Calc One Piece Feats - Wano Collection

Kaido's Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu Flame Clouds Lift Onigashima

The full entirety of the feat



Thousand Sunny = 66 pixels
Lantern Diameter = 86 pixels

Lantern Diameter divided by Thousand Sunny = 1.303

Thousand Sunny = 56 meters (here)
Lantern Diameter = 72.968 meters


Lantern Diameter = 10 pixels
Onigashima Skull Diameter = 1310 pixels

Onigashima Skull Diameter divided by Lantern Diameter = 131

Onigashima Skull Diameter = 9,558.808 meters


^This is like one of 2 full on views of Onigashima straight on (here and here) that is before the island started shedding mass. This one appears to be from a more even angle than the one looking at it below.

Onigashima Skull Diameter = 55 pixels
Onigashima Island Diameter = 228 pixels
Onigashima Island Depth 1 = 58 pixels
Onigashima Island Depth 2 = 32 pixels
Onigashima Island Depth 3 = 121 pixels
Onigashima Horn Diameter = 16 pixels
Onigashima Horn Cut Diameter = 14 pixels
Onigashima Horn Cut Height = 51 pixels

Onigashima Island Diameter/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 4.145
Onigashima Island Depth 1/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 1.055
Onigashima Island Depth 2/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 0.582
Onigashima Island Depth 3/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 2.2
Onigashima Horn Diameter/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 0.291
Onigashima Horn Cut Diameter/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 0.255
Onigashima Horn Cut Height/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 0.927

Onigashima Island Diameter = 39,621.259 meters
Onigashima Island Depth 1 = 10,084.542 meters

Treat it like a half cone if only to low ball it and account for any empty space inside the actual skull dome.

Volume = 0.5((PIr^2*H)/3)

r = Onigashima Island Diameter/2
H = Onigashima Island Depth 1

Onigashima Island Volume 1 = 2,071,243,356,511.492 m^3

Onigashima Island Depth 2 = 5,563.226 meters

Volume = PIr^2*H

r = Onigashima Island Diameter/2
H = Onigashima Island Depth 2

Onigashima Volume 2 = 6,855,717,330,507.623 m^3

Onigashima Island Depth 3 = 21,029.378 meters

Volume = (PIr^2*H)/3

r = Onigashima Island Diameter/2
H = Onigashima Island Depth 3

Onigashima Island Volume 3 = 8,638,361,459,364.029 m^3

Total Onigashima Island Volume = 17,565,322,146,383.14 m^3

Rock Density = 2,700 kg/m^3

Onigashima Island Mass = 47,426,369,795,234,480 kilograms

Onigashima Horn Diameter = 2,781.613 meters
Onigashima Horn Cut Diameter = 2,437.496 meters
Onigashima Horn Cut Height = 8,861.015 meters

Volume = (PIr^2*H)/2

r = Onigashima Horn Cut Diameter/2
H = Onigashima Horn Cut Height

Onigashima Horn Cut Volume = 13,775,890,977.821 m^3

Rock Density = 2,700 kg/m^3

Onigashima Horn Cut Mass = 37,194,905,640,116.71 kilograms


So the water leaping into the sky can effectively be used as projectile motion. As they began rising concurrently, I'll be using the one that's otherwise got the least height rising as its likely reached its apex, the others are likely therefore still rising.

Onigashima Skull Diameter = 224 pixels
Water Projectile Motion Height = 15 pixels
Onigashima Lift Height = 638 pixels

Water Projectile Motion Height/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 0.067
Onigashima Lift Height/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 2.848

Water Projectile Motion Height = 640.44 meters

Time Frame = sqrt(2d/g)

d = Water Projectile Motion Height
g = 9.8 m/s^2

Onigashim Lift Time Frame = 11.432 seconds

Which means we can get the speed Kaido lifted Onigashima.

Onigashima Lift Height = 27,223.485 meters

Onigashima Lift Speed = Onigashima Lift Height/Onigashima Lift Time Frame = 2,381.341 m/s
Onigashima Island Mass = 47,426,369,795,234,480 kilograms

KE = 0.5mv^2

m = Onigashima Island Mass
v = Onigashima Lift Speed

Kaido's Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu Flame Clouds Lift Onigashima Yield = 134,472,372,230,344,000,000,000 joules or 32.14 teratons

Wano Roronoa Zoro's Hiryu: Kaen

The full feat



Image 1

Zoro Height = 58 pixels
Initial Center of Mass Height Above Kaido = 75 pixels

Initial Center of Mass Height Above Kaido/Zoro Height = 1.293

Zoro Height = 1.81 meters (official height)
Initial Center of Mass Height Above Kaido = 2.34 meters

