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Game Ranked OLF Christmas Mafia 2023 (Day 9)


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
why wouldnt he kill gram?

he would definitely avoid shooting you.
I don‘t think he has the guts to risk flipping him as a Town stump. I think he‘s just not doing shit because he has no role and prefers SRM games or at least having a role. Though I wouldn‘t let him get to F3 with Prof around. Prof is an extra vote for Fuji, so he‘d just win F3 as SK.
Day 7 Vote Count 1


Vote Count Day 7

Vote Ekko.

I cba anymore.​
Vote Tweet.

Vote Magic
Gotta say whoever killed Evans and Gad really helped the solve

Vote Ekko
As a matter of fact, why DID you never target Gad with your PR giver? If you seriously believe you might be on to something with your point there, why wouldn't you ever target Gad and try to figure out if I'm just lying to y'all about my meme PR? Why is it that you only bring it up after the winds start blowing my way and try to present a theory that you yourself could have confirmed into a gotcha? It's shrimply ridiculous.

vote lynch Sky
Vote Ekko.

BlockGate, Wise Men Gate w/e.​
Vote Flower
vote lynch rugrat

Magic (1): X
Ekko (2): Sky, Flower
Sky (1): Tweet
Flower (1): Orca
Rugrat (1): Ekko


I don‘t think he has the guts to risk flipping him as a Town stump. I think he‘s just not doing shit because he has no role and prefers SRM games or at least having a role. Though I wouldn‘t let him get to F3 with Prof around. Prof is an extra vote for Fuji, so he‘d just win F3 as SK.
I don't think he would particularly care/I don't think he rates Gramm like the rest of us do.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Maybe it‘s my guilt speaking for mislynching her twice, but I just think Sky is Town.


Oh ya, forgot one thing.

@Caldust why did you rush day 4? As in we had 50 hours and others were fine with waiting yet you made sure day ended as early as possible despite the fact it was just a longer night phase


Lonely at the top
I don‘t think he has the guts to risk flipping him as a Town stump. I think he‘s just not doing shit because he has no role and prefers SRM games or at least having a role. Though I wouldn‘t let him get to F3 with Prof around. Prof is an extra vote for Fuji, so he‘d just win F3 as SK.
Not true, I can be active and involved even though im vanilla, low power like in your Negima game. Its just that this game started while I was sick and you know I went to the hospital many times so I kinda lost track of the game and that with me not feeling well is leading me to low effort it. And its not like my help is needed you guys are doing fine lmao, prof will vote with town. And he if he doesnt I will.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I should also do some productive stuff before work, actually

What do you do btw
electrical engineering

its been alot of work few days ago as people want to rush things before xmas break. now its more chill but i dont rly celebrate it so im saving my holidays for later


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Not true, I can be active and involved even though im vanilla, low power like in your Negima game. Its just that this game started while I was sick and you know I went to the hospital many times so I kinda lost track of the game and that with me not feeling well is leading me to low effort it. And its not like my help is needed you guys are doing fine lmao, prof will vote with town. And he if he doesnt I will.
Yeah, I think that‘s just Town.

We lynching Kekko I think.


Oh ya, forgot one thing.

@Caldust why did you rush day 4? As in we had 50 hours and others were fine with waiting yet you made sure day ended as early as possible despite the fact it was just a longer night phase
Cos I was off work and wanted to jerk off all day and not bother with this online guessing stuff