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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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we had a vig, a backup vig and and apparently a BD in this setup. you are insane

I have never seen a town bomb on here in a ranked game, it would be a first, because blowing up automatically when faction killed is quite powerful and also an exchange that isn't quite fair play to scum


I have never seen a town bomb on here in a ranked game, it would be a first, because blowing up automatically when faction killed is quite powerful and also an exchange that isn't quite fair play to scum
You also never heard of the feedback I got. Seriously I tell you the truth and it just flies through your fuzzy, earwax covered flaps.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
I don't think that scum killed Craig because they assumed he was a PR, they killed him because he would get in the way of any future mislynches and would be a threat to thread control

Janitoring a role night 1 is a trap, it makes us scramble and try to pick apart the pieces


You also never heard of the feedback I got. Seriously I tell you the truth and it just flies through your fuzzy, earwax covered flaps.

I guess, that's possibly reconcilable as friendly neighbor with some sprinkles on top

Town Bomb throws game balance into question, unless scum have a dismantler or some way to counter it

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
If you actually suspected this why not let it play out

You're doing the same shit home did, where you say I was gonna do xyz and then scum read me for it

You sure you wanna do this RDK?

Town Ultra also had to meet an 11 player Majority and was getting his balls twisted by Magic and basically every player that town read Hime so this is gay

I also think the comparison to the other time O hardbussed with Hime is lazy, because it's specifically mission why it was so effective - I didnt actually chicken out of it. I tripled down and relied on the game's general apathy that she wouldn't get lynched right away, and that when she would I would be given credit.

The modus operandi you have me with here requires I lack self awareness about how ducking off Hime will look.

Discussing my willingness to go elsewhere was after it was basically confirmed Frinckles was going to be the vote today, you're really mailing it in

For what it's worth both of these players are your stated scum reads, and you've limp docked around them way more than I have, so is it cool if I lynch you?

Ah, well obviously you don't want his claim because you just unvoted him!

Go ahead and lynch me if you're so confident, I claimed here for damage mitigation purposes since we're -1 from X and RDK is being greasier than a hooker's snatch.

I risked my position and arguably claimed too early because you guys clearly need the help/info

And even when it's in the table you deny it. L

Are you pushing for her lynch? Probably a bus.



Hi hi

So I've given the game a brief skim, tried to follow along where I could. I currently have Fang, Hime, Flower, Watson as strong town.

Ultra I actually had as scum with RDK from Day 1, but the Cop claim shores up the main reservations I had about him and when I gave it more thought today I felt like I couldn't really fit Ultra as scum beyond people he would obviously be aligned to.

I'm not sure where that leaves RDK. I don't feel like he kills Magic/CP night 1 as scum, and from what I could tell he was otherwise in a decent position thread wise. I suppose town, but I haven't really had a chance to parse his latest push on Ultra. I'll go town for now but do not take this as a vouch please.

I think there is a good chance Nibel is scum. His positions seem to match the thread temperature today, from the cc it looks like he might have 2 votes but I don't think that's clearing.

I have Polar as slight scum. His push of Fang strikes me as very obtuse - he is not ignorant of Fang, and frankly making Fang look scummy is a layup, and it looks to me like he's manufacturing his read there around what he can argue rather than actually solving it.

I feel like this might be useful too, but Xadlin did not kill Magic. That action did not come from this slot.

@Ultra I don't really expect you to agree with me on Hime, but I'd like you to recontexualise your Polar read - what makes him town here for you? I'm seeing a lot of the same phoned in baloney from his recent scum games


I did see that the duel got hammered and I think I'm good with that - I had Frinkles in the "I have no real read on this slot" and I believe Orca is going to be town regardless of Ultra's alignment (it's far easier to just clear a slot there than risk linking a partner to you post death). So Irca winning that is good.

Probably need to look back over who was pushing for Frink to live but I have both Fang and Hime who did so as town :/


Hi hi

So I've given the game a brief skim, tried to follow along where I could. I currently have Fang, Hime, Flower, Watson as strong town.

Ultra I actually had as scum with RDK from Day 1, but the Cop claim shores up the main reservations I had about him and when I gave it more thought today I felt like I couldn't really fit Ultra as scum beyond people he would obviously be aligned to.

I'm not sure where that leaves RDK. I don't feel like he kills Magic/CP night 1 as scum, and from what I could tell he was otherwise in a decent position thread wise. I suppose town, but I haven't really had a chance to parse his latest push on Ultra. I'll go town for now but do not take this as a vouch please.

I think there is a good chance Nibel is scum. His positions seem to match the thread temperature today, from the cc it looks like he might have 2 votes but I don't think that's clearing.

I have Polar as slight scum. His push of Fang strikes me as very obtuse - he is not ignorant of Fang, and frankly making Fang look scummy is a layup, and it looks to me like he's manufacturing his read there around what he can argue rather than actually solving it.

I feel like this might be useful too, but Xadlin did not kill Magic. That action did not come from this slot.

@Ultra I don't really expect you to agree with me on Hime, but I'd like you to recontexualise your Polar read - what makes him town here for you? I'm seeing a lot of the same phoned in baloney from his recent scum games

Magic vocalized a read on Polar early Day 1 that I felt was quite on point - Polar seemed genuinely unshackled by having rolled scum like 8 or so times in a way that felt genuine. Aside from that there's a lot of common ground positionally. Fairly confident in Frinckles scum and think he wouldn't bus this hard. Moved him down to lighter side of town as these aren't cast iron reasons.


Threshold of Armageddon
I don't think that scum killed Craig because they assumed he was a PR, they killed him because he would get in the way of any future mislynches and would be a threat to thread control

Janitoring a role night 1 is a trap, it makes us scramble and try to pick apart the pieces

Trin with the good takes

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Well shit, Frinckles

You're going to remain LHF if what you're saying is true - it also means you have a chance to deflect a lynch

Issue is, if you were concerned about being a vig target, you should have upped your game to avoid drawing an insane amount of suspicion toward yourself to ensure a kill from the vig wouldn't be likely

Now we can't
1) properly clear your slot
2) Mafia is not going to touch you which further complicates being able to get the results that are needed, which works in their favor - you've essentially given an avenue for them to make sure you don't get lynched period to avoid be in NF revealed or suspected
3) You're now officially a wild card, as this claim can't be easily proven until post death
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