Image 2

Half Zoro Arm Span = 26 pixels
Final Center of Mass Height Above Kaido = 66 pixels

Final Center of Mass Height Above Kaido/Half Zoro Arm Span = 2.538

Half Zoro Arm Span = Zoro Height/2 = 0.905 meters
Final Center of Mass Height Above Kaido = 2.297 meters

Zoro Free Fall Distance = Initial Center of Mass Height Above Kaido - Final Center of Mass Height Above Kaido = 0.043 meters

Time Frame = sqrt(2d/g)

d = Zoro Free Fall Distance
g = 9.8 m/s^2

Time Frame = 0.094 seconds


Onigashima Skull Diameter = 186 pixels
Total Hiryu: Kaen Travel = 249 pixels
Hiryu: Kaen Travel After Horn Cut = 51 pixels
Horn Ejection Height = 86 pixels

Total Hiryu: Kaen Travel/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 1.339

Onigashima Skull Diameter = 9,558.808 meters
Total Flying Dragon Blaze Travel = 12,799.243 meters

Hiryu: Kaen Speed = 136,162.16 m/s

Horn Ejection Speed = (Horn Ejection Height/Flying Dragon Blaze Travel After Horn Cut) * Flying Dragon Blaze Speed = 1.686 * 136,162.16 = 229,569.402 m/s

KE = 0.5mv^2

m = Onigashima Horn Cut Mass
v = Horn Ejection Speed

Wano Roronoa Zoro's Hiryu: Kaen Yield = 980,125,010,465,932,700,000,000 joules or 234.255 teratons

Wano Monkey D. Luffy and Kaido's Haoshoku Haki Infused Physical Might Splitting The Sky

Here is the feat

So this (bottom pair of panels) presumably average (1.7 meters) sized asshole falls over in the time it takes for the sky to fully split apart here (bottom middle panel).


As you might see, the cloud has entirely swallowed Onigashima, thus indicating the cloud itself is apparently at least as tall.

Onigashima Island Diameter = 24 pixels
Cloud Radius = 175 pixels

Cloud Radius/Onigashima Island Diameter = 7.292

Onigashima Island Diameter = 39,621.259 meters
Cloud Radius = 288,918.221 meters
Cloud Height = Onigashima Island Depth 1 + Onigashima Island Depth 2 + Onigashima Island Depth 3 = 36,677.146 meters

Volume = PIr^2*H

r = Cloud Radius
H = Cloud Height

Cloud Volume = 9,613,356,463,024,431 m^3
Cloud Density = 1.003 kg/m^3
Cloud Mass = 9,642,196,532,413,504 kilograms


Onigashima Island Diameter = 93 pixels
Cloud Parting = 195 pixels

Cloud Parting/Onigashima Island Diameter = 2.097

Cloud Parting = 83,085.78 meters

Time Frame = sqrt(2d/g)

d = 1.7 meters (that dude's presumed height)
g = 9.8 m/s^2

Time Frame = 0.589 seconds

Cloud Parting Speed = (Cloud Parting/2)/Time Frame = 70,531.222 m/s

KE = 0.5mv^2

m = Cloud Mass
v = Cloud Parting Speed

Wano Monkey D. Luffy and Kaido's Haoshoku Haki Infused Physical Might Splitting The Sky Yield = 23,983,292,287,824,600,000,000,000 joules or 5.732 petatons

King's Tempuraudon

The feat

Because Zoro compares it directly to the lasers we've been seeing all story and know are the Speed of Light.

Me said:
They're lasers/light/etc (both fan and viz bullshit)


Onigashima Skull Diameter = 112 pixels
Crater Diameter 1 = 38 pixels
Crater Diameter 2 = 32 pixels
Crater Depth = 60 pixels

Crater Diameter 1/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 0.339
Crater Diameter 2/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 0.286
Crater Depth/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 0.536

Onigashima Skull Diameter = 9,558.808 meters
Crater Diameter 1 = 3,240.436 meters
Crater Diameter 2 = 2,733.819 meters
Crater Depth = 5,123.521 meters

Volume = (1/3)PIr1r2r3

r1 = (Crater Diameter 1)/2
r2 = Crater Diameter 2
r3 = Crater Diameter 3

Crater Volume = 23,753,090,542.005 m^3
Rock Density = 2,700 kg/m^3
Ejected Crater Mass = 64,133,344,463,413.51 kilograms


Total Tempuraudon Travel (Red + Green Line) = 603 pixels
Average Debris Ejection Distance = 15 pixels

Average Debris Ejection Distance/Total Imperial Deep Pride Stake Travel = 0.025

Tempuraudon Speed = 300,000,000 m/s
Average Debris Ejection Speed = 7,500,000 m/s

