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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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The X


Hmmm, in the pokemon game we did have similar reads.....though I think our gameplay is vastly different

Ok I voted Kurumi to add pressure and I do not like her reaction to it one bit. She votes me to save herself, seemingly doesn't care who she's voting or why, only mafia or indie plays for self preservation. Then she gets called out on me and starts flip flopping votes everywhere. I think Ekko is on to something here and I'm going to keep my vote on Kurumi. Also like to note that Ratchet came in almost immediately to defend kurumi so if kurumi flips mafia, then ratchet is probably her scumbuddy.

No. I think Melkor is super scummy as town and therefore a hard read, especially for me.

What are my meta tells?

I'm not coasting, I have a life. Also about to get off to said life.

Well so much for the Supreme Alliance if this is what you guys come up with.

Why? So far you've just been sheeping votes, not looking good for you. Might have to move you to the scum pile.
You're first two posts here just say hmmmm and don't really give us any insight or hint at what you're thinking.

Third post you call out Joygirl and accuse her of self preservation after she voted you; basically you're sussing her because she OMGUS you. You saying you don't like her reaction is already a point made in thread. It also feels like you may be trying to link Ratchet her off pre flipping Kurumi as wolf.

Fourth post is to me. You say Melkor is hard to read but you also this game said people saying Melkor is scummy are scummy. Regardless of what you said or meant, I felt like that comment was you trying to get some sort of read or shade off people reading Melkor wolf despite you saying you yourself couldn't read Melkor. I found it hard to follow your thought process there.

Fifth post is pointless self meta talk.

Sixth post is you defending your activity. This is one of the reasons I decided to follow a vote on you. Wolf Psychic definitely likes to lurk and had enough time to like and react posts, so I don't give you any benefit of the doubt for not being around. Your desire to defend your activity is also something wolf Psychic does. This is similar to how you played in Dresden Files.

Seventh post is kind if useless comment on TSA.

Eighth post is to me. One reason I already explained. Another reason is I haven't really followed any of your thinking or catchup and to me it feels more mailed in than authentic.

The X

Here's a recent scum game of hers: https://www.fanverse.org/threads/dresden-files-mafia-game-thread-starts-on-june-15th.1293714/

ISO that, and ISO what she's posted so far. Very similar, even down to some of the activity excuses she's providing.

I'll be frank - anyone familiar with her play who isn't voting her right now better have a good explanation.

Community GIF


You're first two posts here just say hmmmm and don't really give us any insight or hint at what you're thinking.

Third post you call out Joygirl and accuse her of self preservation after she voted you; basically you're sussing her because she OMGUS you. You saying you don't like her reaction is already a point made in thread. It also feels like you may be trying to link Ratchet her off pre flipping Kurumi as wolf.

Fourth post is to me. You say Melkor is hard to read but you also this game said people saying Melkor is scummy are scummy. Regardless of what you said or meant, I felt like that comment was you trying to get some sort of read or shade off people reading Melkor wolf despite you saying you yourself couldn't read Melkor. I found it hard to follow your thought process there.

Fifth post is pointless self meta talk.

Sixth post is you defending your activity. This is one of the reasons I decided to follow a vote on you. Wolf Psychic definitely likes to lurk and had enough time to like and react posts, so I don't give you any benefit of the doubt for not being around. Your desire to defend your activity is also something wolf Psychic does. This is similar to how you played in Dresden Files.

Seventh post is kind if useless comment on TSA.

Eighth post is to me. One reason I already explained. Another reason is I haven't really followed any of your thinking or catchup and to me it feels more mailed in than authentic.

Me and X cooking on Day 1? Bout time.


The X

Deathly afraid? It's saturday night, I have a life. Actually about to go out.
It's day 1 and 26 pages so far
only slight sus on Kurumi, Whicker and ratchet. Also BLD.
Townread on Fuji, CP, Flower, you
Null on Ekko, Vinegar, Tweet
I always rate posts regardless of alignment
that's about it
I'm out
Oh and I forgot to say she OMGUS'd me very quickly. She accused and sussed Kurumi for the same reason. Seems like unfair standards and comparisons. I don't think Psychic is dealing in good faith.

The X

Actually would just love a Psychic wolf flip because that means me, Ultra, and Ratchet really can team up this game.


The Best Dog
part of these pushes on Psychic feels like - there might be a wolf pushing another wolf on day 1. very much reminds me of me vs. Magic. I think I could be convinced to vote if a wagon builds more steam
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