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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

And Part 3. These are for Archive purposes and these are just what I found, they are in the spoilers for obvious reasons as well as split into 3 posts for more obvious reasons.

I haven't played Tsukihime Remake and rather wait for the official release but looking at how the fan-translations these days for Nasuverse tend to be more solid and basically be close to the official localization, there shouldn't be any problems with this. Now if I can find a way to basically transfer pics you can take on the Nintendo Switch to the PC without a fuck ton of hassles, I can probably do this myself minus the video of certain shit.


Threshold of Armageddon

King of time

Up until now, the avatar in white hasn't even tried to harm her.

As soon as her opponent raised her hand, Ciel knew exactly what they were about to do.

She knew――but she wished she didn't.

'It doesn't matter if we're still 400 meters away!

To Arcueid, this is more than close enough!'

Ciel drops her center of gravity and retracts her whip sword, turning it back into a greatsword.

Arcueid waits until Ciel is ready to intercept, then swings her arm down.


The scouring shock wave engulfs the city.

The Breath of the Planet is unleashed, tilting the Earth's axis ever so slightly.

Ciel meets it head-on with her blade, and holds her ground.

"Hahhh――agh... hahh――urgh..."

Ciel's entire body is screaming at her.

It's been screaming at her for ages already, but that was merely in response to the pain.

This is different. Every fiber of her being is firing off warning signals.

'That attack is bad news. Don't try to block it again. You'll break next time. The very backbone of your own being will crumble. If that happens, you won't be able to recover.'

"Ugh... shut up already... I already... know... that!"

Ciel bites her lip, silences her whining body, and readies herself for the next strike.

She could dodge it. She'd have no problem evading an attack with such a massive wind-up. But she can't move from this spot.

Because as it happens, the school――and Shiki――are right behind her.

That shock wave would rip through the city and obliterate the school in the blink of an eye.

And thus she cannot move. She has no option but to keep warding off the Breath of the Planet right here!

"Incredible... Incredible! That was incredible, Ciel!

Hey, hey, how's that even possible?! If that wasn't enough to break you... then just how much can you actually take, Ciel?!"

The Breath of the Planet is unleashed again and again.

Taking on the first attack was a gamble won by brute force alone.

Taking on the second was an act of hubris.

But taking on the third and fourth proved that the second wasn't actually hubris at all.



After the fifth attack, Ciel has completely gotten the hang of it.

She can deflect it. Arcueid's attacks may be strong, but as long as she can grasp the flow of energy, deflecting them is child's play.
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Yes, Ciel received a lot of buffs in remake?
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Translated Chapter of Shimousa, to no one's surprise, the Big Boss Oni are ALSO gigantic as fuck and Musashi states she's surprised Ritsuka can take a hit from them but I put this closer to her Mystic Code doing so.
Also Orochi are just as massive which really makes the ease that Dantes kills one even more impressive.
Alright, haven't updated in awhile but I finished with Traum, it actually was not as bad as I expected and was actually genuinely good for what it was, outside of the Sherlock Holmes/Apostle Moriarty feud springing in at once and abruptly ending at the same time.

It honestly reminded me of Dynasty Warriors unironically but in a more in line with genuine tactics being used.

To basically go over the bare minimum of shit in Traum we find out and/or feats:

- Traum is basically the West United States with Area 51 being around the back end of the Righteous Realm, it hilariously feels like due to the sheer range of the map and how far each area stretches out, it's either only 3 States wide(Nevada, Arizona and Utah) or it's genuinely more than that but the former seems more likely.

- The Holy Grails in Traum explicitly boost a Servant's Spirit Origins rather than just give them "infinite" Magical Energy. Don Quixote and Sancho states that's the case but it's only an effective boost relative to the strength of the user as Konstantinos on one utterly destroys Don Quixote in a fight and Kriemhild on two actually puts Siegfried on the defensive and requires Viy's Mystic Eyes to find a weakness to deal with that.

- Minamoto No Tametomo's NP is compared to a Sacred or Demonic Sword from the Age of the Gods and was enough to blast straight through Kostantinos' Spirit Core despite being amped on a Grail. This makes it more crazy that Siegfried managed to tank it only being a bit hurt by the 3 Volley blitz. Of course, we have the upcoming event that really shows how stupid his NP can get if he wasn't stopped at that point so...
(They do try and say Tametomo was buffed by how they hooked him into the Tower but I don't believe it at all considering what he's made out of)

- Apostle Moriarty's control over the 3 Norns has been stated to be similar to King Crimson but honestly, it comes off more absurd than that. It's been stated by Holmes, Vlad and Kadoc that it's less the attacks don't hit him or he phases through as in they just don't register at all(There's no feedback from punching him nor pushback from the hit and you feel nothing trying to cut him with a sword). He also can use them to "override his fate" against not just Holmes but his connection to the Foreign God.
The Localization again actually hides the fact that he's not connected to the Foreign World unlike the Japanese version... combined with them taking out Ashiya Douman outright spoiling the Foreign God being the next villain in Shimousa, it definitely feels similar to how Yoshida in FFXIV made Midgardsormr far less "chatty" in the English version where in the Japanese version, he just told you everything point blank. It definitely feels like Type-Moon told them to make it more ambiguous.

