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OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

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When has Bleach been made "irrelevant" by the new gens? If anything, I have consistently heard that MHA and BC and the like can't even get close to Bleach's sales, let alone Naruto's or One Piece's.
This also makes zero sense with Bleach's merchandise still doing well as well as it's other projects to the point the anime is greenlit and Kubo is still getting work in comparison to whatever the fuck is happening at Boruto...


When has Bleach been made "irrelevant" by the new gens? If anything, I have consistently heard that MHA and BC and the like can't even get close to Bleach's sales, let alone Naruto's or One Piece's.
This also makes zero sense with Bleach's merchandise still doing well as well as it's other projects to the point the anime is greenlit and Kubo is still getting work in comparison to whatever the fuck is happening at Boruto...
KnY and JJK sales seems to outdone Bleach though.
And KnY did outsell One Piece at some point

Granted it.doesn't mean that HST are irrelevant, it just that their popularity already considerably waned (except One Piece)


V.I.P. Member
Bleach sprung right back as soon as the Thousand Year Blood War Arc announced.

Not bad after a near decade drought of nothing besides some mobile crap in between

Buts it’s nowhere near the levels of JJK and MHA levels of popularity
KnY and JJK sales seems to outdone Bleach though.
And KnY did outsell One Piece at some point

Granted it.doesn't mean that HST are irrelevant, it just that their popularity already considerably waned (except One Piece)

Considering what KnY is, that's the exception to the rule and JJK only temporarily outsold Bleach's highest number so that's not exactly defeats my point either.
It's just something dudes love to use to continue to say that "Bleach is shit and "XYZ is far better" when at the end of the day, how remembered will JJK even BE due to how badly Gege is dropping the ball and KnY honestly feels like a genuine fad.


Considering what KnY is, that's the exception to the rule and JJK only temporarily outsold Bleach's highest number so that's not exactly defeats my point either.
It's just something dudes love to use to continue to say that "Bleach is shit and "XYZ is far better" when at the end of the day, how remembered will JJK even BE due to how badly Gege is dropping the ball and KnY honestly feels like a genuine fad.
Kny has a new movie this month, so it does have legit popularity even after these years

As well as new attraction based on it in Universal studios Japan (granted limited time only it seems)
Kny has a new movie this month, so it does have legit popularity even after these years

As well as new attraction based on it in Universal studios Japan (granted limited time only it seems)

That wasn't my point, my point is that how long will KnY legit stand the test of time when it ends? Or is it because it's made by UFOTable? You can say the manga is doing real well but we know that only happened because of the anime and UFOTable so it comes back to the same question:
Will it stand the test of time when it's over or will it not?


Will it stand the test of time when it's over or will it not?
Considering that Bleach doesn't even have their own attraction park (I know Naruto has one somewhere in Japan) after all these years, I'm sure it will hold better than Bleach or others like FT (who is same generation as Bleach) at the very least
Obviously One Piece is still more impactful overall
Considering that Bleach doesn't even have their own attraction park (I know Naruto has one somewhere in Japan) after all these years, I'm sure it will hold better than Bleach or others like FT (who is same generation as Bleach) at the very least
Obviously One Piece is still more impactful overall

JJK is only having a temporary one and by that logic, Bleach doesn't have that many video games compared to the others, does that make it a massive failure by that logic? Hell, let's do one better:

Where's the attraction park for Hokuto No Ken or Berserk? Yeah the latter is ridiculous but so is that rebuttal.


JJK is only having a temporary one and by that logic, Bleach doesn't have that many video games compared to the others, does that make it a massive failure by that logic? Hell, let's do one better:

Where's the attraction park for Hokuto No Ken or Berserk? Yeah the latter is ridiculous but so is that rebuttal.
You misunderstand me
I said that when compared to FT or Bleach, KnY will hold better than them. HnK or Berserk are more popular than Bleach to begin with so your question is moot.

