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OBD Convo #33: It's MY Time

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Threshold of Armageddon
well well well
welcome nigga



Love you too babe :pepesip


Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

Should have given Cal credit for the savage shit he's willing to do to kill opponents and having a Waifu that actually gets shit done.

It's also kind of funny now that I think about it given they start as a Sith and Jedi respectively, that Galen got more chill as the games went even being willing to spare Vader in TFU II, while Cal gets more brutal in Survivor. :maybe


V.I.P. Member
@Masterblack06 Bro, that Sky Striker is old news. And of course Sky Striker will get more support. Not even Dark Magician or Blue eyes can claim to have an entire manga series revolving around their lore like Sky Striker Raye got.

Last card in Volcanics. Better than the last card we got for Boxers. I feel like we needed another good card that treated itself as Tri-Blaze Accelerator, one that blew up or negated spells/traps. But this works too. If nothing else, we can use it to summon Volcanic Rocket who in turn fetches a Blaze Accelerator card

And with that, all that remains is the final card for Salamangreats. It is a main deck card monster based on the numbering so I’m hopeful it will be amazing. All Salads really need is just one more good monster in the main deck.

EDIT: Oh wait, that is a new Sky Striker. Oh well, it’s still makes sense given there’s a whole ongoing manga
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