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This is a list of Video Games I have beaten recently: Final Fantasy VII The Legend of Zelda: The Link to the Past Super Castlevania 4 Megaman X Castlevania Currently Playing: Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening, Bloodborne.
This is a list of books I have read lately: "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stone" -J.K Rowling "Frankenstein"-Mary Shelly Books I am reading now: "American Gods" Neil Gaiman "Dracula" Bram Stroker
15 min read
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The Outskirts Battledome (OBD)
Thousand Sunny = 81 pixels Meteor Diameter = 168 pixels Meteor Diameter/Thousand Sunny = 2.074 Thousand Sunny = 56 meters (here) Meteor Diameter = 116.144 meters Volume = (4/3)PIr^3 r = Meteor Diameter/2 Meteor Volume = 2,459,744.451 m^3 Meteor Density = 3,000 kg/m^3 Meteor Mass =...
15 min read
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The Outskirts Battledome (OBD)
Thousand Sunny = 81 pixels Marine Battleship Hull Height = 185 pixels Meteor Diameter = 168 pixels Marine Battleship Hull Height/Thousand Sunny = 2.284 Meteor Diameter/Thousand Sunny = 2.074 Thousand Sunny = 56 meters (here) Marine Battleship Hull Height = 127.904 meters Meteor Diameter =...
PX-5 = 73 pixels Wall Height = 65 pixels PX-5 Face = 5 pixels Wall Height/PX-5 = 0.89 PX-5 Face/PX-5 = 0.068 PX-5 = 6.89 meters (here) Wall Height = 6.132 meters PX-5 Face = 0.469 meters Useful for me is the fact that we can clearly see how Luffy moved, making it infinitely easier to narrow...
B Rabbit
1 min read
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Anime & Manga
Going to restart my manga reading. Even if I read a series before I am going to pretend like I have never read it. Top 10 manga. One Piece JuJutsu Kaisen
Stocking Anarchy
4 min read
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The Outskirts Battledome (OBD)
Giant caterpillar brings some biggatons. 1. Size of Dead Leaves and the Giant Catepillar The Moon was fucked up, so we'll need to find the proper dimensions of the remains of the Moon and the size of the Giant Caterpillar and Dead Leaves. To start, we'll need the radius of the Moon. The radius...
Yes I have made this title for other blogs before and no I don't care that I have, I'll do it again as many times as I feel like. :cat Anyway, to business. Pandy and Retro are arrested and flown to the Dead Leaves prison on the remains of the Moon. The flight only takes a few seconds. This is...
Alan's attack devastates a stadium. Take a note that the poduims are solid structures, so to get them to shift as they did would take a great amount of energy. Let's scale the size of the stadium from the stepsps. An outside step is on average 11 inches tall, or 27.94cm...
Shirou becomes Ginrou through an unknown necromantic ritual, where he absorbs the blood of thousands of his brethren. This causes a huge explosion of blood. We can scale the size of the bloodburst from the size of the pit. First the get the pits depth. The average length of a horse is 8 feet, or...
Michiru throws a baseball repeatedly with enough force to create small craters in concrete. A baseball is 73mm to 76mm in diameter (or 7.3cm to 7.6cm). First for the size of the crater... 16 pixels = 7.3cm 1 pixel = 7.3cm/16 = 0.45625cm 0.45625cm X 37 = 16.88125cm 16.88125cm/2 = 8.440625cm...
Darkninja blows up a boat. We're given a nice fireball, so this should be simple enough. The average height of a Japanese man is 170.7cm (1.707m). 43 pixels = 1.707m 1 pixel = 1.707m/43 = 0.0396976744m 0.0396976744m X 1018 = 40.4122325m 40.4122325m/2 = 20.2061163m Using Nukemap for fireball...
Kenji punches Laomoto off the roof of his tower, who explodes in a massive explosion. There may be some other shots of the interior of the building, but for the meantime, we'll scale from the top of the tower. The average height of a Japanese man is 170.7cm. 236 pixels = 170.7cm 1 pixel =...
0:51 Inferno Cop participates in a race across America, which occurs in less than two minutes. From coast to coast, it would be between 2,500 miles to 3,500 miles (or 4023.36km to 5632.704km). Could not be easier. Timeframe is a minute and 43 seconds, or 103 seconds. (Low end) T =...
3:03 Earlier in the video at 1:56. 1:19 Claudia's causes a 3rd Destroy Finale and covers the world in light, turning everyone into Inferno Cop. The screen whites out and Inferno Cop notes how bright it is, and it covers the planet, so this should be pretty straight forward. The Sun has a...
Satsuki sets off a trap that destroys the Great Cultural and Sport Festival Stadium, which she survives in her underwear. Previously, I calced the diameter of the Honnouji Academy grounds to be 410.32m across. 757 pixels = 410.32m 1 pixel = 410.32m/757 = 0.542034346m 0.542034346m X 1453 =...
Uzu bonks Nui many times, and claims to be faster than light, the Inumuta says he isn't. So just how fast is it? For a change, we'll get the timeframe first. Timeframe is 1 frame. T = 1s/24 = 41.6666667ms With that done, how many times does Nui get bonked in the timeframe? That's 40...
Ryuko calls out to Senketsu, who sends down the scissor blades from orbit. Ryuko lost the scissor blades in the final battle with Ragyo. So, how far up were Ryuko and Ragyo? R = (h/2) + c^2/(8h) = (27/2) + 873^2/(8 X 27) = 3541.875 X 2 = 7083.75 pixels The radius of the Earth is...
(Episode 21) Mako and Senketsu purge Ryuko of Junketsu's influence, and this causes a huge water explosion. Scaling from the S. S. Naked Sun. The standard height of a door is 6 feet 8 inches (or 2.03200m) 161 pixels = 2.03200m 1 pixel = 2.03200m/161 = 0.012621118m 0.012621118m X 735 =...
Kill La Kill has an insane speed feat in the second episode alone. 1:37 Ryuko cuts many tennis balls into string. The diameter of a tennis ball is between 6.54cm to 6.86cm, or an average of 6.7cm (or 0.067m), and the average height of a 17 year old Japanese girl is 157.9cm (or 1.579m). 445 +...