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OBD Convo #19: Everything is Energy

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Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
This mother fucker Tony Khan stuck ANOTHER match on the All Out card. 15 matches in a night! AAA mixed tag titles with Sammy and Tay. Woah. Can't miss that!

Who has time to watch 5-6 hours of wrestling in a day?

Jesus fuck, I planned on watching the clusterfuck... but now I don't even want to.
Who the fuck has time to watch that amount of bullshit?
The last time basically had us just done after the first few matches.

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
>It makes sense guys!! The power scaling isn't shit in Mha!! Prime All Might wasn't even that far ahead of the heroes anyways!!

The desperation to salvage anything good in this series :mjlol . I almost couldn't believe the retardation I saw reading that:skully.
wat happened

TrueG 37

wat happened
Nothing new. Since Bakugou and Mirko are able to hurt Ashyraki supposedly because he's feeling fear or something despite being Prime All Might lvl supposedly. People are saying that it makes sense because Prime All Might wasn't that much stronger than the other heroes. We'll all ignore that crippled All Might was still on a way higher lvl than them and still has some of the more ridiculous feats in the series but hey :mjlol . It makes sense when you don't think about it :kobeha.


V.I.P. Member
Jesus fuck, I planned on watching the clusterfuck... but now I don't even want to.
Who the fuck has time to watch that amount of bullshit?
The last time basically had us just done after the first few matches.
The only match I'm interested in is Hobbs vs. Starks. And I want to see if MJF returns.

The rest of the card, aside from Danielson vs. Jericho, has been a total botch job, especially the main event. No interest in watching it, especially when it's 15 matches. I can watch the other parts later.

This trios shit sucks. Wardlow is in another throwaway match. The Bucks ducked FTR. The tag title match is forgettable. The Christian vs. Jungle Boy feud was ruined when Luchasaurus inexplicably took the former's side again. The women's division is a joke and boring Toni Storm will win. The main event is a legitimate dumpster fire.

Seriously, who can possibly say this is good?


Username Only
This mother fucker Tony Khan stuck ANOTHER match on the All Out card. 15 matches in a night! AAA mixed tag titles with Sammy and Tay. Woah. Can't miss that!

Who has time to watch 5-6 hours of wrestling in a day?


Who else needed in?
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