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Blog entries by Stocking Anarchy

2:52 https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Destruction_Spells The Weak Fireball spell causes a small explosion, which in terms of gameplay is 5 feet in radius (as you can see above compared with a troll). 5 feet is 1.52400m. Enter this into Nukemap and we have a yield of 0.0000506 kilotons for a...
5:14 9:17 19:15 20:19 21:02 27:00 https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Nahfahlaar Kaalgrontiid on his way to trying to achieve godhood absorbs through the aeonstones enough power to rip the island of Dragonhold from the ground and levitate it over a league in the sky. His full energy is...
0:54 Firestorm is the most powerful spell you can learn in Skyrim, and it causes a massive explosion. Although this is gameplay (and thus the actual lore version could be far more impressive), as an ingame spell, it has a range of 100 feet (or 30.48m). https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Fire_Storm...
25:13 Enemies Explode causes some considerable explosions. At its highest (at least according to gameplay, lore is likely much higher), Enemies Explode has a radius of 20 feet (or 6.09600m). https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Spells#Destruction Let's put this through Nuke Map and play around...
1:06 Fireballs explode to do some considerable damage. I'll have to look up to see if there are any examples of how big fireballs can be in the lore, but gameplay-wise, they can reach 15 feet (or 4.57200m) in radius. https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Fireball Put this through Nuke Map and mess...
Giants can famously launch people high into the air. This is supported by the in-game book All About Giants, where a wood elf notes this hapens to Nords who cross giants (And is his own eventual fate). https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:All_About_Giants IF this is not enough; word of god not only...
Calcs from the Gone book series by Michael Grant. 1. Caine throws a forklift Caine throws a forklift at faster than sound speeds. Forklifts weight between 3000 pounds (1360.77711kg) and 20000 pounds (9071.8474kg), with an average of 9000 pounds (4082.33133kg)...
ChoRyuJin pushes back a colossal asteroid into its EM Gate, which as it turns out is the exact same asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. http://www.gaogaigar.net/TV/story/42.html ChouRyuJin has a height of 28m. 987 pixels = 28m 1 pixel = 28m/987 = 0.0283687943m 0.0283687943m X 461 =...
Stats for various mecha from the official GaoGaiGar site. 1. Star GaoGaiGar Star GaoGaiGar has a maximum output of 3.8×10^9 kilowatts. http://www.gaogaigar.net/TV/mecha/09.html 3.8×10^9 kilowatts is equal to 908.2217973231 tons of TNT (and as it's in watts per second) 2. GaoGaiGar GaoGaiGar...
A few energy values from the official GaoGaiGar Final website. 1. GaoFighGar GaoFighGar has a maximum flight speed (in space) of mach 600, a maximum energy output of 20 million kilowatts (or 20 gigawatts), a maximum running speed of 185km//h and a weight of 660 tons...
Sometimes the calcs do themselves, and I cannot complain. :nonon 1. Ion Cube energy Ion cubes each contain the energy equivalent of 5 kilotons of TNT. All too simple. :nonon 2. Thermal Energy Plant https://subnautica.fandom.com/wiki/Alien_Thermal_Plant (The above link also has an audio...
Once again we return to Cyberpunk, and look over several bullet speeds. All examples are taken from Blackhands Street Weapons 2020. 1. Malorian Arms Silver Gun The Malorian Arms Silver Gun fires bullets at a rate faster than 1200 feet per second. 1200 feet is 365.76m. T = 365.76/340.29 =...
Nirvash FINAL (or Nirvash Spec3) fires a beam of love and marks the Moon with Renton & Eurekas names. This will be pretty easy, as the distance to the Moon is 384,400km. However, the beam starts a bit up in space, so we'll have to subtract a bit for that. The new Coral Command Centre is directly...
Mamoru's Purifying spell not only heals all of the Brave Robots, but also the Earth of all Zonder infestation and Z-particles. These particles even seem to fly beyond the galaxy, and Taiga says the Universe has been saved. The distance from Earth to Jupiter is 588000000km at its closest and...
The iconic Giga Drill Break! A giant drill is made with Spiral Energy to destroy ones enemies! This is very explicitly done via energy to mass. (Raw page) Previously, I calculated Gurren Lagann to be 19.2492308m tall. 1104 pixels = 19.2492308m 1 pixel = 19.2492308m/1104 = 0.0174358975m...
Lalaco Godspeed with her pirate ship shoplifts Ogikubo. I passes this feat up for ages, thinking it wasn't too impressive in the longrun, but looking back over it and I realised something... The crater is easily visible from space! The radius of the Earth is The Earth has a radius of 6371km...
The Expanse is a fun scifi series, and is quite easy to calc too! Let's start with the first book, Leviathan Wakes... 1. The calcs do themselves Eros dodges the missile intended to launch it into the Sun. What's more, the author did the maths for us! 10 exajoules is equal to 2.3900573613767...
Lalaco crashes to Earth and wipes out several city blocks, with even distant towers leaning precariously thanks to her impact. All of the members of Space Patrol in Ogikubo survive this. The height of a floor on average is around 3.1m. = 2*atan(39/(709/tan(70/2))) = 0.052114504 rad =...
The Uti (a type of people from a parallel Earth who evolved from rabbits rather than apes) can run at 90 kilometers an hour, which Pandominion soldiers can keep up with. 90km/h is 25m/s. Easy! Final Results Maximum sprinting speed of a Uti = 25m/s
Redoing an old calc (as unfortunately the links are gone for the original). On top of making sonic booms, Nirvash reacts to and dodges lasers from an airforce plane that travel a great distance in a split second. Izumo-class aircraft have a wingspan of 196.624965m. =...