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Game Ranked Hades Mafia - Game Thread


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Gonna sleep now, busy tomorrow. Will try to catch up as much as I can, sorry y'all.


fwiw i think alco is still being misrepresented. he plays on a limited time so he selectively comments because he only has the time selectively comment. i dont think he's doing it in really a self serving way, just sharing his thoughts when he has them type deal. i dont lean one way or another on his play, but i think people are making out to be more scummy than it is.


Let me put it this way, if Ratchet's scum and you're town you've basically handed him any and all reason to vote you straight to him by playing like dogshit, so if you're trying to imply hes sus for pushing you not gonna bother

I'm content calling him and Poyser TOWN for now. Not 100% set in stone but I'll get around to players who could be dogging us later
is your town read of poyser because you scum read me?


Long ass multi-quote time I'm sorry y'all 😭


Has Xad done anything to look town tbh? He said he wouldn't coast. He coasted all day if I'm not mistaken

Can you elaborate on this? At least what it was about?

This is true, I'll admit. Gonna say I was tryna pretend like I was reading the thread while I was too busy to actually do it. Still a lot of missing info. But hey, I'm here and feel free to ask me anything about D2 and up to say page 35 of D1 😭

Can you explain the green text and what it stands for?

Alco, it's not the only thing you should be called out for tbh.

You first open with saying Retro was too defensive (I disagree), came in and said you vibed with magic, that you didn't like the lolDupla wagon, and then went back to Retro saying you didn't like that she didn't have any town reads or something to that extent while she was clearly inactive. You come off like you're tryna look helpful but you might as well be mist. Visible but just no substance.

Down to get the Panda again tbh.

Uhhh, why would you refuse to full claim and then say you're so obvious at the same time?

Cubey isn't in this game

Explain? I don't think the claim thing is a good enough reason to push, especially since he's being obvious af with it.

Down to get him too.

I am confusion. What even are you trying to tell Magic.

You have nothing to read tho?

Isn't that the most plausible scenario?

Ayy, das muh boi

I mean, she's not exactly being stupid there tbh. You got another explanation?

I don't like this post. Not the content, but the timing ig. I feel like you've generally been doing nothing too productive last day phase and now go for the most obvious fruit in Alco to seem like you're hunting.

I hope this ain't the start of a push comrade, cause it'd be a stupid fucking staging ground to do that. I can't speak for Ekko's actions on this particular occasion but he's not really ignored me all that much.

How? If anything, this was before Ekko could be sure of his lynch so it feels staged.

You can trust me boobies. Your trust would be a gift, a boon even. Please?

You're asking me to speak for Ekko at this point. Well, mostly. I might not have followed up by asking him again but I've also mentioned the different play a few times. It's not a staged fight if that's what you're getting at.
My issue was that if you were pushing him with genuine intent then you'd have probably followed up when he ignored your question


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
My issue was that if you were pushing him with genuine intent then you'd have probably followed up when he ignored your question
And my issue with this post is that I don't think I have to interact with him to push him. When someone doesn't answer my question, and it being when I was kinda juggling shit irl, I'm not gonna wait and ask them to respond again. I'll just say what I think here and support the direction


can everyone give their top 3 suspects pls so we can formulate a proper direction rather than individual leave shit streaks on the wall and admire them.

nibel-as explaind

gad-think id prefer getting a proper claim from him and even in his most recent multiquote i feel like there really isn't many reads being made by him and it just fits the bill as his scum play.

retro(i dont mind her being lynched, but want to use the day for other shit and we'll see if she comes back with anything better than she has which has been mostly surface level "oh look, shiny" shit.

i still dont really get scum vibes from orca. like he seems to believe in the shit he's saying to the full extent and doesn't really care how he's coming across or playing with any sort of agenda.


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Sorry Maple Buddy, but I can't be the first to notice something in a thread full of more active posters. And I disagree that my last posts were just commentary, there's better people you can go after for that. Want something specific, ask something specific.


No I don't care about the vote or what it says about him. Basically just null there

For Ratchet referring to the 50 hours of weak handed thoughts, avoiding the Ekko line until hammer, making pushes but not backing it up, piling on to already flushed out thoughts from other people

Poyser came out hot then dropped dramatically as the day went on. Ended up with 10 or 15 posts to end of the day all trying to push the vote to Watson I think before voting Ekko near the end as well

Also if you think my play is dog shit, I'm assuming its just your code for good work keep it up

Ok ok

Do you have any scum leads on players who I'm not required to assume hard bussed


Not even a bit. I see him as town, trying to make genuine reads but unable to actually pick out the details needed to make fresh takes.
then the second question was who are your top 3 scum reads and where you want to push. dont go to bed without voting, let's get going


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
then the second question was who are your top 3 scum reads and where you want to push. dont go to bed without voting, let's get going
RDK, you, and Orca

T-Pein and Polar can go next on that list.

I'm still waiting on RDK to see if Melkor was just scummy for no reason but yeah.