King's Tempuraudon Yield = 1,803,750,313,033,505,000,000,000,000 joules or 431.107 petatons

Wano "Black Leg" Sanji's Bœuf Burst

The full feat


Horn Diameter = 23 pixels
Hole Diameter = 16 pixels
Wall Thickness = 6 pixels

Hole Diameter/Horn Diameter = 0.696
Wall Thickness/Horn Diameter = 0.261

Onigashima Horn Diameter = 2,781.613 meters
Hole Diameter = 1,936.003 meters
Wall Thickness = 726.001 meters

Volume = PIr^2*H

r = Hole Diameter/2
H = Wall Thickness

Hole Volume = 2,136,086,953.704 m^3

200 j/cc

Wano "Black Leg" Sanji's Bœuf Burst Yield = 427,217,390,740,800,000 joules or 102.107 megatons

Obviously, he scales to stronger even during Wano.

Wano Trafalgar D. Water Law's Puncture Wille

The Feat and the Aftermath

As far as Puncture Wille is concerned, Law's attack punches a massive hole into the ground in the time it takes Bigger Mom to hack up some blood much like she has previously done with shit like Shock Wille. As the blood is functionally a projectile, it'll be used to derive a time frame for the speed of Puncture Wille excavating that hole.


Onigashima Island Diameter = 16 pixels
Hole Diameter = 8 pixels
Hole Depth = 294 pixels

Hole Diameter divided by Onigashima Island Diameter = 0.5
Hole Depth divided by Onigashima Island Diameter = 18.375

Hole Diameter = 19,810.63 meters
Hole Depth = 728,040.634 meters

Hole Volume = 224,296,165,739,769.2 m^3

Rock Density = 2,700 kg divided by m^3

Rock Mass = 605,599,647,497,376,700 kilograms


So, we can agree that the blood she wretches appears to projectile itself to about at least above the height of her nose? I am happy to listen to alternative explanations though :hm

Law = 37 pixels
Blood Projectile Motion = 75 pixels
Total Blood Travel = 120 pixels

Blood Projectile Motion/Law = 2.027
Total Blood Travel = 3.243

Law = 1.91 meters (official height)
Blood Projectile Motion = 3.872 meters

Time Frame = sqrt(2d/g)

d = Blood Projectile Motion
g = 9.8 m/s^2

Blood Projectile Time Frame = 0.889 seconds

Now, I need the speed of the blood to figure out the full travel time for the blood from where Law's attack origin (so around where she's being pinned) causes the internal hemorrhage to the time it hits its apex in the air via projectile motion.

Blood Speed = Blood Projectile Motion/Blood Projectile Time Frame = 4.355 m/s


Total Blood Travel = 6.194 meters

Total Time Frame = Total Blood Travel/Blood Speed = 1.422 seconds

Puncture Wille Speed = Hole Depth/Total Time Frame = 511,983.568 m/s

KE = 0.5mv^2

m = Rock Mass
v = Puncture Wille Speed

Wano Trafalgar D. Water Law's Puncture Wille Yield = 79,372,062,057,270,600,000,000,000,000 joules or 18.97 exatons

Kaido's Kaen Daiko Passive Heat

The Feat

Onigashima Horn Vaporized = Onigashima Horn Cut Volume = 13,775,890,977.821 m^3

30342 j/cc (vaporization, got it using's calculator)

Kaido's Kaen Daiko Passive Heat Yield = 417,988,084,049,044,800,000 joules or 99.902 gigatons

Kozuki Momonosuke's Artificial Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu Flame Clouds Move Onigashima

The Feat


Onigashima Skull Diameter = 71 pixels
Onigashima Shed Mass Island Diameter = 134 pixels
Onigashima Shed Mass Island Depth 1 = 61 pixels
Onigashima Shed Mass Island Depth 2 = 73 pixels

Onigashima Shed Mass Island Diameter/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 1.887
Onigashima Shed Mass Island Depth 1/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 0.859
Onigashima Shed Mass Island Depth 2/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 1.028

Onigashima Skull Diameter = 9,558.808 meters
Onigashima Shed Mass Island Diameter = 18,037.471 meters
Onigashima Shed Mass Island Depth 1 = 8,211.016 meters

Treat it like a half cone if only to low ball it and account for any empty space inside the actual skull dome.

