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Game Ranked Hades Mafia - Game Thread


So who else did the dirty bussing...

I feel like if Ratchet was co-scum with Magic surely a little more could be done to slide the Ekko lynch than what actually occured

T-Pein is playing like dog shit

Watson is playing like shit and off rip I suspect Magic may have been redirecting attention from her

I also am asking myself why is tweet not on this shortlist atm


I feel like if Ratchet was co-scum with Magic surely a little more could be done to slide the Ekko lynch than what actually occured

T-Pein is playing like dog shit

Watson is playing like shit and off rip I suspect Magic may have been redirecting attention from her

I also am asking myself why is tweet not on this shortlist atm
Do you think by engaging with Orca on this you're likely to get a good response from him or something? Same question to you RDK.


@RDK Who do you want to see lynched today?
Possibly Nibel but I do want to re-read Magics earlier 'push' on him to re-evaluate how far it actually went. I wouldnt mind lynching you either. I think dropping your Orca scum read and going for Ultras main scum read instead stinks


Are you on drugs lol

I was asked to give scum reads and one of my main two just flipped scum and the other could still be scum.

How is that not coming up with decent scum reads

Why are you acting like distancing isn’t a thing?

How involved in Magics wagon were you?


Possibly Nibel but I do want to re-read Magics earlier 'push' on him to re-evaluate how far it actually went. I wouldnt mind lynching you either. I think dropping your Orca scum read and going for Ultras main scum read instead stinks
Nibel based on what? You're aware of his claim, yes?


page 6

tweet town
nibel town
luka lean town, do have reservations i'll post them after
alco lean town
watson null/town, content says scum, tone says town. i checked out of the knee jerk reaction convo

ultra/magic/ratchet - null, wouldnt doubt 1 scum there. ultra's kinda weaksauce snipping at people, including dofla which was the only actual good thing he said, and he isn't even voting on him. ratchet basically just gave a summary and inaccurate reason for why a player is actually being sused. magic hasnt done shit

but thats not the reason why ultra is susing me or dofla, nor is at all why is dofla actually sus huh?

ultra is actually susing dofla for something totally different. this type of reason can come more via distancing/tmi. dofla is sus for giving a reason that came after his vote, not for whatever this is

I think in regards to Ekko's distancing Magic's flip gives me assurance that his spew is probably not all that complicated

For example he lists me/Ratchet/Magic here and really only provides explanation for the former two

By extension I think how he treated (Alco's slot) looks bad

Might also have to re-eval tweet a bit today


Also this is exactly what I mean. I ask who you want to lynch and you tell me "possibly this guy but I need to check this out first". You're giving yourself wiggle room and by this point I feel like you should have some strong inclination somewhere. We are two scum flips deep.


Why are you acting like distancing isn’t a thing?

How involved in Magics wagon were you?
I'm not? Awful post

I'm just saying my reads aren't shit if one of my two main scum reads just flipped scum

I don't care whether or not you think it's distancing and I've never claimed to think it's not a thing


I'm not? Awful post

I'm just saying my reads aren't shit if one of my two main scum reads just flipped scum

I don't care whether or not you think it's distancing and I've never claimed to think it's not a thing

Bro you just acted like having Magic as a scum read is a reason why you can’t be scum

Stfu lmao


Possibly Nibel but I do want to re-read Magics earlier 'push' on him to re-evaluate how far it actually went. I wouldnt mind lynching you either. I think dropping your Orca scum read and going for Ultras main scum read instead stinks

I think you already know the answer to this question frankly with how you've presented this

Magic didn't really go far with Nibel. I was kind of picking his case apart though so that factors in.


Bro you just acted like having Magic as a scum read is a reason why you can’t be scum

Stfu lmao
Never said that it's a reason I can't be scum

I said that claiming I haven't given decent scum reads is shit because a scum read I gave last phase just flipped scum

Again, I don't care how you view the actual extent to which I read him. If you want to lynch me go ahead

The Orca

I think in regards to Ekko's distancing Magic's flip gives me assurance that his spew is probably not all that complicated

For example he lists me/Ratchet/Magic here and really only provides explanation for the former two

By extension I think how he treated (Alco's slot) looks bad

Might also have to re-eval tweet a bit today
Just curious would he reverse his explanations in his descriptions, so in the null his partner he didn't explain, would in the town section he shade them some...so Luka and Watson?


Just curious would he reverse his explanations in his descriptions, so in the null his partner he didn't explain, would in the town section he shade them some...so Luka and Watson?

Could sooner see him throwing tweet/alco as mates into town pile for 0 reason.

Ekko's position on Luka wavered quite a bit but they were both pretty on each other. I can't rule it out as elaborate distancing but I think the dynamic between them would be maybe less chaotic than it was.

Also Luka had tried to exit the Ekko wagon at it's peak. I think that's weird behavior from a scum mate who named Ekko first. Generally in that seat once you see it's gone overboard and you were first there you stay the course a bit


Yes but xadlin was probably the vig, we are still looking for another indie which was probably the kill (probably orca)
Meh, you're assuming then that either Xadlin holstered or was blocked or the Indie did, for nights 1 and 2. It's a bit of a reach for me, especially when Nibel straight up implied he was going to shoot Magic at some point.