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OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

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V.I.P. Member
I'll be prepared when they finally give the poor bastard some decent gameplay for the first time :mjlol. It's cool that Bentley is getting more work though.
Sonic Rivals game him the same style as everyone else

I think :mjlol

Jesus H. Christ, Pirates are not Communist fighting against Capitalism or Rebels with a Cause.
The niggas was literally the Thieves of the High Seas, that's it(And that's not even counting those that WAS connected to their governments or other capitalist monarchies as it wants to go on).

EDIT: Hell, what makes this worse is that Pirates actually DID have a Capitalist-tier system to sell off their stolen goods and get product that they don't need to steal. This isn't just revisionism, this is just basically being retarded.


This is gonna be my last point on this ridiculous topic:

If Bleach was done anywhere near as badly as you say it did... why the hell would it get a animated final arc done at all? Why the hell would they allow a virtual sequel to the series be not only done in manga form but also with it's own OVA specials in Burn The Witch? Why would they even allow a true Bleach sequel in The New Breathes With You Arc?

I have seen series that have been canceled and buried harder than Bleach ever has... like Samur- I mean Axed 8, Toriko and especially Build King. So tell me, why the hell does Bleach still exist in any fashion then? And don't tell me it's the "Dragonball effect" because Dragonball has never stopped being successful once.
I am not saying it's bad.

I'm just saying that in long term KnY will hold better than Bleach. If KnY is just a fad then why the hell second movie (released last year, years after it ended) have around 11 billion yen in box office. Doesn't make sense if it's just a fad especially since KnY movie only film adaptation of the anime (not original story like OP movies)

Bleach will still have it's popularity just not as much as KnY
I mean doesn't that make my point then?
As if BBS can match those two either

This is basically aizen:
  1. Aizen's planning skills are so legendary, even his 'let's see what happens' moments come with a backup plan
  2. Aizen's motto: Why plan when you can just wing it?'
  3. Aizen's version of spontaneity: Oops, accidentally became a god of the universe again.

Alright, gonna say something somewhat controversial for Bleach fans but less controversial to dudes like @Adamant soul :

Sosuke Aizen has never been some genius planner with "plans among plans" or any of that shit and it is pretty obvious that Tite Kubo never made him that way either. Like people can point to what happened in the Soul Society and I'm like "He had dudes under Kyoka Suigetsu for a hundred years, that doesn't take much planning outside of making sure there is a dupe for him or his cohorts while they do business". Even his "grand plan" is simply understanding the basic thing someone will do(like Urahara using Rukia to get rid of the Hyogoku) or knowing how to piss people off(Which again, he was with the Soul Society for well over 100 years).

It's extremely apparent when the dude isn't doing basic ass plans, he's literally winging it like he's Gojo.

Everything that happened with White, Isshin and Masaki was not part of the plan at all(Yet he claimed as much to ichigo just to knock him off kilter).
When he finally fused with the Hyogoku, he literally just spouts nonsense and is only "correct" not because he's right but what happens just fits his worldview at that point(Which is what shatters him when he realizes Ichigo is just stronger than him) and he literally can't fathom why Urahara is okay with the Soul King's existence. And that's not getting into the Novels or the Anime basically showing Aizen had no prayer against the Zero Squad either...

Like it's not to say that Aizen isn't smart because he is... but the nigga ain't Bat-God, he just has a cheat code in he was with people for 100 years and can understand how to push their buttons... till he comes to the person he can't do that to and got his ass beat(Ichigo).
I am not saying it's bad.

I'm just saying that in long term KnY will hold better than Bleach. If KnY is just a fad then why the hell second movie (released last year, years after it ended) have around 11 billion yen in box office. Doesn't make sense if it's just a fad especially since KnY movie only film adaptation of the anime (not original story like OP movies)

Bleach will still have it's popularity just not as much as KnY

I'm not even sure why you are still arguing with me at this point, especially when you are basically said you was done with this shit lol.
Jesus H. Christ, Pirates are not Communist fighting against Capitalism or Rebels with a Cause.
The niggas was literally the Thieves of the High Seas, that's it(And that's not even counting those that WAS connected to their governments or other capitalist monarchies as it wants to go on).

EDIT: Hell, what makes this worse is that Pirates actually DID have a Capitalist-tier system to sell off their stolen goods and get product that they don't need to steal. This isn't just revisionism, this is just basically being retarded.
i love how they’re so on the nose how they believe stealing other people’s shit is virtous by commie standards.



Jesus H. Christ, Pirates are not Communist fighting against Capitalism or Rebels with a Cause.
The niggas was literally the Thieves of the High Seas, that's it(And that's not even counting those that WAS connected to their governments or other capitalist monarchies as it wants to go on).

EDIT: Hell, what makes this worse is that Pirates actually DID have a Capitalist-tier system to sell off their stolen goods and get product that they don't need to steal. This isn't just revisionism, this is just basically being retarded.
So, what's the point? I don't get it

The pic seems imply that pirate kills another pirate then blaming Capitalism for it. Nothing suggests that Pirates are noble Communist or something like that

And the opening movie seems to imply that Pirates are just opportunistic fuck that takes advantage on rise of capitalism on that era


V.I.P. Member
So, what's the point? I don't get it

The pic seems imply that pirate kills another pirate then blaming Capitalism for it. Nothing suggests that Pirates are noble Communist or something like that

And the opening movie seems to imply that Pirates are just opportunistic fuck that takes advantage on rise of capitalism on that era
The "point", which you are clearly trying to be dense about because you seem to being an very eager mood to get into an argument over anything at the moment, is that the game clearly implies that the "dawn of capitalism" is what led to Pirates coming about as if they did not exist long before the Free Market itself even existed. We all know how lefty Ubisoft is as we saw when they whined about how their song "keep your rifle by your side" for the game Far Cry 5 was being sung by actual gun owners who thought it sounded cool anyway so spare me the attempts to act like a devil's advocate because I get enough retarded comments on twatter using these very same words to defend live service slop like this.


The "point", which you are clearly trying to be dense about because you seem to being an very eager mood to get into an argument over anything at the moment, is that the game clearly implies that the "dawn of capitalism" is what led to Pirates coming about as if they did not exist long before the Free Market itself even existed. We all know how lefty Ubisoft is as we saw when they whined about how their song "keep your rifle by your side" for the game Far Cry 5 was being sung by actual gun owners who thought it sounded cool anyway so spare me the attempts to act like a devil's advocate because I get enough retarded comments on twatter using these very same words to defend live service slop like this.
Well sorry for being dense then since I really don't get the meme pic

And I really don't know about Ubisoft standing
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