Volume = 0.5((PIr^2*H)/3)

r = Onigashima Shed Mass Island Diameter/2
H = Onigashima Shed Mass Island Depth 1

Onigashima Shed Mass Island Volume 1 = 349,515,625,761.328 m^3

Onigashima Shed Mass Island Depth 2 = 9,826.455 meters

Volume = (PIr^2*H)/3

r = Onigashima Shed Mass Island Diameter/2
H = Onigashima Shed Mass Island Depth 2

Onigashima Shed Mass Island Volume 2 = 836,558,975,975.818 m^3

Total Onigashima Shed Mass Island Volume = 1,186,074,601,737.146 m^3
Rock Density = 2,700 kg/m^3
Total Onigashima "Shed Mass" Mass = 3,202,401,424,690,294 kilograms


1st Image

Onigashima Skull Diameter = 138 pixels
Distance Beneath Kaido = 23 pixels

Distance Beneath Kaido/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 0.167

Onigashima Skull Diameter = 9,558.808 meters
Distance Beneath Kaido = 1,596.321 meters

2nd Image

Onigashima Skull Diameter = 138 pixels
Horizontal Onigashima Movement = 139
Distance "Above" Kaido = 21 pixels
Distance Rock Displaced = 20 pixels

Horizontal Onigashima Movement/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 1.007
Distance "Above" Kaido/Onigashima Skull Diameter = 0.152
Distance Rock Displaced = 0.145

Horizontal Onigashima Movement = 9,625.72 meters
Distance "Above" Kaido = 1,452.939 meters

Total Vertical Onigashima Movement = 3,049.26 meters
Total Onigashima Movement = sqrt((Total Vertical Onigashima Movement)^2 + (Total Horizontal Onigashima Movement)^2) = 10,097.152 meters

Now to figure out how much the rock fell compared to how much Onigashima rose on panel. Naturally, the distance that Onigashima rose "above" Kaido would be subtracted by the distance the rock was displaced as the rock is certainly sitting in a locale Onigashima formerly occupied and and the distance it rose would have inflated the perception of how much the rock fell.

Distance Rock Displaced = 1,386.027 meters

Actual Rock Displacement Distance = Distance "Above" Kaido - Distance Rock Displaced = 66.912 meters

Time Frame = sqrt(2d/g)

d = Actual Rock Displacement Distance
g = 9.8 m/s^2

Time Frame = 3.695 seconds

Onigashima Movement Speed = Total Onigashima Movement/Time Frame = 2,732.652 m/s

KE = 0.5mv^2

m = Total Onigashima "Shed Mass" Mass
v = Onigashima Movement Speed

Kozuki Momonosuke's Artificial Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu Flame Clouds Move Onigashima Yield = 11,956,785,308,666,980,000,000 joules or 2.858 teratons

Not going to bother for now with Conquest of the Sea, nor Big Mom's Fulgora, Big Mom and Kaido clashing is just a shittier version of Luffy vs Kaido's. This pair of Sanji laser feats are worth looking at, but aren't pressing enough to do atm as they don't seem to look that much faster than other feats I've measured :hm

The others are not as they don't give enough information to work with. Could have been aim dodging, we don't know when Queen fired compared to Sanji moving, etc. Sanji was unable to do fuck all against Henry Queen/Henry Blazer the one time is was used.

Don't feel like doing this Kaido Boro Breath atm, though its not too bad. No need to do the Wano Volcano Eruption yet until Big Mom/Kaido are confirmed alive either. Don't feel like trying to do Jinbei's feat atm either.

Outside Onigashima's Raid? Enma slicing the coast of Wano would be worth a look, but I'd need to assume too much about the size of that chunk of coast when it definitely varies depending on where in Wano you are. Nothing to do with Roger and Whitebeard's clash, nor with Whitebeard tilting the ocean, its just a shittier version of what he did at Marineford. Can't even begin to bother with the first Boro Breath from Kaido.

Final Tally

Kaido's Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu Flame Clouds Lift Onigashima Yield = 32.14 teratons

Wano Roronoa Zoro's Hiryu: Kaen Yield = 234.255 teratons

Wano Monkey D. Luffy and Kaido's Haoshoku Haki Infused Physical Might Splitting The Sky Yield = 5.732 petatons

King's Tempuraudon Yield = 431.107 petatons

Wano "Black Leg" Sanji's Bœuf Burst Yield = 102.107 megatons

Wano Trafalgar D. Water Law's Puncture Wille Yield = 18.97 exatons

Kaido's Kaen Daiko Passive Heat Yield = 99.902 gigatons

Kozuki Momonosuke's Artificial Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu Flame Clouds Move Onigashima Yield = 2.858 teratons
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About author
I do high school physics for stupid shit because I find it fun for some ridiculous reason.

I'm neither a physicist or engineer. I study psychology.

Before taking me at my word, think for yourself and don't just appeal to the shit I'm posting without evaluating it yourself. That should go without saying. I'm not an expert, do not treat me like one.


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