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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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Mashiro Blue

@Mashiro Blue

Flower actions for N1 N2 N3 N3 and N4

and hard claim. Go.


Anime takes priority. I want to be to finish it tomorrow.

I'll see the actions sometime tomorrow


The Nexus
Kobe could be lying about crush if he's scum no?

Even so.
We cannot afford 2 night kills.
Purple never gonna shoot at tweet and tweet never gonna shoot at other scummy players.
They are in town killing mode.
Probably why both rekt magic.


Right. Town who can tank kills (not even Natsu) and has a duel mechanism which she never got to prove before dipping out.

All her D1, D2, D3, D4 posts are opportunistic. She never hunted for scum.
[Vote Lynch Hime]
Ok what ability did u used to find this.

change vote lynch Hime

I don't know how much I can claim since flavour claim is not allowed so I'll just say that I'm immune to harmful from Psychic from one ability in the role
The fairy glitter wasn't one of my ability, it was an item that was given to me to use as a kill.


Hime, Tpein, OLU, Sworder,

No. He died at night before the fix. That means he was shot at. He didn't die of a heart attack

its not hard proof tho
ekko couldve meant to put ratchet as leaving the game instead of dying
risky to treat it as concrete imo

Okay well none of your actions have made sense to me either. You're not just s rank either? From what I've seen everyone's primary role gets stronger as they rank up so surely yours did by now too.

N1 you used your role on a scummy player trying to find a role blocker. Why, couldn't tell you but you thought you could find one team like this(as if you thought he was scum then at best its only the opposing team and in this case that's red)

On night 2 you checked for protection on psychic. No idea why anyone would protect psychic. Again if it's for scum you'd only be able to find a single scum team from her being protected.

On night 3 you checked for faction kills on ratchet. This makes sense but you could have looked this entire time for faction kills as it allows you to catch both teams and the sk.

None of it makes sense to me even outside of the fact that ratchet was likely shot at explaining the 2 total kills for the night.

my reads from yesterday
Hime scum watcher?
if so tpein could be teammate if he just took them
He did not vote for Xadlin on day 2
He believes the watcher claim without questioning it in his reads.
He is voting with Hime today on Tweet.

Think Tweet is a mislynch right now tbh.

I'd like to solve



Mashiro Blue


Ok what ability did u used to find this.

change vote lynch Hime

The fairy glitter wasn't one of my ability, it was an item that was given to me to use as a kill.


When you process actions as a host or make abilities that make someone immune to someone else it emcompasses items.

Items are abilites/actions and are processed like abilities.

They don't exist in a vacuum.
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