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Game Ranked The Traitors Mafia

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oh yea speaking of this, someone else said the people the traitors try and recruit has an option to say yes or no to the recruitment? is that true?
if so, it feels kinda unfair lmao, i feel like every faithful should say no to that if they have any ounce of loyalty
might be dumb but I kinda like this post


In other words - we should still establish a norm of casting our real votes in thread coinciding with our private votes, but cut out the noise of fake pressure or signifiers or whatever.


I was more talking about how you trodded out your reasoning - it looked like you took an observation of "hey here's a slam dunk" and then rolled with it rather than organic suspicion. The element of the vote being real or not really doesn't matter.

To be fair though if that post is the sole thing I found suspicious from you I probably wouldn't bat an eye. Found your calm entrance more jarring.
Wat? What about my post to Ekko looks like I’m saying it’s a slam dunk?
Obviously it’s not a slam dunk… it was based on 1 post..



What I'm saying is that we shouldn't "pretend" to vote. Just discuss as normal and then have real votes when it is time. That isn't an adoration for premature votes.
Lol no you said you expected me to put my vote on nattie. Which is pretty fuckin ridiculous if you’re aware they get locked


Who is your top town read Richard.

I liked tweets entrance and shep's the most. Not in terms of play. Just that I think they're likely town.

Okay I sleep now. I'll see yall in like 7 hours.
What did you like about Shep’s entrance? I was going the other way actually as I’d expect him to at least comment on something player based but he only commented about recruit stuff exclusively lol. It’s a pretty easy focus


Wat? What about my post to Ekko looks like I’m saying it’s a slam dunk?
Obviously it’s not a slam dunk… it was based on 1 post..

I should take a step back and lay out my expectations of your play - every game I've played with you I expect you to ask sharp questions and then gauge reactions to those questions to form your reads. That's your bread and butter. I didn't see that from your first 10 or so posts. Would you say I'm totally off mark or that your entrance was just a warmup?


Lol no you said you expected me to put my vote on nattie. Which is pretty fuckin ridiculous if you’re aware they get locked

I've already clarified this wasn't at all my point.

Textbook example of why we shouldn't bother with the "fake vote" shit by the way, if we're tripping up over this now it's going to be a shitheap when it's crunch time kek


I should take a step back and lay out my expectations of your play - every game I've played with you I expect you to ask sharp questions and then gauge reactions to those questions to form your reads. That's your bread and butter. I didn't see that from your first 10 or so posts. Would you say I'm totally off mark or that your entrance was just a warmup?
It would depend on when I enter the thread. If there’s stuff for me to sink my teeth into then I can. As it was here I was the first post and only person around was Ekko and we were fluffing. This is why I think you’re being a bit of a try hard and I can’t tell if it’s genuine or not. There’s no way you can have expectations of “sharp questions” when there’s literally just 2 of us in the thread, that’s ridiculous


I asked because you hold a great deal of respect for his town game so it should be harder for you to acknowledge that he's made a "dumb point" and that not tipping the needle in any direction.
Basically my take was he just said whatever in order to see how other people took it and responded. It’s pretty much the kind of thing I’d expect from him either way




I have a Surprise for you,​

Everybody loves surprises dont they?
I am adding a new element to the game.
Quite frankly...
Because I can.
A little thing I like to call.......


The shield will save you from todays banishment and.... Tonights Murder.
You can each cast a vote
At the end of the day whoever has the most votes will obtain the shield.
At the end of the night the player with the shield may choose who they want to hold the shield the next night. ( repeats )
From this point The shield will only protect the person holding it from getting murdered..
All votes are going to be private and will be submitted via PM.
The traitors will not be allowed to stack their votes on their mates.
If the shield falls into the hands of the Traitors they will have to follow a procedure.
After n1 no discussion of the shield will be allowed.


are these votes also locked once we submit them?


While fake votes might be good for projecting pressure I can easily see confusion down the line when it's crunch time and we're trying to make a distinction between what's an actual vote and what isn't. In fact for the sake of accurate record keeping we might want to do the exact opposite and only bold a vote when it's time.

in this situation when in the day do you think it should be time to start seriously voting?
  • You smart
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