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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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What if TAT had flipped town.
Is RDK still scummy to not wanna lynch there?

So what? If TAT flipped town, how does it look bad for me? You don't make sense, mate. I'm the second wagon, one vote away from someone changing from TAT or Xadlin to be the day lynch. If I wanted to save myself or save either of them, I would have changed my vote on them regardless of how I view them. And that would look bad on me. I voted someone whom I thought was a better candidate than Magic, and RDK looked especially bad with that EoD post chain.


The Nexus
So what? If TAT flipped town, how does it look bad for me? You don't make sense, mate. I'm the second wagon, one vote away from someone changing from TAT or Xadlin to be the day lynch. If I wanted to save myself or save either of them, I would have changed my vote on them regardless of how I view them. And that would look bad on me. I voted someone whom I thought was a better candidate than Magic, and RDK looked especially bad with that EoD post chain.

What's so hard to understand?
You refused to vote with the majority of town to get a proper lynch?
You literally just were ok with seeing a no lynch.


I already told you this yesterday.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem?
Again, so what? We are talking about today's lynch candidate based on yesterday's wagon. You are trying to stir shit by mixing up two days and somehow pointing finger at me for voting RDK, when I said I voted RDK because he was acting scummy.


What's so hard to understand?
You refused to vote with the majority of town to get a proper lynch?
You literally just were ok with seeing a no lynch.
Not really. TAT was leading 6 to 4 until Tweet changed his vote. It is not my responsibility to ensure that there is a lynch. You could have also changed your vote to Xadlin to ensure the lynch. Why didn't you do that, then?


The Nexus
I voted RDK because he was acting scummy.

Ok and what was scummy about what he did pre the flip?
Was it sus?
Was it sus enough to CFD him before TAT?
Probably why your cfd atttempt failed to even gain one vote.
If you are saying he is sus for not trying to lynch tat then we first need to see TAT flip.



The Nexus
Not really. TAT was leading 6 to 4 until Tweet changed his vote. It is not my responsibility to ensure that there is a lynch. You could have also changed your vote to Xadlin to ensure the lynch. Why didn't you do that, then?

I wanted to lynch TAT.
Then aurelian voted TAT.
I was actively asking for TAT voters even asked you to vote there.
Flower too but she said she was on Tat already.



Ok and what was scummy about what he did pre the flip?
Was it sus?
Was it sus enough to CFD him before TAT?
Probably why your cfd atttempt failed to even gain one vote.
If you are saying he is sus for not trying to lynch tat then we first need to see TAT flip.

No, I voted him because he was acting scummy. That is it. Your failure to comprehend that is not my problem. Again, the fact that you missed on my wagon developing in less than an hour is not flying on me. You said nothing about it. If my vote was a CFD attempt, I would have asked people to vote. I would have asked you to vote when you were clearly against it. Did you have TMI on TAT being red? Did you? If not, then you have no case against my vote being on RDK.


The Nexus
No, I voted him because he was acting scummy. That is it. Your failure to comprehend that is not my problem. Again, the fact that you missed on my wagon developing in less than an hour is not flying on me. You said nothing about it. If my vote was a CFD attempt, I would have asked people to vote. I would have asked you to vote when you were clearly against it. Did you have TMI on TAT being red? Did you? If not, then you have no case against my vote being on RDK.

You keep saying RDK was "acting scummy" for vote switching.
But just like I said.
He would get cleared if TAT flipped town.
You are the one who seems to have the TMI here.
Because you are already pre flipping TAT.
I wanted to flip him to see if RDK was actually scummy for that or just bad.
Now the problem is.
Are you terribad or trying to mislynch RDK.
Imma go with terribad for now since I independently scum read him already.


You keep saying RDK was "acting scummy" for vote switching.
But just like I said.
He would get cleared if TAT flipped town.
You are the one who seems to have the TMI here.
Because you are already pre flipping TAT.
I wanted to flip him to see if RDK was actually scummy for that or just bad.
Now the problem is.
Are you terribad or trying to mislynch RDK.
Imma go with terribad for now since I independently scum read him already.
Again, you have reading comprehension issues and just trying to stir shit out of nothing. The vote on RDK was for him acting scummy. The whole thing. Your insistence on my vote being on him solely due to his vote on TAT is just you trying to reframe the events based on TAT's flip.

*If TAT flipped town* also works for me. Why wouldn't I vote TAT and make it 7 to 4, if I'm scum? I could even frame you because you are the one who broke the neck-to-neck with your vote on TAT.

You have shit takes and continue to look bad.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
actually wouldnt even matter if u alone scum read me, its not like this thing is just solely dependent on u
u require multiple ppl to go along with ur ability so common sense says to choose someone being heavily sussed
No. That‘s exactly not who I should choose. Best targets are null reads, slight scum leans or generally players who have a lower chance of getting lynched, but can be wagoned. Let me do my thing, yes? I know best who to target.


The Nexus
Again, you have reading comprehension issues and just trying to stir shit out of nothing. The vote on RDK was for him acting scummy. The whole thing. Your insistence on my vote being on him solely due to his vote on TAT is just you trying to reframe the events based on TAT's flip.

*If TAT flipped town* also works for me. Why wouldn't I vote TAT and make it 7 to 4, if I'm scum? I could even frame you because you are the one who broke the neck-to-neck with your vote on TAT.

You have shit takes and continue to look bad.

What is so scummy about switching votes?
You did the same thing.
You do realize that?
Does he deserve to get lynched for it?
He does now cuz the guy he switched from flipped scum.
A cfd on him for just switching tho?


What is so scummy about switching votes?
You did the same thing.
You do realize that?
Does he deserve to get lynched for it?
He does now cuz the guy he switched from flipped scum.
A cfd on him for just switching tho?
CFD is all you. I never called for CFD. He had single vote.

Of course he deserves to get lynched for that type of scummy play. What did TAT do in comparison to that? Why did you vote TAT? You never said anything about it, and just wagoned.

Vote lynch TAT
Never played with a scum TAT before
I just woke up and behind like 15 pages.
Just sheeping magic rn lowkey

You look just bad, mate. That vote and the posts after that stinks.


The Nexus
You are lowkey making my RDK vote/wagon look kinda amateur hr.

Britney Spears Reaction GIF by Top Talent

Vote lynch Tweet
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