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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

Vespa Crabro

Stellaron Hunter
V.I.P. Member
I feel you on that. IDK, I just feel like this could have been a good opportunity to branch out and give us some new faces. The guest artists and wataru definitely proved their Chops with the main casts servants. Most of them have pretty good designs all things considered


V.I.P. Member
Got bored of Samurai Remnant and uninstalled. Playing as the Master and not any of the Servants is a real buzzkill


Finally finished the game properly. Got all the endings and shit.

NG+ does a lot to ameliorate the problem of the cast being underbaked but it doesn't get rid of the problem.

Even the endings don't feel like proper endings.

The fundamental problem with this game is that its underwritten . Story itself, the characters, the histories of the chars, the motivations, everything.

That being said, it was fun. It was definitely a little more than the sum of its parts, which were pretty basic all around, but nothing more

Vespa Crabro

Stellaron Hunter
V.I.P. Member
It was higashide+Sakurai so


Unfortunate consequence of the cast not being made up of any servants they simp for :kobeha


Idk about refreshing but it was an idea that had potential. If they would have spent more time developing it, either by concentrating on the internal strife he felt or by showing more instances of his past or just have his interactions with Takeru last longer and show the cracks developing as time went on it and have the conflict between the two be an active part of the story telling could have been great.

Recontextualization has the potential to hit pretty hard and it also has the potential to totally change how one feels about the story if done right but instead of a "holly shit, this was more of a ... huh.. "

As it was, it kinda fell flat. It felt unfortunately FGO-esque .

Good idea, questionable execution is a great way of describing both the writers. It applies more to Higashide but you can apply this to Sakurai as well.

Triple Accel 555


-3:48-5:21 the size of this singularity is around planet level but the different is distance such like the distance of of USA to Australia is less than 10 kilometers and took 10 minute to arrived.

-8:55-11:11 The location of this singularity is inside wadjina stomach.


V.I.P. Member
Isn't that better?
I mean most Fate games only allows you to play as the servants anyways so this is good change
Nah. At least not with a game that’s a bare bones Musou clone which gets repetitive fast if your stuck with one character the whole time. If this was an RPG with a better fleshed out style of gameplay, than sure.

At least with Fate/Extella, I had a whole roster of Servants to both unlock and play with to keep the button mashing fun. And it knew it was a Musou clone, didn’t try to be anything else, and got straight to the action too.


Wasn't about the get into game comparisons but it has to be stated that SR is actually a lot more action oriented than the OG Extella was mainly because SR isn't trying to be half a VN , which is not to say that SR is devoid of VN elements, but pound for pound, it's actually a lot leaner in that respect.

If the argument was made for Link, then yeah, it would actually be accurate.

Which is good for the action part but worse for the story part cause even with its shitty Nero and Tamamo parts of the story, Extella actually felt like a complete story with a lot of world building, characterization , motivations etc and at least Altera's route and some parts of the lore made the other two previous shitty routes tolerable and worth the sludging through them.


V.I.P. Member




> Iori kills Musashi in one vs one battle to the death
> learns to do Tsubame Gaeshi with two swords for double the ass rape
> Fights on par with Takeru and makes him get Kusanagi out of its Divine Water sheath
> People are like... Iori ain't Servant lvl :tiredpepe

Oh my god, Lostbelt Zeus' profile is done... FUUUUUCK.

I really decided to go through looking for every small detail, had to rearrange things and make sure I got things that people would tend to miss. If I feel like it, I will probably add in details from Materials on Zeus if it ever gets translated but I'm not sure if I will add in a bit from Romulus Quriinus' materials to it.

If there is anything I miss or change around, let me know because dear god was this a ride to do. Thank goodness the other 2 Machine Gods is easier by comparison due to not having much at all to do.

Latest chapter is out and yep, it's confirmed that the Shirou that became EMIYA Alter killed Taiga on sheer reflex(aka he shot first, not in self-defense) before realizing who he shot and was going to kill Kiara in a rage before the rest of her followers held of him off(and him slaughtering everyone else) but she ultimately killed herself before he could break free completely.

She completely denied him any chance of him justifying Taiga's death as well as her followers by killing herself and he ultimately indirectly killed Taiga's dying child on top of that.

In the words of Shang Tsung for Kiara:
