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Game Ranked OLF Christmas Mafia 2023 (Day 9)


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
dr and fuji - game throwers
sky and lethal - trash tier tp haters
kekko - clown

nice wagon you got there.
and literally all have 0 actual in game reason to be voting there.

T-Pein (8):
Flower, OMGUS
Prof, sheeping flower
Fuji, sheeping flower
Lethal, spite
Caldust, scum?
Sky, spite/sheeping flower
Gad, sheeping flower
Ekko clown

literally no one voting me for any game related reasons

I am literally on the other side of this.
They voting me for no reason.
I mean at least you have the spite thing going for you


you just lynching me for no reason.

you have your vote on me rn.
Like I said over and over again.
You trying to lynch me = you are scum

Sky scum fr fr.
Ral and Evans town af.
Is there a reason Pein singled out Ekko as Clown here? Did he call him a clown for bussing his team mate kek.

He also called out Sky‘s and Lethal‘s votes as spite. Would he do that to his team.

I think everything points more towards Ekko being scum than Sky here tbh.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
ok so who am i left to work with here

@Hans Tweetenberg @Dr. Watson @The Orca @Lethal yall r all town. im done speculating ur slots tbh. if there is a wolf here im never lynching so its whatever


there r 2 scum here, and 1 completely lost in the sauce town

and rugrat wud be the serial

whoever we decide to axe we have to vote together but also convince the lost in the sauce townie or prof to vote with us othwrwise we wont be able to achieve majority on our own . its effectively lylo

we're at the stage where mafia and sk might kill each other so there r advantages to killing either mafia or the sk today. taking sk out puts game more in a predictable fashion killwise and more in our control mathematically speaking


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
What? You knew he was the Miller all the time before then and when Magic started pushing Lethal you suddenly forgot?
no u reminded me of it before i can find the post. i am town confirmed from blockedgate since rugrat is obviously lying about his kills and botched claiming them yesterday, something you yourself admitted. he obviously either succeeded on melkor or failed on tpein/magic/cps target so thought he got blocked and fake claimed, meaning im the real one blocked by mafia

vote lynch flower


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
from this list i forgot why i had lethal town, move him to scum side for the fake reaction he had yesterday

move flower/blain and rugrat to town side

i dont remember why i had ral strong town either, his read list on hindsight isnt as good as i initially thought

i dont have much on the other slots, my primary PoE wud be - lethal, magic, fuji, polar, x

lots of ppl in nulls need to claim, starting with the 5 above
Lethal is the Miller.

you reminded me here. nice try!


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
taking sk out puts game more in a predictable fashion killwise and more in our control mathematically speaking
SK hunting denied.

We can‘t afford that.

If we lynch the SK and mislynch next day game‘s effectively done.

It will be 5 Town tomorrow, mislynch 4, Night kill 3 and then we lose majority if Prof stays neutral.

If we leave the SK be 1) scums will eventually be forced to hit them and 2) they are eventually forced to hit scum. Thus giving us room to breathe.

SK hunting ain‘t happening, kiddo.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
no u reminded me of it before i can find the post. i am town confirmed from blockedgate since rugrat is obviously lying about his kills and botched claiming them yesterday, something you yourself admitted. he obviously either succeeded on melkor or failed on tpein/magic/cps target so thought he got blocked and fake claimed, meaning im the real one blocked by mafia

vote lynch flower
This is outing kek.

You and Magic, then.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
think yeeting rugrat is the best play here but flower is sooo obvious scum i dont want her to win


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
SK hunting denied.

We can‘t afford that.

If we lynch the SK and mislynch next day game‘s effectively done.

It will be 5 Town tomorrow, mislynch 4, Night kill 3 and then we lose majority if Prof stays neutral.

If we leave the SK be 1) scums will eventually be forced to hit them and 2) they are eventually forced to hit scum. Thus giving us room to breathe.

SK hunting ain‘t happening, kiddo.
why wud we mislynch if u r so sure u got the right team!


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
it's fine i wont argue with u for 10 hours like rugrat did. nothing u say will change my mind and i dont care to convince u i am town cuz i know u will never be convinced cuz ur scum lol

gonna go bk to sleep


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
also disingenous u accuse me of tmi regarding rugrat when u were the one to help me arrive at him being sk in the thread via blockedgate speculation. before that i was strongly pushing magic for sk and not considering rugrat at all due to how active and engaged he was for sk


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
also disingenous u accuse me of tmi regarding rugrat when u were the one to help me arrive at him being sk in the thread via blockedgate speculation. before that i was strongly pushing magic for sk and not considering rugrat at all due to how active and engaged he was for sk
Yeah, but you wouldn‘t assume he‘s SK if you‘re Town from this. You would assume he‘s scum and lying. 2 No Results don‘t happen the same night unless one of you is a liar. You‘d think he‘s scum and still have Magic as the SK. Unless you know your team blocked him that night and you yourself are the liar.

Gid gud.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
You‘re just scum, your team killed Melkor and you wondered where the third kill was. Then it dawned on you, oh yeah, we blocked the guy and there was no kill. The guy must be the SK, then, when I pointed it out.

You‘re busted.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Yeah, but you wouldn‘t assume he‘s SK if you‘re Town from this. You would assume he‘s scum and lying. 2 No Results don‘t happen the same night unless one of you is a liar. You‘d think he‘s scum and still have Magic as the SK. Unless you know your team blocked him that night and you yourself are the liar.

Gid gud.
no because scum wont lie about being blocked if they know they blocked someone else, specially a claimed invest role

also speculating that a kill failing lead him to think hes blocked means he is sk not scum. unless the blocker was town. scum doesnt fail a kill and think mafia blocked them and use it to fake claim

also i didnt think he and gram can be aligned from his case and from the gram kill making sense for him to do


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
no because scum wont lie about being blocked if they know they blocked someone else, specially a claimed invest role

also speculating that a kill failing lead him to think hes blocked means he is sk not scum. unless the blocker was town. scum doesnt fail a kill and think mafia blocked them and use it to fake claim

also i didnt think he and gram can be aligned from his case and from the gram kill making sense for him to do
You had no idea he was an invest role at the time.