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Game Ranked Hades Mafia - Game Thread


Yes silly man I have work, I don't have infinite time to dedicate to watching the thread progress like I have the past few days

As for why the census matters, because I think there's at least 3 out of 4 scum on the wagon (regardless of my own reads) on a statistical level
Or maybe not, other alternative would be an even split or something

Let me put it this way
I don't trust someone like T-pein on the wagon, onsidering he's a fan of CFDs, do you?
This was you with time? But you half assed literally everything.
End of Day 3


Hades Mafia - End of Day 3

Final Vote Count

Alco 1 - Luka
Ratchet 2 - Orca, Polar
Magic 1 - Nibel
Polar 8 - Tweet, Ratchet, Magic, Tpein, Poyser, RDK, Watson, Ultra

No amount of persistence could overcome this task ...

Positivity Post Restriction


Congratulations, you are Sisyphus, Olympus Aligned! An old king who is the only mortal to ever deceive Thanatos not once, but twice, you are now serving an eternal punishment at the hand of the Erinyes. Condemned to push your companion 'Bouldy' (an inanimate boulder that you have taken on as your friend and confidant) uphill, only to be returned to the start would break a lesser man, but you have resolved to use your time to ponder the tyrannical, selfish life you led, and become a wiser man in death.

In this game, you have the following roles:

- Positivity PR (You must maintain an over the top positive disposition in ALL posts you make. Repeated violations will attract the ire of the Furies ... you would be well advised not to do this.)

You win when all threats to Olympus are defeated.

It is now Night 3. You have a maximum of 16 hours.
Night 3


Hades Mafia - Night 3

No amount of wisdom could have prevented this ...

Athena, Goddess of Wisdom
2x Non-consecutive Cop


Congratulations, you are Athena, Olympus Aligned! The daughter of Zeus, you are on the surface, a patient, intelligent and clear minded goddess, who is sincere in her wishes to aid Zagreus and end this ridiculous conflict, however deep down, you see him as a tool in a grand strategic game. You are notoriously at odds with the goddess of love, Aphrodite, as your values are akin to water and oil.

In this game, you have the following roles:

- 2x Non-consecutive Cop (You may target a player at night and learn their alignment. You may not use this role during consecutive night phases)

You win when all threats to Olympus have been defeated.

The Champion had finally been defeated ...

Theseus, Champion of Elysium
Rolecop, Favoured of the Gods, Loyalty


Congratulations, you are Theseus, Champion of Elysium, Underworld Aligned! In life, you were a true hero, vanquishing the minotaur in the Labyrinth, and the fact that even Hades regards you highly is telling … Unfortunately, you have descended into an arrogant, insufferable wretch of a man. Endlessly bragging of your exploits and prowess, you consider yourself unbeatable in single combat, let alone when partnered with your great rival turned brother-in-arms, Asterius.

Despite all of this, what isn’t in doubt is that you were once of a noble spirit, inviting Asterius to join you in paradise for your stories were intertwined, and the Olympians still look upon you with favour, such is there fickle nature …

In this game, you have the following roles:

- Rolecop (You may target a player at night, and learn their identity and role. If you target Persephone, and Hades still lives, your alignment will be presented with a choice. This aspect of your role will be redacted on death.
- Favoured of the Gods (If you target an Olympian who isn’t already favouring another, you will be empowered with a buff according to the Olympian targeted. NOTE: This role is NOT safe to claim). You begin this game with the favour of Hermes, and you may may empower your Rolecop shot with 1x Hider modifier (you will be untargetable during a night phase this is used) – you may only ‘store’ the favour of one god at a time)
- Loyalty (If Asterius falls before you, you will be enraged and your role will be amended)

You win when you control the voting majority.


At the end of Day 1, Theseus gained 1x Strongman, and the ability to store multiple Olympian buffs.


All observational roles (That can discern if a player visited or was visited during a night phase) are disabled for the following cycle.

@Evans has replaced @Alco

It is now Day 4. With 11 players alive, 6 votes to lynch. You have 36 hours.


I’ll be reading the last day phase, but if someone wants to catch me up of the important plot points, that’d be wonderful.

Or tell me your case on a scum person for an ISO


He has claimed tracker, the only one who has claimed a role of that type. Of course if that ability is game mechanic or not from scum it opens that up a bit but it's a point in his favour.

As for RDK, since replacing in I think he has been rather timid, the slot before him was not great in terms of thread presence and offered very little insight when he was here, also RDK has failed to come up with decent scum reads, and offered no attempt to clear anyone from the scum flip day 1 (he admitted this, said it was a point of order for him, and then never did it).


He has claimed tracker, the only one who has claimed a role of that type. Of course if that ability is game mechanic or not from scum it opens that up a bit but it's a point in his favour.

As for RDK, since replacing in I think he has been rather timid, the slot before him was not great in terms of thread presence and offered very little insight when he was here, also RDK has failed to come up with decent scum reads, and offered no attempt to clear anyone from the scum flip day 1 (he admitted this, said it was a point of order for him, and then never did it).
Are you on drugs lol

I was asked to give scum reads and one of my main two just flipped scum and the other could still be scum.

How is that not coming up with decent scum reads


@Nibel | 花城 can you shoot retro pls and ty.

their protection roles would be down too. she's been alive too long. i understand you scum read me but im not scum and that slot can't just stick around forever.
I actually thought Magic wanted T-Pein Vigged but glad I checked, I don't think this is clearing for Watson.

Should do my due diligence first

@Nibel | 花城 Can you confirm you shot Magic please?


Are you on drugs lol

I was asked to give scum reads and one of my main two just flipped scum and the other could still be scum.

How is that not coming up with decent scum reads
I'm not talking about the accuracy, I'm talking about the reads themselves. I'm not seeing any high level consideration - feels to me like you're lazily throwing some names together. What did you do to push Magic?


- Favoured of the Gods (If you target an Olympian who isn’t already favouring another, you will be empowered with a buff according to the Olympian targeted. NOTE: This role is NOT safe to claim). You begin this game with the favour of Hermes, and you may may empower your Rolecop shot with 1x Hider modifier (you will be untargetable during a night phase this is used) – you may only ‘store’ the favour of one god at a time)
- Loyalty (If Asterius falls before you, you will be enraged and your role will be amended)

I don't know what any of this means lol