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Game Unranked Bloodborne Mafia

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why wud she do that if the sk can *theoritcally* kill mafia. its risky for mafia to want them alive
unless u think balsamic is faking sk and is just mafia

how likely do you think is the outed SK is going to kill the people voicing to keep her alive?

1) you never keep the SK alive early on when it removes a nightly kill giving town more day phases to work with and less chance town get at night 2) vinegar hardly has the track record of removing scum either(no offense vinegar) so it isn't exactly something we need 3) ultra is the vig and is a good player.


I mean ultra made the same points as I did for why her behaviour looked scummy and her claim could easily Be a scum claim yet he argued heavily as to why it could just he another town vig and why aurelian would put it in. That isn't about reads, it's about thinking the host just put in 2 vigs and being that confident could mean he just knows she isn't scum.
I mean this is disingenuous - I agreed the behaviour was scummy day 1 LMAO. Like, Christ, you're aware of this. I made no real attempt to defend her on the basis of her actual play. I was explaining that I didn't think the counter was a smoking gun, you're misrepresenting my position to fit into an agenda (that I have TMI) which is why you use language to manipulate ("defend heavily" and "that confident")


Lonely at the top
Stop simping for little clank

I mean ultra made the same points as I did for why her behaviour looked scummy and her claim could easily Be a scum claim yet he argued heavily as to why it could just he another town vig and why aurelian would put it in. That isn't about reads, it's about thinking the host just put in 2 vigs and being that confident could mean he just knows she isn't scum.
I felt the same way when I saw both claims, one is a weaker version of the other. Imo knowing Aurelian he would do something like that. I agreed with that premise.


I mean this is disingenuous - I agreed the behaviour was scummy day 1 LMAO. Like, Christ, you're aware of this. I made no real attempt to defend her on the basis of her actual play. I was explaining that I didn't think the counter was a smoking gun, you're misrepresenting my position to fit into an agenda (that I have TMI) which is why you use language to manipulate ("defend heavily" and "that confident")

never said anything about her play and said it wasn't about reads but the setup spec.

didnt say you tried defening her on her play, i said the opposite. i said you made it about there being more than one vig. i understand you were making the counter out to be a smoking gun but my issue with that is that even if she wasn't the sk the chances of her being scum just claiming vig to get the vig to claim were high as that's exactly what she did in ultra's game and he pointed out to you. it's weird you'd sooner think there could be more than one vig when one is odd/even night and the other is x-shot than just assume she's doing the fishing for claims thing again.



I felt the same way when I saw both claims, one is a weaker version of the other. Imo knowing Aurelian he would do something like that. I agreed with that premise.
yes fuji but did you play ultra's game where she claimed doctor for no reason at the end of day 1 when asked not to and then got counter claimed day 2 and lynched? there's added context to it.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
How do you know Bachi isn't mafia?
i dont, but i don't think he is, and i said "if these turn out non-mafia"

and i don't think u wud be bussing rej because there was a cubey wagon and u moved from it to rej when u cud have just continued dunking on cubey if hes town

if rej, bachi, balsamic are non-mafia it looks rly bad on u, even worst if cubey is non-mafia as well. all i have to do is find magic as town there and u'd be scum just by the accuracy of ur pushes. call it paranoia, call it distrustfulness. i dont have the time nor enough proof to sit down and logically case you, but these players, if non-mafia, shud see it from their PoV that u r mislynching them one after the other and do something about it. both rej and bachi want you gone but may not be the types of players to be capable of pushing it through and are just getting overwhelmed, basically like tweet in JJK


i think bachi is also obviously still town. the roleblocker claim was shit and i do think they just lack fakes.
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