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OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

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Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

Ichigo, Stark and Himmel BELOW Eren? :heston

Oh these polls are always comedy gold.
Nah, Blackbeard > Doflamingo >Naruto villains

His Zehahaha is more iconic than the rest of Naruto (as well as Bleach) villains

In terms of coolness, Doflamingo>Blackbeard
I think Doflamingo has been consistently more popular than Blackbeard but its all gonna change when he actually pulls up to Luffy.

Dude hasn’t been built up since Drum Island for no reason. The smallest tidbits we get of him are already pretty tough.


Man of Atom
So i sat down for an hour and just wrote and I came up with this
In the vast expanse of the cosmos, beyond the reaches of time and space, resides an eldritch entity whose existence predates the stars themselves. Ageless and timeless, she is a being of incomprehensible magnitude and presence, dwelling outside the confines of creation, in a realm unfathomable to the human mind. Known to those who have glimpsed her presence only through whispers of madness, she embodies the very essence of the unknowable, a deity untouched by the sands of time, emotionless and solitary in her eternal watch.

Her form, if one dares to ascribe such a term to her, is beyond the scope of human comprehension, a vastness that eclipses galaxies, her essence intertwined with the fabric of the universe yet distinct from it. Her eyes, if they can be called eyes, are voids that peer into the endless abyss of madness, gateways to a realm where reality unravels and the mind succumbs to the unfathomable.

Silent and stoic, she observes creation from her solitary vantage, untouched and uninterested in the affairs of lesser beings. Yet, she sometimes reaches out, her whispers crossing the void between worlds, a voice that carries the weight of aeons, inducing instant insanity in those who hear her. To a chosen few, she reveals herself as an enormous figure in the sky, a vision so overwhelming that it drives them to the brink of madness. For others, she gazes into their very souls, an encounter that leaves their minds shattered under the weight of her otherworldly presence.

Her interactions with humanity are sporadic, her motives inscrutable. To perceive her is to confront the limits of human understanding, to face the existential dread of something so vast and ancient that existence itself seems fleeting in comparison.

And yet, amidst the countless eons of her existence, there comes an anomaly—a human who, upon encountering her, does not succumb to madness. This unprecedented event stirs something within her, a curiosity, perhaps, or a semblance of interest, as her form begins to slowly approach creation. For the first time in her timeless existence, she longs to understand, to connect with this singular entity that defies the madness-inducing nature of her being.

This human, immune to the insanity that accompanies her presence, becomes a focal point of her attention, a puzzle that compels her to draw nearer to the realm of creation she has always observed from afar. As she moves, the fabric of reality trembles, the universe itself holding its breath at the unfolding interaction between the timeless entity and the human who stands resilient in the face of the unfathomable.

Her approach marks the beginning of an unprecedented chapter in the cosmic dance, a moment where the unfathomable reaches out to the comprehensible, driven by a curiosity born from the encounter with the one who did not fall into madness. In this moment, the eldritch entity, ageless and timeless, finds herself on the cusp of something resembling emotion, a stirring within the void of her existence, as she longs to meet the human who has challenged the very nature of her being.

Man....I dont know where I can go with this, i dont think i will write something even as close to as good ever again


“Infinite-nothing which all creation emerges”

Makes no sense. Especially with established DC lore

They cant be talking about DC comics Spectre we know who he is and is important

My nigga is Gods Wrath given form. The fuck is this nonsense
Spectre is as strong as he needs to be because he’s directly tied to how strong God needs him to be.

So that’s why he can’t say if he’s stronger or weaker because he knows damn well if he says he’s weaker the Spectre can just kill his OC in a later story.
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