- Don Quixote's 2nd NP can actually wreck a Servant's Spirit Origin to the point they cannot fight anymore(As shown with them freeing Vlad from Moriarty's control) on top of the usual schtick.

- They did Siegfried so goddamned well, bro comes off as powerful as Karna which is actually pretty refreshing after years of being seen as "Sumanai" due to his bad stat spread and extremely situational skills before his buffs.

- For Roland to use his Miracle, he has to actually give up parts of himself for how far his Miracle has to go. First, he gave up his invulnerability, then his life, then give up his memories and the memories everyone has of his exploits to the point it affected even Chaldea and it's records and Apostle Moriarty... maybe(most likely it did). It's something too considering the game stated that even Johanna wouldn't be able to open that gate with her Miracles despite doing so with a far less heavily defended door easy.

EDIT: Forgot to add
- They really, REALLY stretched how strong Charles The Great(Rex Magnus, Karl De Grobe) is meant to be and how if he truly was in the Singularity, everyone would have gotten their asses kicked despite the Righteous Realms numbers being far lower(around 5000 to the Reinstatement Realm's 8000 to the Revenge Realm's 10,000) and of course, Charlemagne's appearance is post-Extella Link. Charles only gave him a portion of his Magical Energy and due to how he was summoned, he's "bleeding magical energy like crazy" and can only use his full power 3 times before vanishing anyway(only getting a top off from Vlad when he decided to go back to Chaldea which would only last "a minute or two at most".
Still speaks volumes Charlemagne utterly destroyed Kostantinos backed with a Spirit Origin enhancing Holy Grail in their fight and then utterly ruining Apostle Moriarty's shit to the point his Spirit Origin was half destroyed a "bad fall" can kill him. Of course, this fits with Extella Link in that he never really fought at full power either and even as his Spirit Origin decays, he's still on par with a Top Servant.
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It is absolutely funny in the final battle despite Apostle Moriarty basically being dead to rights, you get the option to deck him for killing Holmes and even in that weakened state... Ritsuka nearly breaks their wrist hitting him.


Even when a Servant is literally dying, no, you are not doing shit without enough Mystery behind it.
What's weird is the narration about Tametomo's NP being able to break through Konstantinos' NP in later sections despite the fact that the earlier narration stated it simply went through a gap from Johanna's Revelation.
Like obviously, it should be able to break through it normally if Charlemagne's could but it's not being consistent in the fashion of it just went through a gap and nothing else.
Seems the FGO Salem Manga decided to add in a whole new ass character from the Lovecraft Mythos in the story:


It was eventually found that by signing the Book of Azathoth she was able to enter a higher dimension to gain knowledge and serve Nyarlathotep. Student physicist Walter Gilman believed that Mason--"a mediocre old woman of the Seventeenth Century"—had developed "an insight into mathematical depths perhaps beyond the utmost modern delvings of Planck, Heisenberg, Einstein, and De Sitter." When he took a room in her house she revealed to him that same knowledge in the hopes of taking his soul.

I know the Salem Manga is massively different even compared to the other FGO Manga due to just how much it changed but damn, this is was definitely not expected.

Triple Accel 555

Accourding to Avalon Le Fae synopsis clone of Morgan will not dissapeared until she died.
The fae flock at the crawling Morgan. She's lynched.
The shaking Baobhan Sith watches it, unable to stop them.

Morgan loses her life. Morgan's astral projections completely disappear.
Camelot fell before the rebel army got the chance to invade it.
I felt there slight incosistent about her flashback.

In the game there should be flashback about LB Morgan getting PHH Morgan after getting sliced by soldier
Morgan gets impaled while she's distracted by Baobhan Sith. That seals the deal. She falls to the ground.
However accourding to Avalon Le Fae synopsis the flashback is happen during fairies in throne throwing garbage to her
They throw stones at the crawling Morgan.
Morgan tries to crawl to the throne .
we get Morgan's flashback here, revealing her personal feelings.
The journey to save Britain. The government system she developed after breaking her heart time and time again.
The detailed process starting with how Morgan was summoned as a Servant and ending with how she disconnected Britain from the world.

Triple Accel 555

Remember that the Synopsis are basically the foundation of what LB6 was supposed to be at first, not what LB6 is.
It's also why some details was left out because LB6 would otherwise be way too huge(Like Wryneck not being mentioned despite being a huge character in his own right)
I see. Just mean there a slight revision.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
wherever it came from I can FEEL the sleepless nights that the animators undertook :tupac