Oh suprisingly like KnY' limited time attraction park, there'll be temporary museum art exhibition for celebrating 40th anniversary of HnK in Nagoya, Japan (Tokyo had one before in Oct, 2023)
You misunderstand me
I said that when compared to FT or Bleach, KnY will hold better than them. HnK or Berserk are more popular than Bleach to begin with so your question is moot.

Oh suprisingly like KnY' limited time attraction park, there'll be temporary museum art exhibition for celebrating 40th anniversary of HnK in Nagoya, Japan

Again, it seems you are using the Park itself as a reason why "KnY will surpass Bleach in memory" but you continually miss the damn point again and again...

Like yeah, you can point to all of the franchises Berserk has basically created and is referenced by others... but you legit can do the same for Bleach itself(Which hilariously and ironically, that's what JJK is). You can also point out that it took Nintendo decades to finally make a damn park about Mario and their own First Party Titles so does that mean JJK > Nintendo?

Or because it took 40 years for HnK to get even a "temporary museum art exhibition", that somehow doesn't make my point better? It feels like in trying to desperately dismiss my point, you keep smashing into the goalpost and continuously shift it rather than answer my question:

The Anime made KnY as popular as it did because it was made by UFOtable, will KnY remain as popular in the zeitgeist afterwards or will it not? This is not the first or last time we have seen shows, movies and TV shows be HUGE... only to fade away with time after the fact even with all of the same bells and whistles KnY is getting.

King of 🌽

In a world where supernatural forces and magical creatures exist, two different worlds have begun to collide.

In the Digital world, where Digimon live and thrive, the balance between skills and power has been maintained for generations. Meanwhile, in the world of Shin Megami Tensei, powerful spirits and demons prevail, with a confrontation between angels and demons.

When dimensional portals began to open between these two worlds, a confrontation between the Digimon and the spirits in the world of Shin Megami Tensei broke out. Digimon such as Agumon, Gabumon and Omnimon face off against angels and demons from the Shin Megami Tensei world such as Jack Frost, Cerberus and Lucifer.

The battle between the two worlds takes place not only on the surface, but also contains a hidden confrontation of knowledge, power and existence. Both sides must find ways to adapt to new skills and powers, while finding ways to maintain balance between the two worlds.
@Adamant soul quote from Al

TrueG 37


Silver chads

Be prepared :wow
I'll be prepared when they finally give the poor bastard some decent gameplay for the first time :mjlol. It's cool that Bentley is getting more work though.


The Anime made KnY as popular as it did because it was made by UFOtable, will KnY remain as popular in the zeitgeist afterwards or will it not? This is not the first or last time we have seen shows, movies and TV shows be HUGE... only to fade away with time after the fact even with all of the same bells and whistles KnY is getting.
And the answer yeah. Not to the level of Naruto or One Piece of course. But better than Bleach
Because why do you think UFOtable releases film adaptations if it won't attract customers (and a lot of them).

Bleach on the other hand got cancelled (and only recently renewed).
Oh and Bleach' anime rating is at 0.8% per household which is bad for an anime (granted it only for the episode on that date so either that episode is terribad or people's interest on Bleach wavering)

For comparison, KnY swordsmith village arc final episode.rating is 4.6% per individual, 7.6% per household
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And the answer yeah. Not to the level of Naruto or One Piece of course

...That's the barest of minimum of answers and it wasn't even a good one...

Because why do you think UFOtable releases film adaptations if it won't attract customers (and a lot of them).

And that is literally the exact opposite of what I stated. I said and this can be backed up that KnY's huge popularity surge happened when the anime came out and it was done by UFOTable, the manga was nowhere near as huge until that point.

Bleach on the other hand got cancelled (and only recently renewed).

Bleach's Anime literally got canceled because the team didn't want to do anymore filler episodes... Bleach's Manga never got axed despite what everyone and their mother loves saying. Kubo explicitly asked for the end of Bleach due to his growing illnesses and later found out his arm was going to be ripped out of it's socket if he continued.
None of those ever showed it got canceled for the reasons you think they have.

