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Game Ranked OLF Christmas Mafia 2023 (Day 9)


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
who did X sub for? i dont think he'd be sk either if ral's role confirms he's non mafia by going against santa


Not true, I can be active and involved even though im vanilla, low power like in your Negima game. Its just that this game started while I was sick and you know I went to the hospital many times so I kinda lost track of the game and that with me not feeling well is leading me to low effort it. And its not like my help is needed you guys are doing fine lmao, prof will vote with town. And he if he doesnt I will.
Prof didn't vote with town on day 5 despite Flower's pleading. You eventually relented of course and even said to vote tpein because she was distressed and you wanted to help.

The issue is by giving your vote to a survivor, not town but literally the survivor, you're demonstrating zero threat level to scum allowing you to coast by without ever getting shot at. Atleast that would be the play if you were sk. Additionally, as flower stated, in a f3 with prof due to the loyalty you've shown he would always side with you to win.

@Ekkologix why do you think upon Tpeins return, despite ral being a possibility, he went after flower again?


Lonely at the top
Hope you feel better. Any self meta reasons why I should eliminate you from being the sk?
If I was SK I would be more interested in seeing this game through.
Also would greatly appreciate you contributing this phase.
I dont think I can add much then what was added tbh, I can give out my reads if you want:

The Orca
Dr. Watson or SK
Lethal or SK


The X
Hans Tweetenberg
Magic or SK

Maybe something like this for a POE


If I was SK I would be more interested in seeing this game through.

I dont think I can add much then what was added tbh, I can give out my reads if you want:

The Orca
Dr. Watson or SK
Lethal or SK


The X
Hans Tweetenberg
Magic or SK

Maybe something like this for a POE
Why can't flower be the sk in your mind?

Or sky

Why Watson and lethal in particular?


Lonely at the top
Prof didn't vote with town on day 5 despite Flower's pleading. You eventually relented of course and even said to vote tpein because she was distressed and you wanted to help.
Dude you have to be trolling, Prof was just having fun he was going to put his vote back on T-Pein. I just made it happen faster.
The issue is by giving your vote to a survivor, not town but literally the survivor, you're demonstrating zero threat level to scum allowing you to coast by without ever getting shot at.
Yeah Im aware, tis the plan to make it to end game.
Atleast that would be the play if you were sk. Additionally, as flower stated, in a f3 with prof due to the loyalty you've shown he would always side with you to win.
Prof would always side with me anyways :catbuff


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Prof didn't vote with town on day 5 despite Flower's pleading. You eventually relented of course and even said to vote tpein because she was distressed and you wanted to help.

The issue is by giving your vote to a survivor, not town but literally the survivor, you're demonstrating zero threat level to scum allowing you to coast by without ever getting shot at. Atleast that would be the play if you were sk. Additionally, as flower stated, in a f3 with prof due to the loyalty you've shown he would always side with you to win.

@Ekkologix why do you think upon Tpeins return, despite ral being a possibility, he went after flower again?
game throwing. i don't see a strategic benefit to it given he can counter claim ral for free since ral was really lying about his claim

and if mafia wants to bus they can just bus tpein after ral flips non rudolph if they r committing to it, or try to find another direction off of ral's flip, potentially X or the serial. they'd be in more control from that point onward


I will say, a point in favour of Ekko, tpein claimed the third gift giver and also wasn't aware that ekko was the third character he was trying to suggest was a gift giver.

As in he was trying to spin his fake with the idea that all 3 characters are gift givers and the third one has yet to claim.


Lonely at the top
Why can't flower be the sk in your mind?
I feel like SK Flower wouldnt be doing whatever she can to be on scum's shitlist.
Sky can be mafia or SK hence in black.
Why Watson and lethal in particular?
Watson I feel like she became super engaged in these later phases, could be that with scum dying like flies she feels like she has to be more active in the thread so as not to be POEd. As for Lethal Its just a gut feel. Hes likely just town tbh.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
If I was SK I would be more interested in seeing this game through.

I dont think I can add much then what was added tbh, I can give out my reads if you want:

The Orca
Dr. Watson or SK
Lethal or SK


The X
Hans Tweetenberg
Magic or SK

Maybe something like this for a POE
why can't rugrat be the sk?


Can we unvote and not finish off ekko, please and thank you. I want to actually review the what dead scum said about him throughout the game.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
magic standing up to me looks good on him specially if we flip scum on the back of it too, gonna add him to town reads

think we shud really eliminate the extra kill in rugrat. it also gives info on the n3 and clears me if he flips sk and lying about being blocked


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Also my play was sus af most of the time. I don‘t blame you guys for thinking I could be SK.