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Game Ranked The Traitors Mafia

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
@Ultra has replaced @TAT

@Psychic has replaced @One Last Username

Both never confirmed in on the game,
Do not discuss subs.
@Psychic !!!


@Ekkologix @Ultra @Magic
Top 3 shield candidates please.
anything else?

What was this supposed to prove
This almost feels intentionally coordinated but maybe that's just me being paranoid
did u also put into account that this was page 1 and none else was here in the thread? there was nothing to prove it was only us talking. do u have different thoughts now after 8 pages of content?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Vote: Ekko

Every interaction of his has felt forced and lacking conviction.
the only place i can give u conviction from in page 1 when its just poyser posting with me is going to have to be exactly my behind


It would depend on when I enter the thread. If there’s stuff for me to sink my teeth into then I can. As it was here I was the first post and only person around was Ekko and we were fluffing.

Roundaboutly that's what I was getting at, I'm not sure if you expect this to be a compelling defense. At the very least, if by your own admission you were bullshitting I'm not sure why I lose points in your book for calling you out for it.

This is why I think you’re being a bit of a try hard and I can’t tell if it’s genuine or not. There’s no way you can have expectations of “sharp questions” when there’s literally just 2 of us in the thread, that’s ridiculous.

If you're asking this question then surely you have some reason to think I should be approaching you differently. I'm all ears.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Interesting response

Useless fluff, then aimlessly wanting votes on Magic which locks them in, allowing him to politic shit around once it's achieved. Making excuses for hidden votes impacting thread quality when people have already made their intentions public.
its not really useless though. have u considered that magic in some shape or form would have to respond to that? plus i can see some lazy townies voting him but they wud have to justify it later if he flips town. i also didnt tag anyone and all players r welcomed to ask me why vote magic / interact with the post. considering this was in a dead thread in page 3 thats about as useful a post can get.

who made their intention public? there was only 4 players who posts by then iirc and none of them made intentions public as far as i see. where is this coming from?

lastly do u have a read on magic to prompt this hatred toward my post? i presume town read? if so, how?

Keeps saying he wants to lynch magic but now a subtle shade on poyser. from this i don't think he actually does want to see magic being lynched, rather, it's just needless pandering to appear busy
do u want to try address the reasons why i sus them

> for magic - him calling poyser's post scummy and "trying to get good guy points" yet not voting or pressuring further
> for poyser - him ignoring magic's shade toward him kinda lame. i do sus magic more but also cant just neglect poysers lack of response here


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
again shades on the hidden votes and subtle shade around poyser & magic once more
no its not shade, lethal. i directly scum read them (more so magic than poyser). you have yet to address the reason for the scum read itself. please do when u see it.

No follow up to this, just a needless interaction where he doesn't seem interested in the answer
i went to sleep before he replied. when u expect me to follow lol???

Paddling up to Ultra for potential CFD just seems a way of being out of his range.

He's doing a whole load of bullshit without actually doing anything.
out of what range? town/scum?

i disagree. what r u gna do about it?


Divine Departure
ty T-Pein

Nat did you not want to ask Poyser the same question you did to me

anyway dumb town reads are good and we should do more of them. Scum are more likely to be self conscious of that stuff and come across more logical. Like this is probably the best post Poyser has made, the rest of them are kinda bland

also after reading back over Ekko I'd say he's unlikely to be scum together w Magic. That's kinda it tho

I should stop clogging up the thread for the time being
There’s a difference between liking a post and saying it’s a good post.

I can somewhat understand “liking” a post, but I don’t see why you’d think it’s good cause I don’t see it.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Before I answer this question, I'd like to ask you if this is a question you think deserves an answer and why
i have something to say to this too but idk if thats what u have in mind as well so will wait later


what exactly did you expect me to comment on?
It’s not that there was anything sticking out to comment on, more I’d expect you to try and get involved in the game and interact a bit rather than just discussing the recruit which you’re not really gonna het anything out of, reads wise

Since you’ve started posting more, what exactly was it about natalija’s post that you liked?


Lol what a roll.

We vote via pm?! Damn that's wild.
This seems kinda FAKE. Like the 4th person to comment on the voting lmao

The voting by PM was also in the signup thread, so whilst I can buy a few people missing it etc this just seems like a forced attempt to get into the thread


Not liking hime's recent interactions. "Acting lost" in the early pages could be nothing else, than an "act".
But she likes you and Ultra, that is where I see myself too.

The momentuum for us will come through you guys.

I am still PoEing the Goth Boy.
Huh? What do you mean your POEing goth boy kek?
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