Oh and Bleach' anime rating is at 0.8% which is bad for an anime (granted it only for the episode on that date so either that episode is terribad or people's interest on Bleach wavering)

Are we really using a random ass website to basically make your point?! Last I checked on an actual anime website, the first TYBW Arc was the most well liked anime of that year and the 2nd arc was not that far behind...
You think basically go and fish for some of the most stupid shit when I could easily bring up that Bleach has had plenty of it's own Expos throughout the years, bring up that it's Light Novels have sold very well on both sides of the pond and Bleach Brave Souls is the longest of the Big 3 Mobile games(Where Naruto can't even keep one up if it's life depended on it and One Piece's longest one closed 2-3 years ago).
I can actually go through a simple search and point out how wrong all of your statements are but I feel you will just pull from the "convenient" sources so I'm just going to walk away and laugh at this point.


...That's the barest of minimum of answers and it wasn't even a good one...

And that is literally the exact opposite of what I stated. I said and this can be backed up that KnY's huge popularity surge happened when the anime came out and it was done by UFOTable, the manga was nowhere near as huge until that point.

Bleach's Anime literally got canceled because the team didn't want to do anymore filler episodes... Bleach's Manga never got axed despite what everyone and their mother loves saying. Kubo explicitly asked for the end of Bleach due to his growing illnesses and later found out his arm was going to be ripped out of it's socket if he continued.
None of those ever showed it got canceled for the reasons you think they have.

Are we really using a random ass website to basically make your point?! Last I checked on an actual anime website, the first TYBW Arc was the most well liked anime of that year and the 2nd arc was not that far behind...
You think basically go and fish for some of the most stupid shit when I could easily bring up that Bleach has had plenty of it's own Expos throughout the years, bring up that it's Light Novels have sold very well on both sides of the pond and Bleach Brave Souls is the longest of the Big 3 Mobile games(Where Naruto can't even keep one up if it's life depended on it and One Piece's longest one closed 2-3 years ago).
I can actually go through a simple search and point out how wrong all of your statements are but I feel you will just pull from the "convenient" sources so I'm just going to walk away and laugh at this point.
One Piece Treasure Cruise still going well (not to FGO or Dokkan level ofc). So,I don't know what you are talking about

Fine, let's just end this. It's not like both has god tier story to.begin with.

I'm surpised that you seems love Bleach, seeing you dismayed at SB attempts to wank it
This is gonna be my last point on this ridiculous topic:

If Bleach was done anywhere near as badly as you say it did... why the hell would it get a animated final arc done at all? Why the hell would they allow a virtual sequel to the series be not only done in manga form but also with it's own OVA specials in Burn The Witch? Why would they even allow a true Bleach sequel in The New Breathes With You Arc?

I have seen series that have been canceled and buried harder than Bleach ever has... like Samur- I mean Axed 8, Toriko and especially Build King. So tell me, why the hell does Bleach still exist in any fashion then? And don't tell me it's the "Dragonball effect" because Dragonball has never stopped being successful once.
One Piece Treasure Cruise still going well (not to FGO or Dokkan level ofc). So,I don't know what you are talking about

I mean doesn't that make my point then?

I'm surpised that you seems love Bleach, seeing you dismayed at SB attempts to wank it

Then you really don't know me at all...
I have consistently stated the Universal Truth about myself: I'm a bigger Bleach fan than I am a Nasuverse fan and I don't understand how I got the moniker of being a "Fate wanker" or any of that kind of shit just because I seemingly only talk about the Nasuverse at points(No one has ever seen me at the height of Bleach here).

And I'm "dismayed" at the wank because it's as retarded as any other type of wank, why would I favor Bleach's when I don't even favor when people do it for the Nasuverse? That's why I point out how dumb this argument has been because it's been ridiculous and to see people going through this "Bleach has always been terrible and nobody got into it or they fell off at Aizen" or they ignore that taking away an Anime while the Manga is outgoing is a fucking death sentence for most series(Because at the end of the day, the Anime is the advertisement to the Manga, that's why the One Piece anime ALWAYS stays on and why Dragonball Super's Manga has been hitting rock bottom and Boruto's even moreso than before).
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