/Apocrypha Manga Thread:

To take it from what the user stated:

So, the manga went the "meteor-like prana blasts" (I recall Amakusa's attacks being described like that way back at the end of publication) instead of the anime's giant, white "Imaginary Number" creatures, if that's what they could be called.

Since the LN was never fully translated, I've always wondered how the bout between Amakusa and Jeanne/Sieg would unfold in the manga version. Like, did Amakusa really lose an arm and how?

Here is a tweet by Higashide explaining Amakusa's technique for the anime:

In the anime, it seemed Amakusa overloaded the magical circuits in his right arm & cut it off to quickly cast his technique. The same appears to happen as well in the manga. This sort of matches the description in FGO where he overloads the magic circuits in his NP Arms, but doesn't need to cut off his arm, which leads me to think that cutting it off is in order to quickly cast his technique. And, the fact that Higashide provides this little explanation on a tweet leads me to believe that this was somewhat anime original or wasn't explained in the Light Novel.

Also, in the anime, after Big Crunch took most of La Pucelle's flames, the black hole exploded, which partially damage the Grail and Amakusa as well, seemingly enough. But, in the manga, Amakusa wasn't hit, it seemed, and the flames still managed to damage the Grail

But, in the manga, it shows how destructive La Pucelle is when the Grail is just "singed" to put it mildy, while being absorbed by Big Crunch.

Just noting somendifferences between the anime and manga


In the Manga, it seems like Amakusa's Attack against Jeanne D'Arc is what he did in the LN rather than what he did in the Anime. Meanwhile, Amakusa's Big Crunch as we see in the anime seems to be how it's activated QUICKLY(kinda like Sukuna's Binding Vow BS) vs. how it actually is supposed to be activated(Like we see in every other media).

And yes, La Pucelle blew up the Black Hole and damaged Amakusa and the Greater Grail in the process but in the Manga, it only damaged the Grail but the Manga does a better job in showing how destructive La Pucelle is by proxy.

I say this for those who either didn't watch the anime, don't know the manga existed or just tended to block that part out.



The Manga pages that show off Big Crunch
EDIT: Damn, making gaffs myself as apparently, that IS correct after all lol. :heston